When I shuffled downstairs for my coffee this morning, this is what I found:
Someone appears to have been busy in the kitchen. I wonder who.
When I found a cryptic symbol on my coffee filter I began to worry.
Don’t nobody mess with the Momma’s coffee. It’s one of my most important rituals of the day.
(Okay, it’s THE most important ritual of my day.)
Sure enough, the coffee had been removed from the cupboard. I felt my skin grow cold and clammy, but it wasn’t long before I tracked it down.
I’m like a bloodhound, really, when it comes to sniffing out coffee.
Do you see it there up on the shelf above the sink? Please ignore the splatters on the window.
Man, this person (whoever he is) plays hardball. He not only hid my bag of incredibly delicious Obsidian blend coffee beans; he also hid my cheapo, emergency jar of instant.
But I found them.
Gah! What in the heck is this?
I think I need to send a strongly worded document to the HSLDA.
This is what coffee made with boiling purple water looks like. It has a surreal and disturbing appearance.
I drank it anyway.
Dear reader, would you like to know why I was the sad, sorry brunt of such shenanigans this morning? This is what I eventually found in the cupboard, hidden (yes, hidden) inside an old bag of coffee:
All for the greater glory of God,

*You probably didn’t notice this, but my husband actually dyed the cheerios in the “Happy Birthday” message purple. Now that’s just insane determination.
This was such a great post, Margaret, lol. Happy birthday and enjoy your day!!!
What a fabulous family you've got there. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! What a fun way to start the day!
Happy Birthday, Margaret. I hope the rest of your day is as fun as this post!
How fun – Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday! I've read your blog for a few months, though I'm not sure if I've ever commented. I love coming to "visit" here for a good laugh or a quick inspiration.
Happy Birthday Margaret! May God continue to bless you.
What a trickster he is!! But what a great reward at the end. What a way to start the day. Can't wait to hear what else is in store for your big day 🙂
Happy birthday dear Margaret! October sure is a wonderful month for a birthday, isn't it? 🙂
Hope you have a very blessed day!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Margaret!! Hugs!
What a fun and sweet way to kick off your birthday. Have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Margaret! If someone hid my coffee, I would be curled in a corner crying. That's just evil. Many hugs and prayers for you on your special day!
What a great start to your special day… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Have a great day, Margaret!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day and many blessings throughout the year. You are a whopping 10 days older than I am. 🙂 (Ironically, speaking of age, my word verification is 'saggly'. LOL!)
How clever and sweet! Happy birthday!
What a great way to find a special present.
I bet they enjoyed setting that up.
Hope you had a great day.
I would love to hear your exercise programme, says she who is struggling to find time. It gets so much harder to get out ot bed these days ☺
Hope you have an awesome day!
Aw how sweet was that?! Hope you have a great birthday!
What a wonderful husband! At least you got a great start to the day, even if everything was purple and apples. 🙂 Enjoy it and Happy Feast of the Guardian Angels (and 1st Friday).
Happy Birthday Margaret! Thanks for sharing the pictures, they were great. I hope you have a blessed birthday! God Bless! – Marie
Happy Birthday!!! Have a fabulous day!
Love that, Margaret. Happy Birthday!!
How sweet!! Happy, Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! Have a wonderful day.
Happy Bday!!!
I thought those purple cheerios were actually M&Ms!!! Yum, either way!!
Here's hoping you have a fun, full of purple surprises, bday!!!
God bless you, i'll say a prayer for you today! 🙂
God bless,
Mary @ CHeerios
Hope your day is just FABULOUS!!!!!!
Happy Birthday! May this be your best year yet!
Happy birthday Margaret! Caribou coffee–if anyone moved mine there BETTER be an awesome iPod at the end of it. 🙂
You get my afternoon rosary today. 🙂 Enjoy your birthday!
Happy Birthday! What a nice way to start your new year! I didn't notice any window splatters, but I did notice the empty paper towel roll, which is the constant state of the paper towels in my house.
God grant you many years!
Happy Birthday!!! May God grant you many more just as beautiful and fun.
Happy Birthday! Sounds like your day is off to a fun start!
Happy Birthday Margaret! You are in good company…it's my husbands b-day too!
Happy Blessed Birthday Margaret!!! I love you and will be thinking and every time I nurse and pray my decade, I'll pray for you!!!
God bless!
Can't say you never had purple coffee!
Happy Happy Birthday! What a clever husband you have!
A fun way to start your day! Blessings to you!
Happy Birthday Margaret. What fun at your house. I'm impressed that you have a newborn and such clean countertops. How do you do it? God bless you. I'm offering my Braxton Hicks for you and Kristen.
I've heard of being in the pink, but in the purple is something else. Happy 43 🙂
What a terrifically blessed mother you are today! Purple? Laughed so hard when I saw that purple rolling from the coffee pot, how great is that? 🙂 Happy Birthday to you, happy purply-apple day to you! Ohhhh, load up that baby and enjoy! God bless.
Love it!
Happy birthday and many many more!!
Happy birthday 🙂
Happy Birthday!!! October is such a great month for a birthday!!
Happy Blessing Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday Margaret! My husband got me a green "apple" for my early b-day present. Mine is on Halloween. Don't you just love October?? Peace.
Happy Birthday! Your husband is so good to you…how fun! I'll say a rosary for you tonight.
Hello Margaret
Happy Birthday to you! Purpel ipods are the coolest, just ask my Brianna -she has one too!
I still think back to last year when you turned 42 and announced you were pregnant – I cried for you and your happy news. Bless you and yours,
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy, Happy Birthday dear friend!
Happy Birthday, Margaret! I, too, was immediately thinking back to last year and crying when I saw your post about the positive pregnancy test. What a wonderful gift to have little Anthony to celebrate with this year… and purple coffee and all the rest 🙂
happy birthday Margaret. Your mother should have had you a day earlier and you would have shared my birthday.
Awesome Margaret! I asked for an ipod for my birthday too. Which is in December. But it's a BIG one – 30! 🙂
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Margaret!!!