The Lazy Days of Summer Edition
So lazy, in fact, that I’m posting this at 11:00 p.m.
Hey, it’s still Friday.
Felicity’s ballet recital was an absolute delight. She smiled the whole time and was as cool as a cucumber (dressed in red).
Yes, I cried when she came on stage, and no, this photo is not from the actual performance. Are you kidding? I was too busy simultaneously smiling and crying to take photos while she was dancing.
See? Look at this photo of the two of us taken after the recital.
See how blurry it is? That’s so you wouldn’t notice my smudgy eyes.
(Not really. I just said that to cover for the 9-year-old photographer.)
Now that we’ve got the big performance behind us, we can hunker down and enjoy our days.
You know how, right? This is the formula:
A Perfect Summer Afternoon
How to impress your sisters and/or get a bite of their watermelon:
On Thursday we went strawberry picking.
Because I am the mother of multiple children—six, I think, at last count—the preparations for this outing took approximately three hours. Eventually the van was loaded and we were off, whereupon I realized that—contrary to the blurb on Anthony’s onesie—I had failed to grab the memory card for my camera.
As such I would not be blogging this outing.
Here, then, is your proof we did indeed go strawberry picking:
I did that! I really did!
To all of you who have, like, canned before: I had to summon all my courage to even attempt this.
You think I’m kidding but I’m not.
It (my jam) is even edible! As my daughters were spooning it straight from the jar, Angela remarked, “This is just as good as Julia Cook’s!”
And then added helpfully, “She’s a woman who made the best kinds of foods.”
I have no Take 6. Plus it’s getting late and I should go to bed because…
Tomorrow the girls and I are going to see one of my most favorite children’s authors in the whole wide world. (No, it’s not Melissa Wiley.) I hesitate to say anything more about it, lest I blow a tire on the way there or end up embarrassing myself horribly with all my gushing.
Should I give her a jar of strawberry jam?
I was just thinking of you as I heard of the tornadoes in your state.
Your little boy gets cuter by the day.
The look of adoration on all your girls faces for Anthony is just priceless. I reckon he has them wrapped around his little pudgy finger!
Oh, how cute Felicity looked in the recital – so small and dainty!
And jam making – isn't is so satisfying? I have made mulberry jam these past two summers and it is scrummy!
Cheers – Joolz
PS – Yes, if you ever visit our sunny shores, do drop in
I do want to "pinch these". I'm a bum mamma! I still pinch my kids bums. Too cute!
Love the watermelon pictures!!! Alas, it is late here (11:44pm) and I'm yawning something fierce. Have a blessed night.
Where did you go strawberry picking? I want to take the kids, too. But we've never been before, so, I don't know of a good place around here.
new baby = LOTS of pictures on the blog.
I was a puddle at dd's first dance recital eons ago.
"we are dancing poodles, we come from far away…we come from france, we love to dance and that is a-ok…." 😀
she was the tiniest dancer too.
What a vast and wonderful country we live in. Here in Florida we strawberry pick starting in November/December and are done by the beginning of March. We are also sweltering by now – what a treat your pictures earlier this week at the ballgame, your girls wrapped in blankets – Wow!
Look at Anthony standing! What a big boy!!! And so cute. Where can I get one of those t-shirts for Ben?
Hey, I forgot my camera on our beach day on Friday. Thank goodness for my little sister who remembered hers! So I was able to blog it after all. Phew!
Love his little blogging t-shirt! So, so cute.
Who's the author? We want details!
You did it! You made jam! Congratulations! (and I say this as another mom who tried canning jam for the very first time this year!)
Our strawberry season is over and we are are now in blueberry season, so I guess I'll take my horde to the farm to pick gallons of them, and try my hand at blueberry jam… gulp!
LOVE the t-shirt!
Well, if your favorite author doesn't want your jam, you just send it right to ME! I haven't had a chance to make any yet this year… I'm still hoping to make rhubarb jam at some point.
You canned!!!!
Great job!! Oh, how I want to learn how to do that!!
So….was it hard?
Love the recital pictures, love the VBS tees, where do you get those done?