How do moms with multiple kids at multiple schools do it? I’ll tell you, the past week has been crazy, what with car pools and early morning risings and after school practices and oh! Did I mention that Joe has his first cross-country meet this afternoon?
At least his sports are getting me outside.
Consequently, whatever “schedule” I might have had is undergoing a major overhaul. Blogging may be light until I get it all figured out.
(As if I’ll ever have it all figured out.)
For today, let’s do something fun. Joolz left a couple of comments on my “Wordless Wednesday” post about her refrigerator magnets. They were pretty cute, her little magnets; they made me smile.
I like to smile. It feels good and helps me deal with stress.
(It’s an endorphin thing, right?)
So, yes. Let’s do something fun today. Tell me: What do you have on your fridge that makes you smile? Photos? Quotes? Those little black-and-white word magnets?
(And if you do have those little black-and-white word magnets, what goofy sentences are composed on your fridge at present?)
Share with me and make me smile.
My endorphin level thanks you.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
I don't have a refrig magnet that makes me smile (they always end up underneath the refigerator anyway). I have my two oldest children's college schedules taped there (so I know when to call). Yes!! We did it! And it was worth it.
Remember! Stressed is Dessert spelled backward!
Sorry, all I have on my fridge is
(1) a default bread machine recipe
(2) a chart of serving sizes for preschoolers
(3) this week's menu.
Now I feel like an extremely boring person. Thanks for pointing it out.
I have a couple of my favorite pictures of my Mom and Dad. Since they are in Heaven now, I love to see these pictures. It definitely makes me smile!
I have a magnet my very first boyfriend bought me for my high school locker it says: "Save time. See it my way."
He knew me well.
I have plain black magnets holding up lunch menu, weekly calendar, new church schedule, and two (long) guotes.
I have this picture:
inspired from having read A Soldier of the Great War by Mark Helprin. It gets a little slow about 300 pages in, but otherwise a GREAT (fiction) read (for all of the free time that you busy, homeschooling mothers have)! He has extended meditations on the significance the nursing mother and child hold for the soldier that are beautiful.
Everytime we go visit some place new, we buy a magnet and stick it on the frig. Looking at those magnets brings back happy memories from the trip!
Let's see. I have an old old metal sign type magnet that says: Smokers and chewers will please spit on each other, and not on the stove or floor.
Another two that make me laugh are pictures with "talking balloons".
Two nuns in habits, one asks the other, "SO, what are you wearing tomorrow?"
Noah up to his neck in water near a ramp with two snails on it about ten yards from the ark door . . . he says to the snails, "Take your time . . ."
Oh, and I always smile when I look at my wee wooden shoes a friend sent me from her travels to Holland. Cute!
a photograph of my daughter hugging her uncle (my brother) goodbye at the airport, both of them trying not to cry … and an advertisement for a floristry class … and a picture of a flower my daughter did years ago, glued to a magnet.
When my dd was little we had the weekly Fairy Newspaper displayed on the fridge.
We do one in private highschool, 2 in public school, and 2 homeschoolers. LIFE is a rollercoaster. Some days things work out well and others … well, a lovely glass of wine at night makes it a little better.
My fridge has a lot of Fridge Phonics letters on it. My door to the garage is magnetic and houses ALL the various activities and school notices.
I have a yellow magnet with green letters that states:
SEE everything
OVERLOOK a great deal
CORRECT a little
I love this magnet, my daughter even chose it for her motto in her year book. I try to remember to look at whenever I'm tempted to react harshly to something going on at home!!
I have a magnet, it's a picture of ostriches on the beach at sunset. They are all looking at the one ostrich that has decided to fly away. I love it.
We don't have any magnets on the fridge right now, as our house is on the market. Realtor's orders! I miss my magnets =(
My stainless frig does not hold magnets! I never thought about it before we moved… so, my frig is bare. One of the kids found a cereal box magnet & stuck it to the side, but I hardly ever look at it (it's just a picture).
However, I have my file cabinets in the school room to decorate. I have two magnets with sayings. The first is "Bloom where you are planted"; I'm not sure why I keep it because I don't necessarily agree for many different reasons. And, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed" Proverbs 16:3. I agree whole-heartedly!
Otherwise, there are a load of pictures & advertisement magnets.
Julia once drew a squirrel holding an acorn. The squirrel was thinking, "So many nuts, so little time…"
It's so appropriate for just about any facet of my life right now…
It's hung on my refrigerator for a long time…
Our fridge has a photo of our girls held by a single magnet. We like it that way. The clean look makes us smile. (And I hope you're laughing at how boring we are!)
I have a magnet that hung on my mom's fridge for years. I hope to pass it on to my kids in many more! It says:
Please! Do not touch the top of the refrigerator. Important dust-settling measurement in progress!
This is a great one Margaret! I don't have any 'cute' magnets to make you smile, what I do have is:
-LOTS of kids artwork
-our diocesan Serra's monthly calendar that has a priest listed every day to pray for
-Quick Prayer to St. Anne (from Elizabeth Foss' blog)
-This particular quote that I read on a certain inspirational woman's blog :): "When you have to give orders, do not humiliate anyone. GO GENTLY. Respect the intelligence and the will of the one who is obeying." St. Josemaria Escriva
So, nothing to smile at particularly, but filled with reminders for my day!
I have TONS on my fridge! It's a cluttered art wall. But my favorite on the fridge are:
1) Picture magnet of my husband and I as teenagers, he has long hair past his shoulders-now he's almost bald (and much more attractive)!
2) a laminated quote from Sen. Dodd that states "Stay-at -home Mothers have chosen not to work because they want to go play golf or go to the club and play cards." Yeah. My golf game has been suffering lately. How about yours?
3) and a picture my 6 year old drew of cheese puff sticks with teeth ready to attack! Better them attacking me than me them I suppose.
I have a photo of my husband holding our littlest daughter the day he deployed on my fridge. Makes me smile every time.
My favorite fridge magnet was given to me by my best IRL friend.. a homeschooling mama of (soon to be) 8!
It's a funky picture of a cartoon mom curled up on a charir and it says:
"I am woman.
I am invincible.
I am tired."
Dear Lord- Put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
My fridge is my my bulletin board and covered with odds, ends and important papers. My favorite magnet is from my firend and says Lord, please make me thin and if not, please make all my firends fat!
I share your carpooling woes. My duaghter just added the school play to our afterschool journeys. It is a blessed busy time. Thanks for your posts!
My 2 favorite: A woman's work is never done. And it had a picture of a woman vacuuming in the horses pasture. We bought it as a gift for someone who likes to come here and clean clean clean……but then thought better of it.
The other is a card a friend gave me that says, "I think we all know what is would mean to any mom to walk in the front door and find everything all clean and tidy". on the inside, "It woudl mean she's in the wrong house."
Are you noticing a theme here?
I want a fridge like Kristen Lawrence!!! But I don't have one like that…pictures, holy cards, coupons!!
our fridge just has fingerprints on it…stainless steel…what a joke…nothing sticks to it EXCEPT stains…
Actually, I have a list I printed out from your blog awhile back entitled "How Much More will the Father Give" (by Blessed John XXIII), tons of cute pictures of the kids that I turned into refrigerator magnets (they make me smile!), pictures that the kids have drawn, and our calendar.
I have dreams of being as clutter-free as Kristen is, but I'm afraid that will never happen… sigh…
Hello Margaret
I love to make people smile – especially when they are half the world away. I have posted other fridge magnet sayings on my blog. Enjoy.
Cheers – Joolz