*An Update: I am bumping this post to the top of the blog because today’s the day I pick a winner! (woo hoo) If you would like to qualify for the Summertime Snack Package, please leave a comment introducing yourself. I’ll pick a winner at noon (CST) today and then will put this post onto a page of its own. The comments will remain open; the introductions, I hope, will continue.
Speaking of really loving my readers…
I’m working on some updates for this web site and would like to include a page about you. Would you like to be included on a page about you?
Just leave a comment on this post telling me—that is, us—a little bit about yourself. Here are some ideas:
- Your first name
- Your home state or country
- Your vocation
- Your interests
- Your blog (if you have one)
- Why you read blogs
- Why you read this blog
You get the idea.
Everyone who leaves a comment will have three (3) Hail Marys said for his/her intentions. And then, (this is so exciting!), one lucky winner will be chosen to receive a fabulous prize package consisting of one (1) pack of gum and two (2) chocolate bars.
What? You’re thinking that’s not fabulous enough?
Fine. I will also throw in three (3) bags of Dakota Giants sunflower seeds. I’ll even let you pick the flavors!
(I call it the summertime munchies package.)
(Even though it’s not quite summer.)
Thank you for taking the time to do this! I really would love to hear from you.
I'm Christine, from NJ. I'm a wife and mom and writer.
Interests: reading, writing, crocheting and hanging with my kids.
Blogs: http://simpleordinary.blogspot.com
And if I win the prize, I donate the snacks right back to you for you and your kids to enjoy!
I don't comment a lot, but I always read!
My name is Cydney and I live in North Carolina. I am a wife and I'm hopeful to be a mother some day, but on also my way to becoming an architect. I love to cook, sew & garden and to camp & hike with my husband and our dogs. I have a personal blog and a 'fashion' blog and I participate in a third (!) sewing blog and a fourth (!!) community architecture blog, although I'm taking a break from the 4th one. I read blogs because I'm interested in people's ideas and experiences. I read this blog because I love the humor and honesty.
I am Therese and I live in the midwest, not too far from you, except in these woods, we say Go Packers!
I am a wife and mother to 3 sons and 1 daughter. I love to read, write, craft, cook and spend time with my family.
My blog:
I read this blog because you are an inspiration, Margaret! I love your honesty and your humor!
My name is Marie and I live in MN. I am a wife, mother to 2 babies "upstairs" (as my husband refers to our two little ones in heaven via miscarriage, and I work in accounting & finance. I enjoy cooking, traveling / outdoor activities with my hubby, knitting, reading, blogging, and learning more about our beautiful faith. My blog is http://joybeyondthecross.blogspot.com. I enjoy reading blogs, including this one for different ideas on how to better live the faith. Also, within the last year, I have stumbled across the blogs of a lot of wonderful Catholic women dealing with infertility and miscarriage and they have been a huge support. I actually found them from a post that you did on your blog! So thanks!!!!! God Bless you Margaret!
My name is Jodi. I live in Northern VA and I am a Catholic wife and soon to be mother of four. (#4 due June 29th). My oldest is 6. This was my first real year of homeschooling which is what lead me to this wonderful blog. After reading just a few posts, I fell in love with your personality and always come back for a good laugh or inspiration for living this vocation as a Catholic homeschooling mother. You are a wonderful writer and have brought me closer to God on many occasions.
I blog over at http://www.jodishaffer.blogspot.com mostly for my mom and sister who like to know what's going on in my life.
My name is Tina and I live in Connecticut!
My vocation at the time is currently unknown. Right now I am living the single life, but I have been pursuing a vocation to the religious life! Exciting! When I'm not trying to discern what it is that God wants of my life, I spend most of my time up at church: whether it be in choir, or youth ministry (usually the latter). I love photography and lately I've been bit with the creativity bug…always trying to find new things to do and create!
You can find me at: http://browneyedtreasures.blogspot.com.
I may not comment an awful lot, but I do love reading!
Hi Margaret, I look most forward to your blog every day.
I'm from Michigan and have many many relatives in MN (love that state!) I'm the mom of 5 and our youngest is severly disabled. That's kind of become my passion in life, educating anyone and everyone about his rare sydrome and educating them on acceptance of people with disabilities and special needs.
I'm a lifelong Catholic who struggles every single day to pray and let Jesus live in me. Why must I be so distracted??
I work in a college library and LOVE to read, play on facebook and garden. I'm also a director on the board for our non-profit PKS Kids. I'm trying to figure out what creative outlet I need to try next.
God bless you and yours,
Hi! I'm Melody from California. I'm a wife and new mother. I love all things Catholic, reading, EWTN, dogs, and decorating. I love reading this blog because you are so cute and funny. And your littlest one was born about the same time my girl was. As a matter of fact, I was counting down the days to a June 1 due date with you last May. I saw the picture of you and your friend with the cans on your bellies, and I've been hooked over since!
Whoopsie, I forgot 2 things.
1) I love your blog for it's humor, grace and how inspiring you are to me as a Catholic mom.
2) I love to read blogs because I'm basically a nosy (er, um, curious) person who is so interested in other people and why, where and how!
What a great idea Margaret!
Hi, I'm Sarah and am another MN Mama. I am married, with three children (1 in heaven).
Interests:reading, cooking/baking, gardening, walks outdoors when MN weather permits and any time with our family.
I enjoy blogging at: withahopefulheart.blogspot.com
I read here because you are Margaret in MN! Who wouldn't read here? No really, I find that your honesty of family life/motherhood/wifery, mixed with your charm and humor always leave me waiting for your next post. You inspire and encourage with every post. I love when I can get my dose of Margaret!
I'm Sara from GA, the homeschooling, Catholic-convert, mother of 6 (and 1 in heaven). I have a blog at http://www.ashowerofroses.blogspot.com, and I come visit yours because you're a normal mom who seems like a friend. You're funny and you inspire me. And that baby of yours is just adorable!
2 questions: how are you going to distill all this info into a page about your readers??? and Is the chocolate dark?
You had me at "chocolate"!!
My name is Kristina. I am yet another MN mom. I have 5 children here on earth and 5 more babes in heaven with their daddy.
We are a home educating family. I love to read, take pictures, and I sometimes even get them scrapbooked.
My blog: http://www.sweetmercies-kristina.blogspot.com
I enjoy reading blogs because I find so many new ideas to try with my children. And I read this blog because it is FUN!
Margaret, I'm Lori, living in Northeastern MN. I'm a wife, mom to six and grandma to two now with 2 more one the way! (My kids range in age from 26 to 2 yrs, and I've been homeschooling for 15 years.)
I love to cook/bake, read, garden, work on our house remodel, hike & spend lots of time on the lovely North Shore of Lake Superior, and of course, spend time my kids & grandkids.
I love reading your blog – its the highlight of my "mom time" each day! You're honest, funny and truly inspire me to live our Catholic faith more fully, especially within our home schooling days. For that I thank you.
Hello! My name is Beth and I live in Ohio. I am a wife and mother of 5. (One born to heaven, a 4 year old boy, a 3 year old girl and a 1 year old girl plus one due in September.
I am interested in homeschooling, natural living, learning to sew, reading about saints and watching NCIS.
My blog is http://blog.catholicmumma.net/
I read this blog because your kids are so darn cute.
I also like the way you caption pictures with great humor. Finally, you are a fellow mother, with many more children then I have and you blog about your joys, sorrows and mishaps, all with a great sense of humor.
Hi Margaret,
I'm Mimi from Miami. I lived in MN for 6 years and have met many of the MN bloggers and found your blog through them.
