[Only three, ’cause that’s all I got time for.]
[Although I’m including a giveaway to make it worth your while.]
We’re on our way to see the ice caves today!
So much for that face of mine coming unthawed…
As we head into Lent next, I’m discerning my use of time online. Specifically, how–and should–I be blogging?
Because certainly there are a lot of blogs.
Can I ask your opinion in this area? What is one thing that you come here to read? Your answers will help me focus my writing and make the very best use of my time. Motherhood, homeschooling, health & wellness, humor…what do you specifically come here to read?
Thank you, friend. In exchange for your helpful input, I will be choosing one comment at random to win something fun! (Win what I don’t know, but it should be good.)
(It should be good…but will it be?)
Last but not not not at all least…
Will you please say a prayer for my dear mother, Rita? Thank you most of all for that. ♥
Ice Caves?? Really?? Ha, ha. You northern mid-westerners are certainly sturdy stock!
Love reading about all the adventures of your family – all the silly things that your children do. Makes me miss having a young one at home – well, sometimes. Having an empty nest is okay too.
Prayers for your mother. Hope all is well.
I come for the humor…stay for the reality…come back for the cute kid pics…if you want to give me stuff that's cool too! (my semi colon is broken so insert winky face here)
I read to keep up with the crazy antics of some sweet friends, just to see what's going on in your life. Ice caves? Yeah… do I need to say "crazy" again?
I check here often because I love your humor. It's refreshing. Keep writing, lady! I get excited when I see a new post from you
I check here because even though we've never met, you feel like a friend, and we're sharing stories while we sip the caffeinated beverages of our choice. Okay, you share stories and I listen, because quite frankly I haven't updated my own blog in way too long. And prayers for your mother. And keep warm.
I come here because I like to keep up with my (internet) friends. 🙂 You inspire me with your honesty about yourself, your homeschooling chat, and your family life.
Praying for your intentions!
Ack. I commented and then it disappeared. Pretty sure it was a user error. 🙂
If you need anything, call or text me. We're here all day. Pumpkin muffins, hot chocolate, a squishy baby. 🙂
I hope it warms up a bit and that the wind isn't blowing over the lake, it's cooooold today!
I would hate to see you stop blogging, but I totally and completely understand needing to really discern online time. It can be such a life-zapper. For me personally, when my online time is limited (and I mean very, very limited) my life is more peaceful. Should be a no-brainer, really.
I started reading your blog because you were in the North (I was at the time in Texas), I could completely relate to you, thought you were funny, honest, warm, and your take on life was great. I've continued reading for much the same reasons. Plus, now that I know you, I know that you are awesome, as is your family, and I like knowing what's going on with ya'll.
I read your blog because of the tone. You are self-reflective without being preachy, and wise without being smug. Even during hard times, you radiate hope. All while being real and funny. If you do decide to take Lent off, I'll wait! 🙂
Margaret, I come to you for inspiration. After a lifetime of mothering and teaching I am wheelchair bound and some days think too much of what I'm not able to do instead of focusing on all my blessings. I think if Margaret with all her kids and husband and busy life can do it – then so can I. Thanks for helping me to re-direct on my selfish days!
Margaret, I am a new reader, finding you through Sarah's blog not long ago. I think it was the "Four" post – loved that!!! I have one of those cuties, too! I love your insights and humor. I, too, am a Catholic, homeschooling, mother of five students here, who also endured four miscarriages. So, I felt compelled to read those posts. Thank you for sharing. I sure hope you keep blogging, but completely understand if you will be unable to do so. I missed your posts over the last week, and was glad to find you back! God bless!
I read your blog for all of it. You make me laugh (and boy, do I need to laugh) but you also make me think. (I need that also!) I also love your posts on marriage. You keep it honest and to be honest have convicted me at times. So keep on doing what your doing. It's all good!!
God Bless,
I especially love your posts on homeschooling, mothering, and marriage. I appreciate how you blog about these things honestly and with all their challenges! Many blogs share the warm and fuzzy things about life in a family; I love your reality.
