I don’t think I’ve mentioned the date that I’m hoping to have this baby.
I don’t have long to wait at all. The date that I’m hoping for is tomorrow, May 24th, the feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians.
Because I know I need all the help I can get…
…in every area.
Rest assured. I’ll keep you posted.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
Ed. Note: The above photo was taken during an impromptu May crowning late Friday evening. My husband had taken all the kids to the park (note the grubby tootsies) after supper—to give Mom a break, certainly, but also to work on the boys’ pitching & batting skills.
We are nothing if not a competitive family. ; )
When they burst back into the house at 9 p.m. they were spent but their eyes were shining. As they settled down to their rice krispie wedges, the kids were quick to tell me that they’d come up with Two New Titles for their parents!
Really, now.
I was M.O.M.: Maker of Meals. (Rubbing my tummy, I added, “And how about Maker of Midgets?”)
My husband, though, was Mr. B.A.D.
Best Awesome Dad.
Yep. He has earned it.
That would be a beautiful day! We live 15 minutes from the Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady Help of Christians, so I will try to get over there and light a candle for you in the shrine today. Much love! Alicia
Alicia, you are the best. Thank you!
Nate’s birthday is tomorrow…he’s hoping you get the present you want tomorrow, too! We’re all sending you prayers and hugs!
Hang (out) in there!
My daughter’s birthday is tomorrow. It is certainly a blessed day here! I’m praying for you!
Do you have a neighbor with a trampoline you could bounce on tonight? Jumping jacks started my first labor 🙂 I don’t know about you, but 39 weeks is always when I’m ready to see if I can help that baby get movin’!
Love and continued prayers to you!
Tomorrow would be a wonderful day. any day will be wonderful! You or Mr. BAD better keep us posted, or there could be phone calls in your future!
Margaret, My parish is Our Lady Help of Christians! I will be sure to remember you at mass tomorrow! : )
Oh what a great pic, and I Love the kids’ new names for you!
You have a gorgeous family. 🙂
I love the photo! We hope to do that rice crispy thing sometime this week!
I will be praying for your special day, your babes all are born on those feast days aren’t they? There certainly are a lot coming up!
My sweet little Emily, baby of our brood of nine, will be six tomorrow…our prayers for you, dear Margaret, that all your hopes are realized on such a blessed feast day!
That’s a beautiful feast day. In addition, it’s also my late mother’s birthday. I’ll be sure to say a prayer to both Our Blessed Mother and my own dear mother for your continued good health and ask for blessings for you and yours.
I managed to make it, which was perfect because I also got to Mass and did some graduation present shopping at the bookstore. 🙂
Margaret, you still have time to make it today so I can win! 🙂
By the way, I think of you every time I walk down the coffee aisle at the grocery store and see the Caribou Coffee packages!
You haven’t checked in yet today. I hope you’re having a baby!
We remembered you at Mass today…on the (transferred) Solemnity of the Ascension. 🙂
I was thinking about you last Thursday as my friend, who has the same due date as you, went into labor early and had her little girl. Hang in there, and my guess is this Tuesday. 🙂
Well? Are you home today? I offered my Mass for you today, hoping you are in labor!
It’s Monday and I am going to start checking your blog obsessively for the next week…wait, I already do that. 😉
Can’t wait!!!
Well, you didn’t post on Sunday, which was your pick, and I predicted TODAY, so here’s hoping you are at the hospital!
You are in my prayers!
Kathy in West Texas
Hello? We’re waiting…doesn’t the hospital have wi-fi? Or are you so mad that you’re hibernating?