I am a wife and mother of 4 (and 1 in heaven). I love to read your blog and laugh and smile along with you. I love the beach and I love to talk homeschooling and Catholic curriculum. Blogs and glimpses into others homeschooling lives helps me to enrich my family's life. I love to have so many ideas to add our faith life.
Thank you for you honesty and sharing your walk with all of us.
Your first name Mary
Your home state or country From Holyoke, Mass (best city by a dam site)
Your vocation I'm a wife, mom, daughter, sister etc.
Your interests Going back to college right now.
Your blog (if you have one) is mum2best7.blogspot.com and I run wmch.stblogs.com for our homeschool group.
Why you read blogs – I love to procrastinate! Besides most of the kids are still convinced I'm working at the computer so I get time..
Why you read this blog Found you through Danielle Bean's blog a few years ago. I really enjoy the honesty, fun and perspective.
Hi Margaret!
I am Janet and I've lived in Kansas my whole life(other than the month I spent in the Dominican Republic). I am married with 5 kids(6,4,4,2,7weeks) on earth, one in heaven. Our oldest is a kindergartener and we are just finishing our first year homeschooling here at our 8 acres in the country. In my "spare" time, I love to read, try new recipes, blog, and I don't usually get to anything else! I like to read blogs for inspiration, entertainment, connection, and to "get away" for a little bit. Yours is one of the first blogs I read when I have a chance. I love your wit and charm and the way you make yourself vulnerable. And all of your writing on miscarriage was a tremendous help when I went through mine.
Blog: http://houseofbrungardt.blogspot.com/
Hello Margaret. I'm Jen, a mom originally from Pennsylvania but now in Beijing. I can't remember how long I've been reading your blog, but I have loved most your beautiful pictures and sweetly funny outlook on life.
I don't need the prize package, but thank you very much for the Hail Marys.
Hi, I'm Sarah from New Zealand. I'm a writer and a homeschooling mother to only one daughter. I also teach literature to homeschooled children and write curricula, which is funny because I mainly unschool my own child.My interests are pretty boring – I like reading, watching sappy movies, and sitting on the beach. I love reading your weblog because you are funny, but also poignant, and you inspire me in my spirituality with your sweet everyday example. My own weblog is Knitting The Wind: http://knittingthewind-westering.blogspot.com.
If you were serious about the Hail Marys, please say mine instead for the orphans of the world.
I'm Mary Lisa from Minnesota. I am a stay at home Mom to two boys and stepmom to two adult children. I'm the token Evangelical Protestant reader of this blog and I very much appreciate acceptance in spite of this. I am sure a Hail Mary will not hurt me at all. I love to travel and read. I like to plant flowers but I don't like to tend them. My blog is not very insightful, but it is truthful.
I am Melanie from Kansas. I am a 'tried homeschooling for 2 years, wasn't for me' Catholic mom of three.I just love your blog cause you're a Catholic homeschool mama and your kids are adorable. I love you humor and recipes and thoughts on life. You just make me laugh and sometimes cry and overall, I look forward to checkin' out your blog every day! Keep it up. I don't have a blog….I just read them
Oh, and I am IN LOVE with Pioneer Woman's cookbook too…yummy!
My name is Julie and I live in Indianapolis, In. I am a stay at home mom to 3 wonderful kids here on Earth and 2 in heaven. I love to read, garden and travel. i enjoy your blog because I love feeling connected to other Catholic moms. I feel strengthened in my faith when I read how other moms are celebrating theirs. Thank you for your humor and insight.
Hi, Margaret – I'm Suzanne from Indiana. I'm a full-time, stay-at-home mom of one active 18-month old girl.
I am interested in: Catholic homemaking – feasts for the home; turn-of-the century (20th) Catholic literature and other Catholic works of fiction; Irish music; theology; the traditional Latin Mass; some poetry; Catholic art; old movies; Catholic social issues – marriage and family life & pro-life issues
I am working on building a blog, as we speak, actually, — http://www.learkentfool.wordpress.com
"We read to know we are not alone." The Shadowlands
I am pretty isolated from like-minded Catholic community where I live. It is encouraging to me to read about other Catholic families – their loves, their lives, their struggles, their heartbreaks and joys. We may all be strangers in this world, but we're also all sisters in Christ.
Margaret – you are so very real. I love that.
Hello! I am Maria from the Northeast. I am a mom and theologian. My interests are hiking, scrapbooking, cooking and just enjoying my family. I don't have a blog, but I read blogs just to see how other people live out their faith. I started reading mom blogs before I had my children to figure out how to be a mom! Now I'm mostly interested in how to live a really Catholic homelife and how to raise saints. I like your blog because you are honest and funny. Thanks!
I am from MN. 4 kids plus one in heaven. Oldest in college, youngest 3rd grade. Hobbies–getting sleep, cross-stitch, watch Muppet Show on DVD. no blog. I know Margaret in real life and Anthony, I assure you, is just a cute in the flesh.
I think it would be much more fun if you wrote it for us!
I'll get back to ya, girlfriend.
Hi, I'm Elizabeth and I'm from MN. I am a wife and mother of a one year old and another on the way!
My interests are mystery novels, home decorating, music, politics and education. I have a private blog that I use for journaling. I read blogs for all the"motherly wisdom" that I need as I try to live my vocation without my own mother who passed away years ago. I read your blog because I think you have a beautiful family and it makes me smile!
God bless!
My name is Maggie and I'm from MN too! I am a married mother of two beautiful daughters and one baby in heaven. I love to read, organize, write letters and read blogs. I also love to find a bargain so I love looking for sales!
My blog is http://maggiereinert.blogspot.com
I read blogs to feel connected to others. Also, I love finding new ideas for things to do and ways to live.
I read your blog because it's cool! And because It gives me inspiration. I also love that it keeps me grounded and helps me realize that it's okay not to be perfect. Your humility is inspiring!
I am popping in to say thank you all, truly, for speaking up. I was afraid that no one would leave a comment! Seriously.
And Elizabeth, my heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother and am preparing my own heart for that unknown day when I shall have to say goodbye to mine.
Love this and thank you!
name: Elizabeth
location: Sunny Southern California
Interests: Living to read, garden, trying to be crafty, cooking, and raising my little brew
Blogs: http://followingthetrailstoheaven.blogspot.com/
I just opened this blog up to be public but, it has been more of a personal space for me. Forgive me if I chose to return to a private corner.
Why I blog: I am a novice at this and truly it has been a treat to jot down quick notes, some thoughts, and lately the dailies of families
Why I read yours: Yours is one of the very 1st ones I ever began to read. I was attracted to how familar your words were, I connected with your humor, your spark and felt I found a little friend living in Minnesota
My name is Sarah, and, currently my home is in Honolulu, HI (home is where the Navy sends us). I am a wife of a Master Chief in the USN and mother of four (one in heaven).
Interests: reading, crafting, chatting, and writing.
Blog: http://prayer4thejourney.wordpress.com
I read blogs for ideas (to fix things, recipes, crafting, meeting like minded folk).
I read your blog because you make me laugh . . . you write about every day life and very real things that matter and make a difference.
Dear Margaret;
I'm Gardenia, a Catholic wife, and mother to my three year old daughter whom we brought home from Guatemala as she turned one. I live in the midwest, just a little south of you, and actually took a winter long-weekend vacation to Minneapolis in January — crazy us — to go to the water park/Mall of America — and it was 34 below stinkin' zero outside (perhaps balmy for you) but we still had a barrel of fun. I love winter actually and would do quite nicely "up there." My vocation is to earn heaven for myself and to make sure I get my husband and daughter there too, and to bring others to heaven with me. I read your blog because you show how extraordinary motherhood is. in all its simple glory. Nice to meet you. my blog is My Little Flower.
oh and I gave up chocolate, but I'm sure my daughter would gobble those candy bars up before you could blink!
