(Vol. XVI for Me)
The Roll-Over Edition
We went to see the Minnesota Orchestra this week, which I love.
(I am a sap when it comes to live music. I tend to cry.)
(This despite the middle school kids who are yakkin’ all around me.)
Because I had my 80-mile-an-hour Angela in tow, I thought it would be good to get her energy out before the performance.
It’s like the running of the bulls in Pamplona, only more intense.
I thought I would try to get a nice endearing photograph of “Angela at Orchestra Hall.”
Good luck with that.
For Angela, impassivity is as foreign a concept as Greek Algorithyms.
Fortunately she stayed put in her seat once the performance began and that was the whole point.
(Okay, except for that time when she just had to go to the bathroom…)
While waiting for the concert to start, I visited with the teacher sitting next to me. She was an art teacher from St. Cloud, which, for you out-of-staters, is about an hour north of here.
She told me that the last time her school had come to town, they were behind a semi truck that rolled over. It was a royal mess, she said, because the semi had been hauling pigs.
“You’ve heard of the expression ‘When pigs fly?’” she remarked. “Well, they were.”
I laughed and laughed at this, and told her that if nothing else, she will always have a good story to tell. Pigs on the highway on your way to a school concert? Who could ever plan for that?
Speaking of things we do not plan, I lost one of my favorite CDs this past week—our “Singing the Books of the Bible” CD from the Family Formation program—and left no stone unturned trying to find it. Truly I was like a woman obsessed, and went through every single CD case in the house.
Do you ever store CDs in the wrong case? Huge mistake, that.
I even checked the lost & found at our library, thinking it had gotten returned with one of our audio books.
(I told you—I was like a woman obsessed.)
(Okay, I was obsessed.)
Finally—finally—it turned up, lying on my bedroom ottoman in the case for our August Rush CD. I hooted and hollered like it was a lost gold coin. I was the woman in the parable.
This is why we lose things, I realized. It feels so good when we finally find them.
Today is Day 1 of Felicity’s First Communion novena. (You may print a copy of the entire novena here.)
Have I mentioned that this particular rite of passage has been a little…hard on me?
You understand, I’m sure.
Speaking of rites of passage…
Let’s talk about this thing called Airsoft.
Do your boys live & breath & talk of little else but Airsoft? My goodness, I feel like I’m living inside an episode of 24. (Granted, it doesn’t help that their dad is every bit as into it as they are….)
Even Baby Anthony is growing up. He turns one this month—one year old! Do you hear me?—and already needed a full-fledged haircut.
(You can just roll your mouse over the photo to see the before shot.)
Ridiculous, isn’t it? I can’t keep up.
Last but not least, I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for taking the time to introduce yourself. I’ll pick the winner of the snack package next Monday, at which time I’ll shift the post to a page of its own.
Please keep introducing yourself! It’s been a blessing for me to get to know you.
To see all of the 7 Quick Takes entries, please visit Jen @ Conversion Diary. And have a beautiful Mother’s Day weekend!
That picture of Anthony was really not what I expected! What milestones you are having this month between his birthday and the First Communion.
Take # 6 is why I read your blog. I cracked right up and it was certainly needed this morning! Thanks.
AIRSOFT…I got boys..I get it!
I soooooo get the airsoft thing. My boys didn't get to enjoy it as much since we do not live anywhere but on military bases with crazy mothers' who freak at the sight of any toy gun. Silly mommies need to relax and let boys be boys (and some girls, like moi, would love to run amok like an armed bandit for a spell). Geeesh.
I just want to squeeze all your darling kids!
On my goodness, you had me cracking up with that "before" picture! Just what I needed this afternoon, after a very stress filled morning. Let's just say my 17 year old is going to get his neck …..ummm, a good talking to when he gets home from school today. : )
First of all, that novena is beautiful. Those are the kinds of things that are missing from contemporary evangelical churches. I miss that reverence.
Also, where did you go to see the orchestra? That stage looks awfully familiar. I think that maybe I performed on it once.
The before picture is so typical of you – that's why we read MN Mom!!
You do know that that's one of the best things about airsoft — the bonding which will last forever! (And they intentionally came up with the name "airsoft" just to placate the moms… those things HURT!!)
I know you'll savor these milestones, Margaret…
Blessing to you and yours.
Margaret, thanks for being such a good read. I was laughing at this one. The pigs and then the hair. Haven't hit the airsoft stage yet with my 12yr old boy, but here lots of boys like it tons. Thanks for all the laughs. I think your Angela is my Sarah, except mine's 3going on 4 soon.
Blessings to you,
Happy Mother's Day! Hope you have a wonderful day! I will be praying a special rosary in honor of all Mothers, Mothers to Be, and Women who hope and pray to be Mother's!
May God Bless you and your family!
Maria Therese In Mass 🙂
I only first heard about Airsoft this last week so it's too funny that you mentioned it here. I love the rollover picture!! I don't follow Pioneer Woman much but was on there today and saw a tut for just such a thing. Was she your inspiration??
I missed the introduce yourself post. Off to do that…
LOVED the before picture. HOW did you do that? I'm not techie enough.
Love the First Communion novena, too — it's the same one we use. It's very sweet. We draw pictures of the flowers each day, too.
And, since I have no boys, I have no idea what Airsoft is. But you have my sympathy, as I'm quite certain it's sympathy-worthy.
My boys live for airsoft. We are about to move to 6 acres & they are already planning their airsoft games. They get together with friends for daylong matches. We limit younger ones to pistol only matches cause those suckers can hurt! Only caution, we had one boy chip a permanent tooth from a pellet which was really expensive to fix – now face mask or at least bandana is a rule.