I just love coming to check in what's going on in your family life, it encourages me to go out and do something with mine!
I have read your blog for 5 or 6 years now. I have enjoyed how honest you are in all your posts. You are real, and I need that for encouragement. Many times I want to email you for advice, but since you don't know me, I refrain :). I was really moved by your post on relations with your husband and encouraging us to do the same. It was great for our marriage, too.
God Bless you!
Hi I found your blog Googling something for homeschooling and I just keep coming back for the humor and sweet stories about your lovely family. I especially love when you share about your parents. My parents are older and my dad just passed away. I love that generation and their deep devotion to the Catholic faith. They raised a beautiful daughter. I am 56 now and about to graduate my last homeschooler. I always suggest your blog to mothers in my homeschooling group who are older moms 🙂 raising children from toddlers to teens. They love your humor and complete trust in the will of God. You are very honest and an inspiration. My two bits:). Thanks and God bless.
I like your sense of humor and your outlook on life:) Prayers for your mom, God bless. Sandra
I love to read your blog because it reminds me of what my house was like years ago. I only had four chickadees, but the activity and love within made the whole house tick. It reminds me of days past and reminds me to remember the goodness.
Prayers for your mom!
Homeschooling and humor and motherhood and felicity. 🙂
Hi Margaret,
I read your blog for your sense of humor, your honesty, motherhood and your faith walk.
I'll pray for your mom, Rita.
I come to your blog…because even in the lowest of moments I feel lifted.
The every day joys and trials of motherhood…along with the beauty of a Catholic family living a rich life here in Minnesota! And Dr Mary delivered my baby last year too!
Praying for Rita! I just love the pics of your kiddos…so dern cute! I am also in your position….just no time to blog!
I love to read all that you write, but I know that's an unhelpful statement. So I choose motherhood. Although I hesitate to ask any woman to expose her family in public … But you do so with discretion and grace, so I think it's okay. I also love your sense of humour, but I think you'd bring that to anything you wrote about.
I like that you challenge me to learn new words…not that I retain them or anything.
You know I love you, I've been reading so long, what's not to like?
I love the family stuff, the homeschooling stuff, the baby stuff, the whatever is going on in your life stuff. I love the faith stuff.
Praying for your mama.
And YOU and your whole family, ICE CAVES? Are you crazy? Those look pretty but also very dangerous. Get lots of pretty pics kay?
I found your blog years ago when I was searching for a First Communion novena. I've stayed ever since. We have much in common…catholic homeschooling moms who live in MN. Reading your blog is a little break for me, and I am grateful you post!
I come here to read all of the topics you've listed, and I would add marriage and mental/emotional health to that list. I never comment, but I never comment on any of the blogs I read (I know, I know..). I like your openness, and honesty, and realness. You share the good and the bad, success and struggles. So, I like the blog just as it is. However, that all aside, while I don't blog, I think the only reason I would ever consider it is if I truly enjoyed it, just for myself, regardless if anyone else ever read a word. If it fed a need of mine, like a creative outlet, then that would be reason enough. And I think those who blog because they just enjoy it, or it is a release, are the ones I enjoy reading the most, not the bloggers who are trying to cater to their audience.
Hi Margaret, can I say all of the above! Really, I was drawn in (hmm 4 yrs ago?) by your humour but really stay because it is my chance to sit down and have a cup of coffee and catch up on what is happening in my friends life – humor, advice and all. I can safely say that you make me a better mom and wife and for that I am very appreciative. That being said – if you need a change, don't stay just for us – do what you need to do. It is rather like when a good friend has to move out of town. A friend would NEVER tell them to stay if the move is better for them. We would miss you like crazy but would still love ya. 🙂 Praying for your mom!
Not looking for anything special, just interested in how my friend is doing! I read about those caves a week or so ago! Have fun!
I'm from the Philippines where we (still) admire large families, but we live in Shanghai, China where the one-child policy is only now being relaxed. It is inspiring to see you with your kids and I love how you struggle valiantly to fulfill your roles as wife and mom. Please keep writing! It is all worthwhile! – #mominshanghai
in that order. 🙂
please don't stop blogging!