I'm Karen. I live in St. Paul. We have 7 children ( two more in Heaven ), 8 grandchildren, with one more due in a few weeks, and two in Heaven.
I'm interested in pro-life issues, reading, cooking and baking, and spending as much time as possible in our home in Ave Maria, Fl.
I read your blog because of your humor, your grace, your way of dealing with the issues we all face in one way or another, and because your kids are so cute!
Hi, I'm Sheila, and I live in Colorado. I have two kids and a hard-working husband. I work part-time, telecommuting as a software engineer. I would love to be full-time at home, but that's not what my life is, nor is it likely to ever be, so I'm working on being content with that. I love cooking and sewing, and spending time with my kids. I love your blog because you are a beautiful example of a Catholic mother. As a convert, I struggle with how to integrate my Catholic beliefs in my family home life, and how to instill in my children a love for God and our faith. I don't blog myself, but love to read other's. My kids go to a private Christian school, and it has generally been a great blessing to our family. Sometimes it's hard, because as Catholics we are in a minority, but generally we are surrounded by those who simply love God and are supportive. The only Catholic school in our town doesn't go through high school.
I am Katie from WA state. I homeschool and have three children, 7, 5, and 3. (and two in heaven) My husband and I are both Catholic converts. We love the Church!
I don't have a blog, but I read yours because you make me laugh! (Which is not always an easy thing to do.)
I love to read, garden, and sew.
You write about so many things that I ponder, wrestle, and struggle with too!
Thank you!
I'm Melanie from Texas but I've been living in Massachusetts for the past ten years (10!!!! I can hardly believe it!) where I often feel like a fish out of water.
I'm a stay at home mother of three beautiful children plus one in heaven that I haven't yet met face to face. I once thought I was called to be a teacher. Nor I believe I'm meant to be a homeschooler.
I'm a bookworm. I like to quilt. I'm kind of a geek who likes especially to read and think about education and faith and all sorts of other things.
I blog at http://thewinedarksea.com
And I blog mainly because I have to write or I'll go crazy. Also because I have found an amazing community of Catholic women who support me in my vocation. I read blogs for emotional, spiritual and intellectual support and stimulation. And also for entertainment.
I read your blog, Margaret, because everyone I read kept linking to you and I finally gave in and hit subscribe so I wouldn't have to find out about the good stuff secondhand and because I was afraid I might miss something. Oh and for all the pictures of baby Anthony. And because I've come to love knowing you and because Minnesota is too far away for me to just drop by for coffee
my blog: http://wwwmeetmeatthegates.blogspot.com/
HI…I am Christine from central Minnesota. I am an Art Teacher and taught art for one year…however, my true vocation is being a wife and MAMA. OH MAN do I love my babies. I have 5 Children and one in heaven. Bless that sweet little soul.
I read blogs so I do not feel like I am the only "Catholic" on the planet. I also love meeting people far and near.
I come to your blog because you write so dang good and your babes are beautiful.
I also really really love chocolate!
Hi! My name is Jenny and we are currently in VA, but go where the Army sends us! I am a Catholic homeschooling mom with 4 kids here, one lost to miscarriage, one in Heaven after 7 years with us, and one on the way! I like to knit, garden, cook, and be with my kids!
My blog is: http://jreosti.blogspot.com
I read your blog for so many reasons, mostly because you are so darn likeable! I enjoy visiting because we share many of the same struggles and joys.
Just saying hello.
Marie/Joy Beyond the Cross mentioned you to me and I have enjoyed skimming through your blog. You are so entertaining!
My name is Nicole… currently we live in Amarillo Texas – anywhere in Texas would make me happy… but it looks like some day soon we may make a move to the north. My home state is Ohio… military brat background. My vocation is a wife to George and a new mommy to Claire.
My interests are woman's health (I am a practitioner of the Creighton Fertility Care model), politics, reading and getting into photography.
My blog is http://survivingendometriosis.blogspot.com/ I started it in 09 after surgery in Omaha, NE
I love reading blogs bc, I believe it was Conversion Jen who said – it brings you to the well.
I love this blog bc you are funny, a mom and catholic – so I take great heart in what you have to share.
Keep blogging for us!
Gosh, my computer was down all day, I"m late to the party!
Jamie Jo (you can call me James)
I think you already know everything there is to know about me….but I do like to win things!
Wife and homeschooling mother of 5 so far (that says a lot, doesn't it?)
Living in Central MN
(Used to assistant teach at a montesorri school, did daycare in my home for 5 years and loved it)
I love your blog, because I love you. At first, I started (so many years ago) because you were from MN….then you got me hooked because of your great sense of humor. I read blogs for crafting and cooking ideas and sometimes just to escape this crazy life and read about someone else!!
My blog:
Jennifer, age 43, Jersey girl born and bred, wife to John, mother of four.
I read you because you are very funny. I often think about your story about the lady at the Payless store and your daughter. That just changed everything for me, when you said that you had to take her $. I got the grace thing, finally. Keep up the good work.
I also love how you NEVER complain about homeschooling. I don't homeschool, but I'm so tired of the whiney mom complainy thing about homeschooling on the internet. I always think that if I were to ever hs, I would take my cue from Margaret and just be happy about it.
Hello there!
I am Nicole and from Florida. Wife and mother of one little so far. We have our own "Maggie" (21 mos.)
I'm into: reading, ministry with college students, and love hockey! I'm looking forward to learning to garden and sew this summer. I love to peruse blogs for the mom humor and homeschool ideas. I so enjoy your blog! I come because it's like taking a coffee break with a good friend:) God Bless!
Hi. My name is Katherine. I'm currently living in Maryland. I've been married to my best friend for over 5 years. I am blessed to be the mother of three beautiful little girls: Cecilia is 4, Felicity is 2 and Elizabeth is 10 months. I will be homeschooling our children so that is of interest to me. I also enjoy reading, hiking, watching movies, and organizing. I blog at http://www.havingleftthealtar.com/ (my own domain is a mother's day gift from my hubby). Being a stay-at-home-mom with three young children, I don't get out much. I read blogs to connect with others, learn from their experiences and enjoy anecdotes. God Bless!
Hi! My name is Christal and I live in MI with my police officer husband and our 5 little boys (ages 8 – 1) and 6 in heaven. I don't blog, but love reading yours. I read it for inspiration. I am in the process of switching my kids from Catholic school to homeschool and reading blogs like your gives me the courage I need!
I love to cook/bake (and eat!), read, and spend time with family.
Thanks for all you write.
Hi Margaret!
I'm Abby, from VT. I'm a wife and mom to one, and part time information specialist for a medical software company (I also like to write, but currently have a hard time finding free time to do it!). My interests – reading, writing, heritage crafts, babies, horses, thinking, and libraries, just to name a few.
I just started a new blog, writinglivingepistles.blogspot.com, after an old one stalled out a few years back (got caught up in the whirlwind of engagement, marriage, and then new baby).
I read blogs for inspiration, ideas, to know that others are going through the same things, etc; I've had a hard time finding young Catholic moms with similar goals in my area, so reading blogs is a way to stay focused on what's important, instead of just trying to keep up with the Joneses I find all around me.
