{A Photo-Heavy Recap}
We had a lovely day yesterday.
How about you?
My favorite quote of the day was: “Momma! Your scarf’s on fire!” And wouldn’t you know? It was. Not surprisingly, this exclamatory remark was directly preceded by my saying, “Everything is more or less ready. If you need me, I’ll be out on the deck.”
With a beer and that aforementioned scarf.
Fortunately, my Leinenkugel’s came through unscathed.
That whole “combustible hostess” incident took place after dinner. I was heating water to do the dishes and got too close to the burner. Blame our broken water heater! Not the beer (and the wine) I’d had.
Never fault the hostess for the beer (and the wine) she has. It’s how she makes it through the day.
Our gathering was small but perfect: Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Doug…
…along with my friend Ale (pronounced Allie) from Argentina.
She’s lived in the US for years now, but I love introducing her as “my friend Ale from Argentina.” It makes me feel cosmopolitan.
This from the girl who started her scarf on fire.
Okay, so, Cate looks uncharacteristically grumpy in this picture but that photo bomb?
Yeah, that’s my husband.
Apparently he likes those eggs.
Our classroom table was transformed for the dinner.
Not so our family. We stayed the same.
“Mom. Where’s that lime jello stuff you said you’d make?”
(It was out in the garage, completely forgotten. Thank goodness my teenager has a memory!)
A memory and an appetite. What more does one need?
Presenting the bird:
(I stole the idea for my garnishes from Ina Garten.)
Speaking of stealing ideas from somewhere…
My favorite (new) Thanksgiving tradition: Before we sit down to eat, everyone takes a leaf from the centerpiece and writes down one thing for which they’re grateful.
On my list? Wine!
And the grandparents that brought it. ☺
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you have–and are having–a blessed & beautiful weekend.
I think I've had that 14 hands wine before and I remember it being quite good. Best idea I have seen that I want to steal (in a many years when my littles have phones – gasp) is a basket for all the cell phones
Such a beautiful family, glad you and the scarf were not harmed…:)
Hi Margaret! Thank you for stopping by my site and leaving your sweet comment. Afterwards, I came over here and saw your beautiful family and the fact that you like wine. So it's a place I will definitely be visiting again. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and that you didn't burn yourself. Have a great weekend.
What a blessed Thanksgiving. We too spent ours with family but I didn't get to play hostess. I did however enjoy some beer and perhaps some wine. On a side note, the deck picture is a great one of you. You look beautiful, content, and so relaxed. Lovely lady.
Happy Thanksgiving! I really enjoy your blog and great sense of humor! Happy to hear you did not burn yourself. Got a good chuckle from photo of hubby devouring the eggs. =) God bless!
Beautiful photos! I love the family photo – so awesome! I like the leaf tradition! Totally have to start that next year (if I remember – due to no memory!!). I must say though, I am sorely disappointed…I was really hoping to see an after-the-fire pic of the scarf, but I guess I will just have to leave it to my imagination. =( I would totally still wear it. It will REALLY make you look cosmopolitan – or something. 😉
What a wonderful day … and a wonderful family. Blessings to you xx
I see you have your family portrait all ready for the Christmas cards 😉
Oh my goodness! I love this. My favorite part of our day was that my 22 month old fell asleep right before dinner was to be served. I was SO excited! Haha. The cook was able to eat in peace 🙂 Happy thanksgiving to you!
Looks like a wonderful day – all the food looks scrumptious too!
PHOTO BOMB..your husband is hilarious.
Your turkey looks perfect. We had to cook and cut it all up to serve the huge family coming over. We only did the turkey and 2 apple pies…everybody brought something to share. Gets messy but it is a blessing to have a big family so close. My dad has 9 siblings and his mother is still alive. Lots of cousins and their kiddos also.
Brian and I love to have a glass of wine. Come up and visit ..would love to sit and share one with you!
Beer right from the bottle…now that's what I'm talking about. While my husband will pour his in a pilsner glass, I like mine just like that…thank you very much!
Happy Thanksgiving!! You looked beautiful!
I like that leaf thing…so pretty too!