I come to visit with you! I enjoy everything you write.
All the above. But seriously….I just love that it is REAL! Some happy, some sad. Life. I don't have much time and don't get online as much as I used to. But, your blog shows the ups and downs of life with a splash of humor! I don't feel inferior (even when you throw those amazing birthday party pics in), and I don't find it depressing (even when you are down), because you have BOTH and it shows us that normal families have good times and bad.
Hi Maggie! We went to the Ice Caves on Feb 12. Craig took the day off work so he, my dad,our Crash and I went. FABULOUS. (I should brush off my blog and post that trip…) It'll be interesting to see the difference in the 2+ weeks between your photos and mine. Last weekend there were cars parked along the highway over 4 miles to see them. They estimated over 20,000 people were there! Crazy… We've been wanting to go for years but the lake hasn't been freeezing well enough to allow it.
Anyway… I like checking in to see what you've been up to. And you keep it all so real. Your family, your faith, homeschooling. I can relate to it all.
Prayers for your sweet mom. Blessings~
1. Jealous! I'd love to see the caves but they're too far for a day trip.
2. I come because you honestly open yourself to us when you write. I love how genuine you are. I always think that if we met we'd be friends.
3. May God keep your mama in his grace.
Honestly, I love everything that you write. You are one of very few blogs I check. I so appreciate your "real-ness" in all things – my husband especially appreciates your "reminders and encouragement" about the sacrament of marriage. 🙂 Being a 40-ish year old MN Mom of little people (ages 5,4, and 16 months) I sortof think we are friends, just seperated by 150 miles which makes those playdates with coffee and chocolate a problem. The blog bridges that imaginary gap. 🙂
I'm just a lurker on your blog, I check it regularly. I love everything you write! You're so real and so easy to relate to. Love esp. the family and the humor. You touch lives even if you don't realize it.
I really enjoy your blog. It is just different from the others I check on a regular basis (all great "Catholic Mom Blogs" too!). I like how you are so honest about your marriage (especially about job loss and your husband starting new business and importance of maintaining a good sex life) and your struggles with depression. That is why I check the site. Like others mentioned, I appreciate that you don't try to make everything look "perfect" and that you find so much joy in life!
I follow your blog because your real. You faith is amazing. I'm a new (went through RCIA in 2010) catholic and reading your blog shows me that it's ok not to be perfect that God created you to be you. There are so many blogs out there where the people who write them seem to be perfect and it can make the normal ordinary women feel less then stellar. This can be challenging to a women of faith and wear her down as we are not supposed to worry about what others think only what God thinks. So please continue to share your life with us. Some of us really need it. 🙂
I follow your blog because I need to read about another family that is perfectly imperfect, about a woman of faith who still struggles with sadness and a mom who loves all the craziness that the blessing of children brings. Peace
I have no time to read through everyone elses comments…so you get a quicky from me! 🙂
I come here as a reminder that there are other REAL moms out there. I have 5 kids, my oldest is 6, and I'm going crazy. But through it all, you remind (sometimes, like all of us, it's that by reminding others, you remind yourself!) that we must LOOK UP! See Christ in all people, even 14 month olds, all things, and all tasks. This winter has been particularly long for us Minnesotans, so I'm thankful that Lent is late this year! By the tough end of this fantastic season of sorrow and preparation, the ground will finally thaw!! Blessings to you and your family, and prayers for the sweet mama who raised you!
Simply, you make me smile and remind me I'm normal. You're perfectly imperfect, as we all are. Your light hearted humor and self-deprecating jabs (I do the same) all rolled around your strong faith… make for a wonderful break when I receive your emails with an update from your world. I always stop and read them. They refresh me, warm my heart and sometimes make me cry; but i enjoy them all the same. I'd miss your writing.. I'd miss you and I don't even know you ( although I have learned recently we have some friends in common). I'm a local gal myself. Thank you Margaret for sharing your world with us. :O)
I started following your blog because of the First Communion Novena. You encourage me as a homeschool mom and as a Catholic woman. Thank you.