I started reading *your* blog right before my daughter was born – she was due May 26 which I believe was within days of when Anthony was due. Of course, I was as mad as anything when you went early, and I was a week over due! She was born June 1. I've greatly enjoyed watching him grow, even if he does seem to do all his firsts before my munchkin gets around to it
Anyway, it's nice to stop "lurking" and finally have a good chance to say hi! I'll say a few Hail Mary's for your intentions, too 
HI! I'm Sharon from rural MN. I'm a homeschooling Mom. My blog is dandelionmom.wordpress.com. I lurk more often than I comment here but I love watching your journey and sharing in it. I do lots of fibre/fabric type things and garden and can and play. We have a lot of animals outside and boys inside. And I especially wish right now that the comment page did not block out the post so I could find what other questions I should be remembering…
I'm Meredith from MN. I am a catholic homeschooling mother to 6 beautiful children this side of heaven and three precious angels waiting to welcome me home. I have a wonderful husband who still makes me giddy as a school girl.I enjoy your blog because you are REAL, and I can relate. It's also a nice break from the challenges of life especially raising an autistic child. My blog is http://www.heavenlyperspective.blogspot.com.
I'm Betty from the beautiful hill country of TX! I'm married to a wonderful man and in July we will celebrate 45 yrs. of marriage. I'm "Mom" to four, I'm "Grammy" to nine. THEY keep me busy!
I enjoy reading anything Catholic and I enjoy reading blogs of Catholic homeschooling moms. If I had it to do over again, I would definitely homeschool! I am sooooo proud of all of you that do!!!
I enjoy a number of blogs and yours is certainly at the top of the list! I love your honesty and humor…you are just….so REAL and I love that about you! You are just one heck of a writer and that's a compliment for sure!
Blessings to you and yours, Margaret!
Hi! My name is Hannah, and I live in the beautiful U.P. of Michigan. I am an adoptive mom, and I love getting ideas from other moms on just about anything, especially new ways to incorporate a passion for God into our daily lives. I blog about our adventures as a new family as well as my journey with infertility.
I enjoy you so much, Margaret! And even though I am an "evangelical" and not catholic, I enjoy learning about your passion for your traditions and ceremonies…something I think our church is desperately missing.
Hi Margaret!
I, like so many others, read your blog because it is funny, honest, and inspiring. I loved your conversion story, especially. I'm a convert to Catholicism (12 years now), and I often refer to you as my favorite blogger.
I'm Anne in Indiana. My vocation is wife and mother of 4 (2 boys, 2 girls, 3 bio, 1 adopted), ages 8,7, 5, and 2.
Hi, Margaret!!!
I'm KC from Texas; wife and mother of 6, 4 here and 2 in heaven.
I like to read, knit, read, and well, read.
My blog is http://www.kcpowers.typepad.com/the_cabbage_patch
I love to read blogs because well, I like to read, and because I like connecting with interesting people especially other Catholic homeschooling moms.
I love your blog (and you!). I do have other interests, but can't seem to remember what they are. Oh, yes, photography! I love taking pictures especially of my children.
I'm Mary from St Louis, MO. I'm a public middle school librarian. I have a son who is almost 30 and a baby in heaven.
I'm Catholic and do a lot of things at my church.
My blog is http://hopeechoes.blogspot.com
I like your blog because you write about different things and tell the story of your life through all those things. Which is what I do on my blog.
I don't need snacks. You can have them. But I read you everyday!
I'm Elizabeth too — I usually sign in as Elizabeth M since there are so many other Elizabeths.
Another Jersey girl here. Grew up in North Jersey, living in South Jersey for nearly 10 years. (Yes, it's like a different state).
I've been married nearly 20 years and we've been blessed with 2 children (12 and 9). I think God has some good reasons we have a smaller family! (Our Margaret goes by Meg.)
I'm also a writer/editor. Until I was laid off last year, I worked at home since my children were born. Now I'm doing freelance when I can.
I'm also the sacrament coordinator for First Penance and First Communion in our parish and am active in Scouting.
Interests — My family, reading (lots of it when I can), movies with my husband, games with my family, cooking and cookbooks
I don't blog, but am pondering starting one.
I only started reading blogs a couple years ago. I feel like I've found a wonderful network of Catholic moms who help inspire me and share their lives. I get support for trying to raise faithful children, for daily life, for cooking ideas…so many things.
Margaret, I read your blog because I wish I had a friend like you IRL! Your honesty, your humor, your faith and love for your family and friends shine through in every post — the serious ones, the fun ones, and the kid quotes. It's been a pleasure that you've allowed me — us — in to share your joy, your sorrows, and your daily life.
Even though I don't home school and have a different family situation, I get so much encouragement and inspiration from you.
Thank you.
Hi! I'm Jen. I live in PA. I'm a SAHM, just starting homeschooling. I've got three little ones so far ages 5, 3 and 10 months. I love hearing about the experiences of other Catholic moms, especially those homeschooling. I love this blog because you tell it like it is with grace and humor.
I do have a blog, http://www.lapofluxury.blogspot.com, but I don't update it as much as I'd like. For right now I mostly do picture updates on my families adventures, though I hope to write more thoughtful pieces someday.
Thanks for the chance to delurk.
I have made numerous attempts to comment today. Life keeps happening! Right now I've got a two month old across my lap while I type.
My name is Kara, from Oklahoma. I am a wife and homeschooling mom to seven children. I just recently resigned from a director position (volunteer) of a conference here in OK. That seems to have been the closest thing to a job I've had in years!
I seem to enjoy collecting curriculum, although I'm trying to quit! I like to cook, I sew a little and I'm trying to garden!
I read blogs because I like to feel connected to women of like mind. I read blogs to be inspired to be better than who I am and to be encouraged in this season of life I'm in.
I blog poorly (so bad at pictures! Having lost the usb cable for the camera for a year didn't help!) at http://peaceandquiet.wordpress.com/
Hi Margaret!
I have been reading your blog for a long time now and it's one of the very few I read almost every day!
I'm Lynn in Kentucky. I have a hardworking dh and three beautiful kids (7,5 and 1) plus twins in heaven. We homeschool. I love to read, crochet, garden and cook. If I had any time I might scrapbook and try other creative activities which I really enjoy… maybe some day!
I'm a new blogger, mostly to record all of our family activities so they don't get lost in the black hole in my brain
You can find me at http://soulsarefed.blogspot.com/
Blogging moms have really shaped my homeschooling philosophy (mostly unschooling) and they keep me motivated and encouraged. But they have to be entertaining too, since reading blogs is my down time!
I love to read your blog because you mix faith and humor so nicely, you are wonderfully realistic and… to be honest, I was hooked forever after praying with you through the loss of your babies (I think the last 2). Your experiences really capture my heart and encourage me. Oh and I love crazy Minnesotans. I used to be one!
Thanks for asking about us! <3
Oh, and you love coffee. That's the real reason I read you
Good morning! I was away from home yesterday, but the darn soda on the trip home isn't letting me sleep … so this is a great time to read blogs. No, it doesn't make me sleepy.
I'm Suzie & currently live in south-eastern ND. Catholic homeschooling mom to 5 children (and one in heaven).
vocation: wife, mother, teacher, student
interests: cooking & baking, healthy eating, sewing, reading, gardening (veggie & flower), chickens (recently re-acquired)
I blog at shepherdfollowers.blogspot.com and domesticdining.blogspot.com
Why I read blogs: because I'm up late and can't sleep! – especially during pregnancy, good source of info for cooking/homeschooling/gardening/etc., to keep up with friends, and it's fun.
I originally read your blog because a good friend (Mary N. the Librarian) talked about your posts … and then I met you!
Hello, my name is Jeannine. I'm from the 'Great Lake State' and so looking forward to summer, as I'm sure you are too.
My vocation…hummm, calls for me to be flexible because at any moment it may demand the embodiment of a New York taxi driver, an emergency vet tech, and a gourmet cook. Then suddenly demands the ability to delve into the depth of 'Lepanto' with a very debatable 14 and 12 year old…in short, my vocation is mother.
