Assuming that I get more than three hours of sleep between now and then, I’ll be attending the MN Catholic Home Education Conference THIS WEEKEND at Macalester College in St. Paul.
Will you?
Speakers include Marybeth Hicks, Dr. Brian Ray, Sister Helena Burns, and Father Samuel Martin. Don’t forget the workshops, over 140 tables of vendor deals and colleges, a record number of used book tables, being able to look at curriculum before you buy it, and not having to pay for shipping. (I love that one.) Add to that the inspirational talks that keep you going for another year and spending the weekend with hundreds of other Catholic home educating parents – and well, why would you want to miss it?
Registration is available at the door on Friday or Saturday, and more information is online at
This is one of my very favorite events of the year, and I hope to see you there!
I’ll be the one with the baby. : )
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
Hi Margaret,
I can’t believe you’re going to try it! You must be feeling great! We’re coming from southern Iowa to stay with my brother in Ham Lake. Hope to run into you!
Angela from IA
Margaret, I’d so be there if this wasn’t a sacrement weekend for my dd. I had a hunch that if you felt pretty good, you’d try it. I certainly would … this is a re-charging event for mom! I plan to get the conference CD set and listen on my long commutes.
Margaret, we had so much fun last year, and I knew you’d go if you could!!!
I just can’t do it this year, we start VBS Monday, along with Babycakes’ birthday and a Cub Scout bike run Sunday, it’s just too busy and walking around all weekend on this bum leg would not be good.
I’ll miss you though and seeing that sweet little babe!!!
Have fun!
Besides, Suzie is my driver, and she’s not going…
Hi Margaret,
I’m also coming from southern Iowa, and Angela is my dearest friend. I hope to meet you at the conference, my first time to one in Minnesota. My brother and his family live in Stillwater.
Congratulations on your beautiful new baby boy!
Margaret – this is my first comment here but I’ve been a watcher… I’ll be there this weekend too, my friend and I will be bringing our hubbies for the first time… so exciting! Hope to see you there. We should have a blogger’s fireside chat, don’t you think?
Sounds like a great conference! Won’t be there, a bit far for me. 😀
Oh, one other thing. PICTURES!!!
We need some pictures of that baby!! No more blog posts without some doggone PICTURES!!!!!!!
What do you think we are…patient????
Oh and a birth story. Some of us need a ‘birth’ fix around here.
get those priorities straight girl. Blogging..then sleep 😀
You know I’m just kidding..(partly)
Wow, take it easy. That’s alot for someone who just had a baby. Hoping you get some more sleep. 🙂
Seriously Margaret. Do spend most of the conference sitting down. Even if you feel great you are a grandp multip that is healing from birth and you can set your recovery back by doing too much.
This is a ‘do as I say, not as I do moment’ brought to you by Nine Texans.
You are ambitious dear!! Wow! I’ll be there and looking for the cute mama with the newborn 🙂 Who am I kidding? There’ll be like a million of you…Catholic homeschooling mama’s are committed!! I’ll just look for Margaret in MN, you’ll be wearing a sign, right? Kidding. I’ll know you if I see you.
She will be the cute mama with the ton of people surrounding her. Really, she didn’t have a baby with her last year, but that was her!
I say, look for the crowd.
OK seriously – can we all get together at the conference? I would love to meet others there… I always go with my friend and everybody else seems to know everybody else and we never seem to meet any new friends. All the gals seem to be with their own people. If I knew the campus at all I would suggest a meeting place and time… what can we do?
I don’t know how you Home Schoolers do it all. I’m a SAHM in MN with 2 Catholic school kids and 3 pre-schoolers. I’m not organized enough to home school, or keep a blog. I am very impressed and a little envious. (I guess I’ll have to add confession to my to-do list.) I’ve thought of going to the conference but will be busy this weekend. Ah well, I guess I’ll offer it up.
I will look for a baby-wearing Mama at the conference. It will be good to see you again.
Planning on going even though I don’t really need to!
There are always mamas there with babies who look a few hours old – and this year you will be one of them! Can’t wait to get my first peek at your little guy ~
Well if anyone would like to get together at Macalester, I would recommend using one of the open seating areas one the first floor of the Leonard Center(the main building we’ll be using), they have lots of squooshy chairs and you’ll be right by all of the main events.
Katie(one of the coordinators’ kids)
A most unwise plan, dear Margaret. Recharging the homeschool batteries is a good idea, but the body needs rest after having a baby.
I’ll just say, “I told you so” now and politely ignore your complaining later.
For those who want to meet at the Conference, I’d recommend (if the weather is nice) the outdoor seating by the quad just outside of the Leonard Center’s west entrance.