My little hens and I are going to see The Nutcracker tomorrow morning at Felicity’s dance studio. I know they know the music, (Dangerous Assumption #342) but we’ve been watching some selections on YouTube in preparation for the performance.
Angela grew very excited while viewing The Russian Dance.
“I know this music, Momma! It’s from Bug Bunny’s Looney Tunes!”
And that’s my work, such as it’s cut out for me this day.
That is exactly what my children say when listening to this same music.
Glad we are not alone in our cultural training… or lack thereof.
ha ha ha….one time my son was playing a piece on the piano…I'm listening and wondering where I've heard that music before…when he finishes I ask him and he tells me from the movie "Milo and Otis" 🙂
My children are sure that classical music springs from the Barbie movies.
My girls' performances start Saturday (they have 5). My oldest dd is a mouse in the fight scene and my middle dd is a bon-bon in the land of sweets.
hehehe, she has been focused, so cute.