Interests? Sleep, well do not all mothers crave this? In all seriousness, my interest are books. I love books, but even before books my true hearts direction always leads to God and what I need to learn, because of course, I was born in the very early 70's, need it say more?
Let's see, what else? I'm interested in history, art, music, homeschooling, and BLOGS.
Why do I read them you want to know…so I don't feel alone. Where I live is very rural with a dying Catholic population, where very few families homeschool and if they are homeschoolers they promptly want to 'save' me and my children.
I read blogs so I don't take my life so seriously…or to take it even more seriously, but with the right priorities.
A number of your post have helped me along my journey. Especially, your story back to the Catholic Church. I thought to myself, how many women have traveled this same path and harbor it painfully deep thinking they were alone in a confused past. It helped me. Thank you for being a brave soul and being so up-front with raw baggage. I've felt we've traveled with similar luggage thus far.
Hi, I'm Paula.
From MN.
Married. Catholic. Conservative. Homeschooler. Dog lover. Country dweller.
What don't you know about me?
I read your blog because you are wacky and crazy. Wait, that's Jamie.
I read your blog because you're my friend and I love what you have to say!
Hi Margaret,
What a fun idea =)
* I'm Sarah.
* I live in Minnesota, too.
* I'm a wife to Greg and mom to 5 children.
* I like to knit, scrapbook, read and spend time with my family.
* My blog is http://morethanenough7.blogspot.com/
* I read blogs for encouragement in my vocation.
* I read your blog because of how down-to-earth you are! (And you make me laugh, and sometimes during these hectic days of mothering, I need a good laugh =)
Have a GREAT weekend! God bless!
HI Margaret,
Katie here, from South Dakota. I'm a wife and mom of 3 wonderful children, who I am blessed to home school. I had a blog at one time, but not anymore, because I couldn't manage to be consistent with it. ** I have read and have loved reading your blog for the past 2 or 3 years. You are an inspiration to me! (Looking forward to seeing you at the MNConference at the end of May!)
I'm Peggy from California. I'm a mother of ADULTS !!?? I'm still not sure how that happened……one of whom is a total adventure seeker and is
preparing to sail to Australia on a 37 foot sailboat tomorrow and the other is a beautiful young cloistered Carmelite novice.
Yup, it's true, I gave birth to the yin and yang of children.
I enjoy reading, cooking, travel and hiking with my hubby.
I'm not sure exactly how I found your blog- but I read a lot of Catholic blogs and I enjoy popping into your life every day. You have such cute kids (I miss that!!!) and I love your writing style!
I don't have my own blog- I don't even have my own Google account- the newbie that I am!
No need for the chocolate for me, I'm a carmel girl anyway (tee-hee), but the Hail Mary is always appreciated!
God bless!
You are my Sunshine! Come check out my blog when you get the chance. Happy Mother's Day!
Hi, I'm Ellie, living elsewhere in the US … I have three living children, whom I homeschool. I write, and sketch, and take photographs. I am an Episcopalian and discerning a call to the religious life, though what path that will lead me down has yet to be seen. I've always loved reading autobiographies, diaries and letters etc, so the discovery of the blogging world seven years ago was a happy one. I've read your blog for years: you're one of my daily check-ins. *smile* I write at healing waters.
I'm Sarah and I live in MN – so close to you
We love going to Holy Family and Fr Dufner, but rarely get to b/c of the drive!! I am a mom of almost 5 boys (one due in June) – all under 5!! I don't blog – just read them. I love your blog for the humor and the wonderful Catholic insights and ideas!!!
Hello, Margaret. My name is Michelle (pronounced like the Beatles song, "Me-Shell, My Belle"). I, too, live in the Twin Cities, but will be relocating to Bismarck later this summer for my husband's new job at the University of Mary.
I am a state-at-home homeschooling mom of four (so far) ages 1 to 9. I also work as a Defender of the Bond for the Appellate Tribunal of the Archdiocese. I love homeschooling, the outdoors … These last few years my husband has been in graduate school and I've been too swamped to have any other interests of my own … maybe when we get settled after our move and he begins his career…
My blog is "made for JOY" (made4joy.blogspot). I read blogs because I have little time for my real life friends right now and I need the fellowship and support of other Catholic moms. I enjoy reading your blog because you offer that, and you're so REAL. Thank you!
Lisa from IA at the moment. Originally from WI, school in MN, lived in MI, WI, MN and now IA. Crazy huh? My one and only girl thus far seems so much like your Angela that it's nice to read about that. Sometimes it seems as though I'm the only one with a spirited child. You have a way to make the just plain crummy stuff fun and laughable. Plus, I like reading about all that you do for homeschooling as we have just begun the journey this past year ourselves.
Oh, almost forgot. Enjoy reading, trying new recipes, puzzles, crocheting (which I haven't done now in years)…now that I have kids, there is so much more I want to do and read but I don't have the time!
Hi, I am Joann from central NY. No cities here—just cows and corn fields. I am a day late commenting here because I am the mom of 10 kids, 5 boys and 5 girls. I homeschool and drive kids here and there.
My blog is http://www.tenkidsandadog.blogspot.com
My husband and I are cradle Catholics raising a houseful of cradle Catholics as best as we can with the grace of God.
Yours is one of the first blogs I check in the morning because you always make me smile.
Hello, I'm Laura from IL. I am a Catholic, a wife and a mother to seven children – 5 girls and 2 boys. We have our first homeschool graduate this year so I guess you could call me a veteran.
I enjoy talking to people, reading, being outside in the sunshine, camping, swimming and writing.
My blog is http://www.hsjoy.blogspot.com where I write about homeschooling, humorous things, my family and spiritual matters.
I read your blog because I love your sense of humor and your pictures.
God Bless.
I'm Megan, from a smallish city in rural Ohio. I am a college student at the moment, but the Boyfriend and I are definitely looking forward to when we're done with this college stuff and can plan the next phase of our lives. I sympathize a lot more with the mommmybloggers since my three-year-old sister (foster since June 2008, adopted November 2009) entered our lives, but I read mommyblogs even before that. Danielle Bean was the first, but I've been reading yours literally since your first post. I do it to get cute kid pics and stories and to glean wisdom for my future kidlets. (Provided God chooses to bless me with them.)
My own blog is http://things-aloft.blogspot.com, but I'm kind of on hiatus while I figure out some personal stuff. Meanwhile I'm channeling my writing energies into my novels. And I'm trying to read for fun again; I used to be a book-a-day reader (like a pack-a-day smoker, but better for your lungs), but college has worn me out so completely that I almost never read for pleasure anymore.
Except blogs.
My name is a Lillian and I live in San Antonio, TX. I have 6 kids with another due in July. I've been homeschooling for 7 years, now.
I found your blog through Jennie C.
I blog primarily to make up for the absence of albums and scrapbooks in my home. My kids love to see themselves on it. I also use it to keep in touch with far away friends. But lately my blogging has lessened as I try to juggle everything.
My blog can be found at http://www.smithflections.blogspot.com
My interests include reading, crochetting, playing the piano, and watching movies with my hubby.
In a former life I was a campus minister. Now I enjoy wiping noses, playing dolls (did I mention I have 5 girls), keeping a house and holding babies. I was made for this life and love it!!
I like to read your blog because you keep it real and I love your sense of humor.
Hi Margaret! I'm Kate from MD, a SAHM expecting #3 in just a few weeks! I am an RN who has the blessed privilege of staying at home now, trying my darndest to raise Saints and keep up with laundry.
