Vol. XXIV: The Linky-Link Edition
Guess who’s coming for lunch today? I’ll give you a hint: it’s someone who knits!
Would it be mean to not feed her until she teaches me to cast on? And to knit…and to purl…?
It would be mean, wouldn’t it?
And there’s no guarantee that my lunch is even worth it.
If you do nothing else today, take the time to read this story. I mean it.
You will laugh; and then you will laugh; and then you will laugh some more. It’s one of the best—and most telling—Christmas stories I’ve read.
Speaking of reading…you know how I said that I couldn’t sit still? I lied. I read an entire book this weekend! It was that just kind of book. Review & giveaway to follow.
(That’s your cue to stay tuned, mate.)
Speaking of giveaways, Karen’s got one going on right now. (Link here.) Stop by for a chance to win her latest book, which I am getting for several key women in my life this Christmas.
A book about Mary written by Karen? Say no more.
Reader Kelly sent me a link to this: A Scientific Christmas.
It’s an interesting experiment! And plus it’s worth a click over just to see the gorgeous photo at the top of her blog.
My 13-year-old son warned me that he didn’t want books for Christmas this year.
Being the defiant type, I went against his directive and ordered him this.
Do you think he will forgive me?
Finally, do you realize that Christmas is only two weeks away?! Of course you do. I myself only realized this morning.
While I have done a wee little bit of shopping, (see Quick Take #6), I haven’t done a lick of baking. (Note corny pun.) My task is fairly easy, as my children request the same cookie recipe every year.
These cookies and Divinity.
Okay, so no small task.
(Have you ever tried to make Divinity? Seriously? The reason that they call it “Divinity” is that you have to be a saint to get it to work.)
(And even then your odds are iffy.)
Here is the link to all of today’s Quick Takes.
Always fun to read your 7 takes margaret!
I think your 13 year old will forgive you! And that Breakfast with the Pope looks really intriguing. Can't wait for your review!
Divinity is a family tradition for us. My grandma made it, now my dad and I make it.
Are you having trouble getting it to harden? Is that why you say it's hard to get it to work? If so, the key to that is old eggs. You don't want fresh store bought eggs. You want ones that have been sitting in your fridge for a while. So go buy some now and save them!
Awww, I'm honored! Thank you, my dear!
Your math must be off, though. NO WAY is Christmas two weeks away. No. Way. ::::hands over ears::::La la la la::::
I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but I have been told that Divinity only works on clear days. If it is a cloudy day there will be too much moisture in the air and it won't turn out. Good luck!
Well, I have never heard of divinity! BUT, have you made THESE???? The 3 tier bars??? So. Divine.
My dad tried every Christmas to make divinity, usually several times, it's awesome tasting but it does take lots of will power to get it to work right.
Thanks for the mention of the contest, Margaret!
And, yes, your son will forgive you. 😉
P.S. How is knitting going?