The “Flashback/Father’s Day” Edition
Prologue: My dad had his surgery on Friday morning and it seemed as though it was a success. The doctor removed several inches of skin and tissue—the entirety of my father’s left breast, in fact. This makes me cringe; that poor sore man! My dad remained cheerful throughout the process and not surprisingly…
The nurses loved him.
You really ought to know my dad.
You really ought to know my mom and my dad, because they are both amazing people. For the sake of this brief photo essay, however, I’m going to focus on my dad.
On the Front Steps of our First Home
(also known as Grandpa George)
(also known as Daddy)
Fifteen years ago today, we were living in Boston with only our oldest son, Joe. (Jem came along eventually and for this reason is known as our “Boston Bean.”) My mom and dad were the type of parents who, despite their being septuagenarians, came out to visit us not once but five times.
Gosh, how much I appreciated that! I was a brand new mom, you know, who, despite my being in my 30’s, hadn’t a clue about what I was doing.
Okay, so, maybe I had a single clue. I don’t think I had much more than that.
One thing I did know was to spoil my parents when they came to visit.
She had made a donation in our name.
That was pretty cool, I thought, though there’s something just weird about our bringing out a bag of chips.
(To my husband’s credit, he is currently training for a half-marathon in July.)
(I’ll be there with bells on and my bag of Doritos.)
Because my husband’s been talking marathons and because today is Father’s Day and because I love him and my dad so much…
Well, I just felt the need to reminisce a bit.
Reminisce and tease.
Reminisce and remember.
Epilogue: My dad went home the same day as his surgery, with a great big bandage and a drain. My sisters were there to care for them—gosh, our family is blessed in these women!—and we laughed at my how my father refused to take his tennis shoes off. “I just wanted him to be comfy!” Renee said.
Well,on Saturday my dad had a follow-up ultrasound and we were devastated to hear the news: the doctor found more cancer cells under his armpit. I say that “we” were devastated but that’s not quite true. My father remains as cheerful and optimistic as always.
Please continue to pray when you’re able. I promise: I am praying for your families too.
Happy Father’s Day!
A very Important and Happy Update: My four sisters spent Father’s Day with my dad. He showed them the test results from the ultrasound and they realized he had read them wrong. The doctor did NOT find cancer under his armpit; rather, he said that they will need to keep a close eye on the lymph nodes. Praise God, yes?! All glory and praise to God our Father.
Praying for your daddy, your family and for you.
lots of prayers for your dad and for all of you. your blog has been such an inspiration to me as our first baby is due in November and we hope to have many more! 🙂 praying for peace and healing for your dad.
Dearest Margaret:
Prayers, first for your wonderful daddy. He seems to be such a lovely man and your mom looks like she's full of love, too. It's easy to see why family and faith is paramount in your life with your parents as examples.
Prayers for your whole family, too.
Oh, Maggie, continued prayers….
Praying for you dad, dear Maggie. Lots of love…
Mags, I'm praying for him. And for you. Hugs, K.
I am so sorry to read your bad news 🙁 I hope it is only a temporary setback. Blessings to you all.
still praying for both our dads!
Really, I love medical mistakes in our favor. Had that with a total placenta previa misread with Ellie…So we are still praying and will keep your dad and your whole family in our prayers.
Prayers for your entire family, near and far.
Hi Margaret – so glad to hear that latest update! Your Dad is so like mine that whenever I read your posts about him I tear up. We will keep your Dad in our prayers that the cancer stays away.
Hey Maggie, First of all, LOVE the coffee beans and new look. So fun!! ;-D
Secondly, will continue to keep Grandpa George in our prayers. So grateful for the good report, and trusting that the cancer will stay away.