Your blog makes me smile for your candid honesty, beautiful reflections on the Journey, and humorous takes on everyday life! I absolutely could imagine laughing or crying over a cup of coffee with you any day! Your kids' antics make me laugh.
I ride a motorcycle and scrapbook, would rather be outdoors than anywhere else, love it when my kids get dirty from playing, and am a sucker for matching dresses for my little girls. I crave time with Jesus in Adoration and the Eucharist, and work to humbly accept just how far I have to go. Mother Mary is the one person I never forget to talk to.
I read blogs for the encouragement of fighting the good fight and raising Saints. I love the ideas, especially about homeschooling, but mostly I like to think that for a few minutes a day I can connect with other mommies who are like me. Keep writing Margaret!
I am Joan, I live in Staten Island, NY, a borough of New York City. I am a Mom of five almost grown children, and a Kindergarten teacher in a Catholic School for the past 7 years. My eldest daughter is 28 and my youngest son and child is 17. I read blogs because it's nice to read about other women who think like you do! I read this blog because I think Margaret is the funniest woman (Her and Danielle Bean are my favorites!" I know, and the most real. She reminds me a lot of myself.
I know I'm a little late in getting around to this, but it's been a crazy week! I'm Sharon, and last August, I moved from northern California to Plymouth, MN. I'm a Catholic homeschooling mom to four kids – one high schooler, one middle schooler, one elementary schooler and one preschooler. I have a homeschool blog, but haven't updated it since last spring! Oops!
I started reading your blog when I found out we where moving to MN. I think someone from the 4Real boards sent me the link. I love reading blogs for the ideas, inspiration and encouragement, which is also why I read your blog!
Hi my name is Katie C. I live in MD and am a wife, mother of 3 (2 boys and 1 girl) and a homeschool mom. Oh yeah and I am pregnant with baby number 5 (another girl)…..our fourth is our special angel in heaven.
I love to read your blog as I find your comments refreshing. It is nice to read about your adventures and misadventures as ours often sound similar.
I hope that you have a wonderful day!
Katie C.
Hi Margaret! My name is Lauri and I live in Virginia. I'm a Mom of three, grandmother of 1 and have been married for almost 28 years this month. I love to read, cook, garden, scrapbook and travel all over my homestate. I read your blog because I love your humor and how you always keep it "real". Thanks for putting yourself out there for us!
Hi! I lurk often, don't post comments much though!
I'm Allison. I'm from Wisconsin, but am moving over to the Twin Cities in September when my fiance and I get married
He lives over there right now and is from there. So I have a fondness for MN.
I'm hoping my vocation is to be a mother. I want children. But until then I run a website selling pet goods that I make. And I also wash dogs part time at a grooming salon.
My interests are camping, photography, hiking, reading and sewing.
My blog is http://BrokenFortress.blogspot.com
I read blogs because I became Catholic 4 years ago now after meeting my fiance and I don't have really any Catholic friends in real life. This helps me grow in my faith and meet fellow Catholics who share the same ideas as me.
I read your blog because I love seeing pictures of another Catholic family. And I also love the idea of homeschooling. But you're also funny and truthful. And, I love reading thoughts from someone in my general area. Like I said, I don't know many Catholics.
My name is Elizabeth.
I live in Missouri, but I'm from Minnesota.
I'm a special education teacher.
I'm interested in knitting, weaving, and gardening.
I don't blog, and I rarely write on any blog I read, but I read a few regularly.
I read yours, Margaret, because you write about your faith and your family, and you write with humor and humility.
I have three sweeties of my own, and they keep me running.
I'm Ouiz and I'm in upstate SC. I am currently expecting baby #8, who will be born in July.
Interests: reading, crafting (of all sorts), cooking, drawing, and soaking in a nice hot bath at the end of the day.
I read your blog because I love to get great ideas from other Catholic homeschooling moms. There are very few of us where I live, so most of my inspiration has to come from the blogging world.
My blog is http://www.chezouiz.blogspot.com
Bonjour! I am Renee, from Ontario in Canada where it's almost as cold in winter as in Minnesota, or maybe colder.
I am mom to many, Nana to seven, crazy wife to one fine man, and married a long time to same. Catholic, homeschool, blessed, my blog was born from a sudden work transfer that cut our family in half and sent us almost clear across the country from them. Miss them. Like crazy! But we are here because God lead us here. That is our journey now, waiting for what will unfold in his time.
Blog is http://goeasttheysaid.blogspot.com
We live near the best medical assistance for my husband's rare lung disease, borrowed days for the past five years as he degenerates day to day.
We live. We love. We pray in thanksgiving, for all things given unto us.
Love your blow Margaret from Minnesota, real momma, kindred spirit, living life as it comes. Love it. REAL! Thank you. And besides, you drink your coffee black, like me. grin,grin.
My first name is Christi, I originally hail from Canada and have now lived in the south (NC)since '97. (Too tired to do the math…)
I am a homeschooling mother of 13 living children with 7 in heaven. My oldest is 27, the youngest at fifteen months fits neatly between her niece who is 19 months and her nephew who is 7.5 months. We have 8 girls and 5 boys. (Cause everyone asks!)
My interests are photography, writing, blogs and loving my babies as they grow and not necessarily in that order.
Why do I read your blog – some how you and I connected after we both wrote about our families in the Couple to Couple magazine about what feels like eons ago! After I found your blog I kept coming back because you are "real". Like me you have days when it feels like it's all coming together and then days when its just not so great. And I love coffee and tea parties too.
I am afraid I am not as generous as Christine – I will stash the chocolate bars with my British chocolate my sister just mailed me and share the healthy sunflower seeds with the nine kids still at home.
I will sign off with a prayer request if you all don't mind. My 7 year old daughter, Emma Louise Kathleen, has just been diagnosed with bilateral reflux of the bladder of a grade 4 on the right and grade 2- 3 on the left. Despite the right kidney being swollen they believe it can be saved. Tomorrow, if she passes the health exam in the hospital they will do surgery to to attempt to correct this problem. Our priests when they learned of Emma's condition decided to petition the bishop for permission for Emma to be confirmed and permission was granted. So today she received the anointing of the sick and Confirmation. Please keep Emma and our family in your prayers, especially tomorrow when they must make the decision whether to go ahead with the surgery or post pone due to her upper respiratory infection. Here is my new blog. (I used to be mum2twelve on blog spot.) http://ourbakersdozen.wordpress.com/
Hi Margaret and everyone,
I'm Katie in GA. I'm a wife and homeschooling mother of four (so far!). I'm also a natural childbirth educator and would happily live the rest of my life repeating a continuous cycle of pregnancy, labor, birth, and first year with a baby … repeat. My husband is a bit more practical and attempts to keep me in check.
I don't have a blog of my own, I don't live in MN, and I don't drink coffee. Nevertheless, I love you, Margaret, and I love your blog because it helps me to laugh at life while being serious about my faith and about loving my family. Thank you for sharing yourself so freely. Although you know so little about me, I feel like you are a dear friend. Perhaps someday our paths shall cross!
Hi Margaret,
I am Marie — actually Marie Margaret from Washington State. I am a wife of mother of two — a lovely 15 year old girl and our miracle baby boy who is 7.5 months old. I used to be a church secretary until said baby came along. I love reading, cooking, baking and trying to knit and was getting quite proficient at rosary making — again until forementioned baby came along. Now mostly, my time is spent feeding baby and the rest of the family and picking up my daughter from her Catholic high school. I read blogs because they are easier to read with one hand and I am able to learn from like-minded souls. I love your blog because you are funny and honest and I can relate to your writing. Especially the whole coffee drinking thing. May God bless you abundantly!
