The “Close Enough for Rock-n-Roll” Edition
Blog breaks make my brain fuzzy. There is more that I wanted to say about that but I don’t remember what it was.
I guess I’ll just post a photo instead.
George says hi and that he missed you.
He’s still very much a little dude.
5-year-old Angela continues to deliver one-liners.
For example, she despises my trying to put her hair in pigtails. “But it’s hot outside,” I try to convince her. “It’ll feel good to get your hair off your neck.”
“My hair is my shade,” she responded firmly. “It’s like a weeping willow, only hair.”
Speaking of it being really hot…
On Wednesday we went to see some ships.
It was so unbearably hot, so incredibly humid that we paid $41.00 for, oh, ten minutes.
And then we got ice cream and we drove home.
I have a son—my oldest son—who turns thirteen on Sunday. Should I cry? Should I celebrate? Should I eat three pieces of his birthday cake?
I love this kid. He makes motherhood so worth it.
(And how’s that for a really random take?)
A three-week blog break may or may not leave you enlightened. One of my greatest insights—a flash, if you will—came (I cringe to admit this) not during prayer but while watching LOST.
My husband and I finished Season 3 last night. “Oooh, the cliff-hanger!” my husband said, and then we promptly uploaded Season 4.
(The “Watch Instantly” option at Netflix is awesome and yet…)
(Delayed gratification? What’s that?)
The “flash” that I had came in the midst of Hurley’s emotional struggles. I paused the episode for perhaps the 27th time (My husband? He is patient) and said, “You know what this show makes me want to do? It makes me want to forget myself and be kind—really kind—to everyone.
“Because every last one of us is hurting inside.”
My searing insight was met by a “yup” from my husband. I unpaused the DVD and we returned to Hurley’s struggles.
Blog breaks can leave you feeling isolated. It can be hard especially when there are emotional struggles and you find yourself craving undue affirmation.
Stay close to God, don’t be self-absorbed, and as always, strive to grow in love.
The Quick Takes are being hosted at Betty Beguiles this week. Thank you, Hallie!
Great to hear your voice today!!!
Love the weeping willow comment and yes, that's why we get lost in Lost.
*I can't wait to hear your take on the end.
That banana split dessert looks divine….
I am SO glad you're back. 🙂
Especially with cute pictures of the kidlets…
And Angela is going to be a writer or a poet. Or something. "Weeping willow" and hair. That's great!
Glad you are back!
Glad to see your writings and tidbits.
My eldest turns 13 this coming week too. We've joked about her growing into such a lovely young lady…she rolls her eyes and states, "Yes, every year I get older it's just one step closer to bills". I just about about passed out from laughing.
There is this thing about feeling connected. I hibernated just a bit from our co-op and social outtings. It felt good but I missed the reassurances and felt ISOLATED too….such a pickle really.
I love the description of your field trip. We have so many that go that same way.
I missed you.
That girl of yours is ripping! Very clever, isn't she? 😉
Eat three pieces of cake? Well, at least not all at once.
Glad you are back! I have missed you!
We went to the ships two weeks ago, when they were docked in Winona. We only paid $4 as we booked a tour. And then we went to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in LaCrosse. And then we went to Lark Toys in Kellogg. And then we went to the Apple Valley Aquatic Center. And then we drove by your house on the way home.
You're back! You're back! Here's a great BIG hug from 'lil 'ol me. I've been thinking of you and praying for you. Just yesterday I yearned for a Margaret Moment post that I almost posted a "Missing Margaret" post. But then I thought that would be a bit much and look a little silly, so I deleted it.
Little George…aaahhhh, well he is so darn cute. Love him in those grown up boy cargo pants. How cute is that?
As for me, while you've been gone I had an announcement to make that was quite exciting. If you stop over, you'll find it somewhere in the midst of the last week or two.
Happy Weekend and Welcome Back!!
It sounds like we are all so glad to have our "Minnesota Mom" fix…I'd come to the site every other day or so just to make sure you were serious about the blog break. We all understand the need for a break, but we missed you, and your darling family, just the same.
So glad to have you back.
I missed you.
Sure did miss your humour and inspiration. So glad you're back.
I love you. I really, really, love you.
What? Don't look at me like that! It's a mom to mom, homeschooler to homeschooler, blogging Catholic kind of love…. 😉
and oh, yeah, you were missed.