Okay, granted, May Day is not technically a feast.
We love it just the same, especially when there is one ENORMOUS May Day basket on the table when the kids get up.
“Whoa, whose is that one?” they breathed in unison.
(Not really.)
(They actually just looked curious.)
“That’s for everyone,” I said happily. Clearly the momma was pleased with herself.
“Oh.” Was that a note of disappointment that I detected? Did they perhaps hope that only one of them was to be gifted with all that loot?
The contents of the basket were as follows:
- Sidewalk Chalk; (a springtime staple, assuming we ever have a spring)
- His & her kites (because we DO got wind)
- Fruit Loops; (an impulse purchase) and finally
- Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles
The little May Day baggies that you see in the front are from the same sweet mystery family that has been surprising us for years now. The kids are aching to find out who they are and–to tell you the truth–as of this morning, I know. I had just gotten back from my Sunday morning holy hour and was working at my desk when they drove up. Mea culpa! I simply had to peek, and now my heart is warmed by the knowledge of this family’s charity. It’s not someone I would have guessed!
Now I need to decide if I’m going to tell the kids or not. I like the idea of praying for this family by name, but I also think that if they took such care to keep their identity a secret…
I don’t know. What would you do?
The second big highlight of the day came at our parish, where Divine Mercy Sunday is done up big and where there were not one but TWO Franciscan Friars of the Renewal assisting at Mass. Love those Friars, especially their joy. Father Anthony gave the homily and shared this story with us as part of it.
An Amish man went to a shopping mall with his son. It was their first time at a mall and they were transfixed by a set of magical silver doors near the entrance that opened and shut, opened and shut all by themselves! (It was an elevator, of course.)
As they watched, an elderly woman stepped inside and the silver doors slid shut. Their eyes followed the numbers as they lit up, one by one: 1…2…3…4…5…and then the numbers lit up in descending order…5…4…3…2…1…and a beautiful young lady stepped off.
They gasped, and the Amish man turned to his young companion. “Son,” he said, “Go home and get your mother.”
A little humor for a beautiful feast. : )
The friar went on to compare the elevator to the sacrament of penance. You get the analogy, I’m sure–one enters the confessional old and wrinkled by sin, and then emerges young and radiant.
Great stuff, those sacraments.
There is so much that I could say about what all I felt today, though this post is already getting lengthy and I’m sure you had plenty of powerful emotions yourself. We have a new Blessed! And it’s a man–a great man–that many of us know on some personal level. The girls and I prayed after Mass at this photo; we have a very special intention and know that to have it answered would be miraculous.
The day, though gray, was filled with joy.
Kites were flown…
(no batteries required!)
..and big brothers were much admired. (How does he do that? the two-year-old wondered.)
A drippy but delicious Divine Mercy cake was made and consumed–Do you want the ray of blood side or the ray of water?–and was the last “event” in a very full day.
The kids were tucked into bed and kissed, and the finishing touches were put on this post. News in the background…Bin Laden is dead…which is weird and unexpected and great, I guess, but also uncertain…and I know that this day, this post, this life, that cake…everything is a gift and every moment, to be cherished.
Every day.
Every moment.
Jesus, I trust in You.
Updated to Add: I realized, in re-reading this post just now, that my referring to Bin Laden’s death as “uncertain” may be unclear. I did not mean to imply that he is not dead but rather, that future events–retaliation, as it were–are uncertain.
As you were!
What a wonderful Feast Day you had, Margaret! How lovely!!
Every May 1—about half-way through the day—I think of doing May baskets. Oh well. One of these days, maybe I'll think of it on April 29 instead, so I can actually do them. 😉
Since you asked, I would keep the identity of the family a secret from your children. I am guessing the family enjoys that you don't know it's them. And as you pray for them, you can say their name quietly in your heart.
Well, have a wonderful day! Off to take the girls to school. Only 20 more days! We're counting down!
God bless you!
Sarah, what about doing "Mary Month of May" baskets? You could talk about the tradition of May Day baskets and then tie them into Our Lady's month.
Guaranteed, your children won't mind that it's not May 1st!
And to tell you the truth, I wish I had been organized enough to make some baskets for our friends & neighbors. I didn't think of the May Day baskets until that morning, and stopped at WalMart on the way home from my holy hour.
Flying by the seat of my pants, I tell ya.
Hmmm….special intention? Are you hinting at something? I think I'll send you an email. Look for it! LOVE!
Oh Sweetie, no, that's not it. I wish it were a happy intention!
I did consider attending devotions at your parish this year – attended off and on from '96-'05. Always beautiful! We now have devotions at our parish so I try to support it so that it can grow and it is much closer (I live in Delano). Thanks for sharing the pictures!
I LOVE the cake. Gosh, I am humbled by my lack of culinary skills 🙂
I thought the timing of "getting Bin Laden", and that of the Royal Wedding totally overshadowed the news of JPII getting Beatified in the media. But, then again, they probably wouldn't have made a big deal of it anyway.
In a sense, JPII was such an amazing and humble guy that he probably wouldn't have minded sharing the attention. Happy May!
Colleen, it was a boxed Duncan Hines red velvet cake with a can of cherry pie filling blurped on one side and Ready Whip squirted on the other. You can do this! I BELIEVE in you. 🙂
Teri, I think that supporting one's own parish is a great (and necessary) idea. Happy Feast!
This was a great post! Our day was full also, adding a Homeschool Easter party (which I was in charge of) and minus the cake for Divine Mercy.
You non-doer of May baskets can make May day baskets any day in May, the recipients will love it either way and the makers have fun doing it!
I say keep it a secret too! Although, I suspect you will maybe look much differently at this woman who has been getting up ever so early to surprise you every year.
I love your idea of the basket for your kiddos….I always think of that when we are rushing making ours for other people, wishing I'd surprised them too. Maybe some year I will get my butt in gear on that one!
I feel so grace filled after such a holy day, don't you?
Oh, yeah, I was hoping that special intention was a happy one too….
Margaret, I like your idea for the "Mary Month of May" baskets. I am such an all-or-nothing gal sometimes, that I can't see other options. Thank you!! I think I will do them a bit later in the month, as this Saturday is my oldest's First Holy Communion and next week we are having a BIG garage sale. One of these years, I would like to do them for friends & neighbors, too, on May Day, so maybe we can try to help each other remember!
I TOO love your idea Mary Month of May baskets — and I will do this. I kind of get a brain-hurdle when it comes to doing things *correctly* — in that in some ways, for some things…there are more options.
I would definitely keep the gifter of the May baskets to your home a secret from your children. We got one this morning – and I love the mystery of it! 😀
God bless!!
Just had to add to Colleen's comment about the irony of Bin Laden dying the same day that PJP 2 was beatified and how that was overshadowed with the media…years ago, Mother Theresa died and about 5 days later, Princess Diana was killed in a car accident. Mother Theresa's funeral was hardly mentioned. Talk about irony.
I love the cake! I'll have to file that one away in the brain for next year!