Hello! My name is Maria. My hubby, cat Galileo, and I live in tropical Mass. We will be celebrating our third anniversary on June 16th.
I am a devoted wife to my husband Ed. We hope and pray to be parents one day, but endometriosis and infertility is making that an almost impossible dream. Still though, I pick up my rosary and continue to pray. I find the rosary gives me great peace and comfort especially when I'm feeling sad and discouraged.
In my spare time I love to read, write fiction, and photography. I also enjoy meeting and making new friends both offline and online.
I love to visit your blog because I admire your wonderful Catholic faith and devotion to your beautiful family.
I have a blog devoted to the Blessed Mother and the rosary, but not many people come and visit.
May God Bless you and your beautiful family!
Maria Therese in Mass
Hi Margaret
My name is Julie and I live in a small country town in the lower south east of South Australia, Australia.
I am wife to my dear husband of 23 years and we have two lovely daughters, 19 and 16 years old. I would fly to the moon and back for them all.
I enjoy cooking, gardening, walking, homemaking, amateur photography, working in our car dealership office, travelling and would like to have more time for cross stitch, scrap booking, craft and general me time. We are currently setting up a vehicle with a roof top tent for camping adventures for two!
You can catch me at my blog http://www.simplyjoolz.blogspot.com
I fell into blogging nearly 2 years ago when I googled 'home-made soap' or something like that. An Aussie blog popped up and I just started reading links from there…. not sure how I found you but I am so glad I did. I have made some lovely blog-fiends along the way.
I regularly read your blog because of your honesty, humour, real life dramas/comedy and your sweet family. You keep it real! I went through your pregnancy with Anthony (after reading of your miscarriages) with baited breath, fingers and toes crossed that you would deliver a healthy baby – a keeper! I cried for you when he was born.
God bless you and yours,
Hi Margaret!
My name is Kirsten and I live in Florida for the next couple of weeks and then we are relocating to Kentucky with my husband's job!! (life is crazy right now)
I am a Catholic wife and homeschooling mom to seven amazing children here, and two in heaven.
My interests are farming (although we are selling the farm :0( ), gardening, reading, running, photography. I want to learn how to sew and knit one of these days.
I like to read blogs because I like to see what other moms are doing. It is nice to know there are others out there in the trenches!!!
I enjoy your blog because you make me laugh. Your pictures are great. And your parents are just so cute. I want to give them a hug whenever I see their picture!!!
My blog is http://www.sonlightgarden.com
God Bless You!
My name is Heddy (short for Hedwig). I'm from IA, but live in DE. I'm a very new mother to one little four month old boy and one in heaven. I've been reading your blog, as a lurker, since sometime in 2007. I know, I'm shy.
I have no idea how I found your blog, but whatever you posted about that day warranted a bookmark and return visits several times a week since. You have been very inspiring.
You can find my latest attempt at blogging at thefirstfouryears.wordpress.com
And sunflower seeds are the best! But not as amazing as the prayers (which brought me out of lurkdom). I offered three Hail Marys for you as well.
Hello Margaret,
I'm Cheri,a Catholic SAHM homeschooler and Mom of 5 blessings(12,9,7,3,almost 2).I ran across your blog years ago and read it because it is 'real'(honest), you share homeschooling, your faith, and I really appreciate all of it. Always look forward to a good Angela story! I try to read every day.I enjoy gardening, reading and dabbling in a few crafts when there is time.
Ok, I can't resist, because I love your blog. I am Michele, blog name "coffeemom". I'm in TN, and I wife and mom. I have 8 kids, gave birth to three, adopted five (three from US two from EThiopia). I Catholic. A falling down stubbing my toes daily Catholic. I have interest in family, life as a woman/mom/wife (my vocation), Catholicism, modern culture, adoption, special needs, large families, food, gardens, travel, art, painting, ,sewing, books….everything. My blog is
Another Espresso Please
at http://anotherespressoplease.blogspot.com
IF I win, I donate the snack right back at ya too…becuase those kids go through them fast, they might as well stay w/ you!
Bless you for this blog and your openness, it's a gift to so many of us.
Hi! I'm Carrie from Wisconsin. My vocation is in Jesus' hands, but I am a Latin/biology/theology teacher by profession. I love to cook, drink wine with friends, and dream about heaven. I don't have a blog, but I read yours because I appreciate your sincerity and you make me laugh!
My first name is Dawn and I'm Texan. I'm a SAHM and homeschool. My blog is at dawnfarias.com. My interests are blogging and decorating blogs. I like to cook and make grand plans that I follow for day or two. I'm Catholic. I have a blog because it's a fun hobby. I like to read blogs to learn, be amused, get inspiration…
I think gum and chocolate is the perfect giveaway pairing, actually.
I enjoy your blog because it is real and humorous and with well crafted posts.
I go by Stina in the blogosphere and Uncle Sam currently has this Air Force family living in Colorado Springs. I am a SAHM who spends her "free time" on the volleyball court coaching middle and high school girls. I have 3 girls (4,3,1) and one precious baby in heaven. My interests include reading, travel, movies, dancing, scrapbooking, staying in touch with friends, and of course, volleyball. I blog at combatbootsandballetshoes.blogspot.com, although I have been on an unintentional hiatus the last few months. I started reading blogs as a way to connect with other like-minded women and to learn how to better LIVE my faith as I felt very alone in my faith at the time. I originally clicked on your blog because I lived in MN for almost 10 years and it still holds a very special place in my heart. I continue to read your blog because you are funny and faithful. Hopefully, our paths can cross someday!
Hi! I'm Matthew and, if the comments on this entry are representative, I may be your old male reader.
I'm a husband and father to a houseful of kids (four year old twin boys, a two year old boy and a four month old girl) and two we lost.
I read different blogs for different reasons. There are friends that I want to keep tabs on, technology blogs related to my vocation, cooking blogs for inspiration and political blogs because I like to keep informed (and may eventually run for office).
My most recent fixation has been Catholic blogs, including your own. I have had a rocky and uncertain relationship with faith throughout my life, but have found myself inexorably drawn to people of faith in recent years.
I have a personal blog, but have been remiss in updating it recently: http://wdomburg.livejournal.com/
Hello there,
my name is Alanna (rhymes with Banana). I am nineteen years old and I've been reading your blog since I came across it this past summer.
I'm currently a sophomore in college- I attend Franciscan University. I was homeschooled all of my life, and I hope to homeschool my own children- if that's what God has in store for me.
Some of my interests include: children, flowers, Monet, music, family, cooking, traveling, conversations in the kitchen, fires (and the smell of woodsmoke), singing/song-writing, my Catholic faith, planting and gardening, cute dresses and flats, red ivy geraniums in terracotta pots…the list would go on endlessly! I find the small things to be the most beautiful and profound.
My boyfriend and I started a blog awhile ago– it's simply meant to be a place to share our thoughts on the things we consider to be the most important and truly good in this world. I hope you'll give it a look if you get a chance!
The url is: http://www.sardinesandtea.blogspot.com
and my music website is:
Thank you for sharing your lovely family with us, God bless you.
Hi. My name is Karen and I'm a coffee-holic.
Wait, no — that's our other meeting, isn't it, Mags? :-O
I'm so embarrassed. Don't enter me unless you change the prize to Caribou coffee.
My name is Ann and I'm from Cincinnati. I'm the mother of 3 and I am currently a student of English Literature, hoping one day to be an English teacher.
I look forward to reading your blog everyday because I love the way you incorporate God into your everyday life. You make life with your family look fun and I love to get ideas for my own family from you. Being a good Catholic mom is something I strive to be, and I feel that you are a good model of what I can someday hope to be.
Your baby is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen, and I love your photos. Please keep posting!!!
I'm CMerie and have been reading your blog for what feels like ages now.
We live in Arizona but are originally from Wyoming. We have two kids here (3 & 1) and another in heaven. I am a lover of reading, and thinking, and anything else that doesn't require moving. (Yet another
) http://cmerie.blogspot.com
My name is Shawna. I live on an acreage in rural Alberta, Canada. My main vocations are wife, mother and homeschool educator with a side ofstudent (I'm working on a BA online one course at a time). We have 6 children ages 11 to 5 months. We're converts to Catholicism from nothing.
I enjoy reading, history, gardening, cooking/baking, board games and writing. I run too.
I read blogs for education purposes, escapism and, honestly, because at times I'm lonely as a rural homeschooler and it's a way to connect.
I don't even remember how I found your blog, but it's one of the ones I check daily. I enjoy your honesty, your joy in your family, your sense of humour.
I blog (not faithfully) at necessaryindeed.blogspot.com
Thank you. I appreciate the prayers, if I win would you send the snack to my BF in MN?
I'm Michelle from MN. I'm a homeschooling mom with 7 kids on earth and nearly as many heaven.
I read blogs that help me better myself. Not so much self-help blogs. Blogs like this one that inspire me to do things like enjoy my kids funny antics at the most inopportune times and remember to take time for friends.
blog: http://cautionmomsatplay.blogspot.com
Hi, I'm Colleen and I have a wonderful hubby and 4 great kids ages 7, 5, 3, and 2. We live in liberal MA, only because my whole family is nearby.
I started reading blogs when I felt that I had no in-real-life friends who had the same values and goals as me. I needed support and encouragement, and boy did I ever find it! (Especially in your blog, Margaret).
I blog mostly just to make a scrapbook of memories for my family (I print out a book each year if all my posts and pictures), and also to meet people.
Your blog always makes me smile, think, and pray
B my name is Barbara
And my husband's name is Billy
And we come from Boston
With a car load of bananas
Whoops, wrong game.
Ok, I'm only doing this for the chance at three Hail Marys, I'll have you know.
I am Barbara, mother and wife from central Ohio. I homeschool my two youngest children, and have one in high school and one in college (Go Buckeyes!). I cook ( Bless Us O Lord ), quilt, read, make rosaries ( Prayerful Beads ), and blog ( Praying for Grace ) about faith and life. I enjoy reading blogs because I have very limited support for my lifestyle in my geographic area. I read Minnesota Mom because Anthony is so very cute (haha! kidding you, sort of).
My "name" (in the blog world) is Mrs. Smith. I'm a Catholic, homeschooling, midwesterner, wife and mother. We have 5 sons and will be welcoming another little bundle of blue sometime in the next month.
I read you daily Margaret- You're entertaining, honest, and devout, and I thoroughly enjoy your blog.
Mine is happycatholichome.blogspot.com
Thanks, and God Bless!
Hi! My name is Lisa Crookston from Ohio. I am a wife and a homeschooling mother of nine. I am also a soccer mom and help run a Challenge Girls club. My oldest just finished her sophmore year of college and my second will join her next year as a freshman. My youngest is 3 years old. The ratio of children is 6 girls to 3 boys. I read Catholic mom blogs to feel comnnected to like-minded women. I laugh with them and cry with them.
I'm Amy. I currently live in Oklahoma, however I'm originally from Texas. (As a true Texan, I feel this is a necessary clarification.)
I am a wife and mother of three beautiful kiddos (4,2, and 1 next week) with another one making his appearance this Dec.
I (attempt to) blog at http://neverlandmommy.blogspot.com/
As the baptist wife of a devout Catholic, I first got into reading blogs, including yours, as a way to learn about raising a Catholic family. I had no clue as to the traditions etc. Blogs have been very helpful in this endeavor. So Thanks!
Hi. I'm Jessica and I live in Indiana with my husband and son. I am a homemaker!
Some of my interests are reading, writing, walking, playing with my son and I'm working on teaching myself to sew…not going very well at the moment though.
I read blogs to meet different people and to learn new and different ways of doing things. I read your blog because you are funny and always an inspiration to me.
My blog is: http://aflyingdutchgirl.blogspot.com/
Hello! I am Carrie from Tennessee. I am a wife and mother to two angels in heaven. I am a teacher, but I love to knit, cook, garden, and read in my free time. I read your blog, because it gave me inspiration after my miscarriage and hope that one day I will be a mommy to babies here on Earth. I t makes me laugh and I love how you show the real side of being a wife and mother in a Catholic household.
Hey Margaret!
My name is Kelly. I live in Minnetonka.I'm a wife and mom of 3 who are in their 20's. I enjoy reading your blog because it is fun and real.
Margaret you are a sweetie- your kids are very blessed to have you for their mom.
My name is Terri and I live in Iowa with my adorable hubby of 36 years.
Kids are all married and producing so life is good.
Interests: pro-life and all things Catholic, taking highschoolers to both the DC March for Life in January and Steubenville Conferences in the summer. I also LOVE to cook.
Latest book read…"Fatherless"
Your first name: Jenn
Your home state or country: MN
Your vocation: Motherhood
Your interests: Reading, shopping, cooking, gardening, sports
Your blog: Nope
Why you read blogs: Because I'm nosy and they are interesting
Why you read this blog: Because you're my daughter's godmother and we love you
No snacks for me…I've got the diabetes. But you can enjoy them for me should I win. Good luck next weekend…Evelyn asked if it's normal to be nervous. I said it is for her and for me (you know what I mean!).
Hi Margaret,
I'm Kelli from California, a Catholic wife and homeschooling mother of 4 girls. I don't blog myself, but I find your blog delightful! I read your blog as it provides me with encouragement, laughter, and spiritual food for thought. I enjoy baking, cooking, and all things Catholic. Thanks for the joy you bring into my home!
God bless,
Hey Margaret – I know I'm too late for the summer treats, but wanting to let you know I still check in with your crazy loving family. You make me laugh – always have. I don't read many blogs, just like to keep up with you. Maybe you can check in some Saturday morning, would love to see you again!
Mary from WW
My name is Kelli and I live in Texas. I'm a stay at home mom, homeschool my kiddos, and volunteer with girl scouts and the pregnancy help center (prolife ministry) here in my town. I've been reading forever, but only recently started up blogging again. I have 6 year old daughter and a 1 year old son. My husband drives me insane and yet I am desperately in love with him. My kids probably drive me crazier than the husband, but I am desperately in love with them too. My blog is http://ataylorfam.blogspot.com
Hi Margaret!
I'm too late for the contest, but that's okay.
I wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and wishing me a happy mother's day! It totally made my day!
And so I'm Christine from Dallas, TX, even though we've moved quite a bit, so I don't consider myself from Dallas – my home state is VA. I'm married with 3 kids, the youngest of which was born less than a week after your little one.
I blog so that my relatives who live far away can see pictures of the kids and have an idea of what's happening. My folks live in Belgium, so this is very helpful to them.
I read blogs, especially other Catholic moms, to feel like I have some spiritual community – since we're all trying to raise our children to be saints. And I feel less lonely seeing people around the country/world doing the same thing. I'm made some good friends blogging who I can pray for and if I never meet here, hopefully we will all meet in heaven. It makes the universal Church seem alot closer in this age where even my neighbors seem a world apart.
On that meeting in heaven not, you'll probably have a long line of folks waiting to meet you there who happened across your blog and were inspired. Thank you for your witness!
Btw, the last bit of my comment was supposed to say note, not not.