A Day of Fasting and Prayer
“I, the Lord, have called you for the victory of justice,
I have grasped you by the hand;
I formed you, and set you
as a covenant of the people,
a light for the nations,
to open the eyes of the blind,
to bring out prisoners from confinement,
and from the dungeon, those who live in darkness.”(Isaiah 42: 6-7)
On this unfortunate anniversary, let us join our hearts in an earnest plea that we may live out the truths that we believe and win our cause by the strength of our witness.
As I followed the comments in the post below—So much conviction! So many friends of the heart for whom I’m grateful!—I had to acknowledge a regrettable reality. We are probably not going to win this battle by our words.
Shawn returned to the conversation (he did so at the bottom of the “History in the Making” post) and said, in part, “I absolutely believe in the right to life. But what you are talking about, in my opinion, is different. Take for example, the teenage girl who becomes pregnant after being date raped. Who can’t go home, or is kicked out on the streets because she is pregnant out of wedlock. Who turns to hooking to survive, only to be beaten to death or get some terminal disease from it. How does your ‘pro life’ (anti- choice) stance fit in that scenario?
It does fit into these scenarios, Shawn, but I honestly don’t know that I could convince you of that.
Abortion has nothing to do with date rape or prostitution. It is a separate evil. We love the pregnant teenager and we love the prostitute—so much so that we don’t want double their problems by the risk, the guilt, and the pain of an abortion.
It is hard for me to argue this point because it is so clear to me. Abortion is murder. Scraping one’s child out of one’s womb only to throw it away in pieces is wrong.
It’s clear to me, yet there are thousands for whom my words are not enough.
For them I must live my life out loud.
“The task of a Christian is to drown evil in an abundance of good. It is not a question of negative campaigns, or of being “anti” anything. On the contrary, we should live positively, full of optimism, with youthfulness, joy and peace” (St. Josemaría Escrivá, Furrow, 864).
All for the Greater Glory of God,
Thank you Margaret, you and your words are beautiful. Thank you for saying it better than I could. God bless you.
How true, Margaret. I had two separate conversations going on yesterday via emails with people discussing abortion. I was actually shocked to realize that there was no argument that these children unborn. I expected the argument that they weren’t really children. They had no problem with them being called children. They just kept on about the rights of the adults. Huh? Or that these children have a right to be loved and don’t deserve to suffer in a world where they would be unloved? Again. Huh? Isn’t that the ultimate cruelty? “We don’t expect you to be loved so we’re going to kill you now.”
One emailer got so volatile that she accused me of hate-mongering. She tried bringing up other topics to distract me such as priestly scandals. Huh? And what does that have to do with our discussion?
The other emailer kept her cool pretty well but she just said that she can see both sides. “We have to respect each others’ views. You shouldn’t judge other people. etc etc etc.” I can judge policies.
Both ladies don’t dispute that abortion is killing children. They just think it’s either ok to do it or they’re not going to force their views on others.
And we’re up to 50 million so far, right?
Yes, Margaret.
Thank you for your courage and witness.
The rape is NOT the babies crime. Why would they DESERVE to die from it?
Their MOTHER’S womb should be the safest place in the world for a babe.
Could God possibly WANT all these abortions, this treatment that the life HE gives is disposible? Or was He a God who said take up your cross and follow Me?
God’s will may be that we become suffering servants, but that doesn’t sit well with world’s mentality that everything should feel good and there is no right or wrong.
There is a split with those who are concerned to be Happy Here – let’s make our short time here feel the best it can and those who live for Happy Hereafter – eternity has no end and we will have to answer to God for our selfishness.
Exactly! And when did the issue of how ‘happy’ you are going to be in your life determine whether that life is worth living. If the option of whether you were going to suffer was a determination for if you were allowed to be alive, the first one on that list to go would have been our Jesus. Mary knew the suffering He would have to go through, she could have used that as an excuse to say that she couldn’t abide by that kind of suffering (that He didn’t deserve) and refuse to have any part in it. That is clearly God’s decision, once he has allowed life.
I have never been in the position of having to decide whether I wanted to be pregnant or not. On the contrary, I have spent much of my adult life trying to get pregnant. Oh, the joy to me the two times I heard those little hearts beat. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to not see that as life.
But it is in loving people in that position and offering them support and alternatives that we show Christ’s love and life.
I think you said it perfectly Margaret. I can tell the calmness in your voice. It is what it is.
When I first met my husband we talked about abortion. (I had to know his stance and thank God it was this:)
He said, “put all the issues aside, the women’s rights, the choice, rape, incest, everything and look at what’s being done. It is the killing of a baby. It is murder.”
I feel a terrible sadness today of all days because I am mourning the loss of a precious child due to miscarriage. As I lay there last Friday looking at my little dead baby on the sonogram, I couldn’t help but think of how many women were out there maybe at that very minute letting their living babies be torn from their wombs. I long to hold my baby in my arms, but I will never get to on this earth. I now know a small portion of the pain those women must feel when they come to realize that they allowed the killing of their children right in their own wombs. Nobody has the “right” to kill an innocent human being, no matter how he or she was conceived. Just because something is a law doesn’t mean it is morally right. And today would be a great day to remember your local crisis pregnancy center with donations.
Thank you Margaret, for your beautifully put words.
Margaret, I was listening to Focus on the Family the other day and heard this man give the best explanation for “pro-life” views I have ever heard. The following is courtesy of the FOTF website.
Pro-life advocate Scott Klusendorf suggests the “SLED” acronym to help you remember several key arguments in defending your pro-life beliefs:
S — Size
A fetus is smaller than a newborn. But are large people “more human” than small people?
L — Level of development
A 4-year-old child is less developed than a 14-year-old. But does that make the 4-year-old less of a person?
If self-awareness and intelligence define us as human beings, that means those who are more intelligent have the right to exploit those of less intelligence. Obviously, this is not the case.
E — Environment or location
Does location have any bearing on who you are? Do you stop being yourself if you change locations?
Clearly, changing location does not stop us from being who we are, be it traveling from one city to another, or eight inches down the birth canal.
D — Degree of dependency
Does the ability to live independent of anyone or anything contribute to humanity? Is every person who depends on medication for survival less human than those who are not?
Some people believe that a pre-born baby “becomes” a human being when it is capable of surviving outside of the mother’s womb without artificial support. Yet there are people who depend upon insulin, heart pacemakers and diabetes medication, and without these supportive measures, these people would not survive. This does not make them less human than us.
Janet, I wanted to stop and say how terribly sorry I am for your loss. I lost my child last year, too. *hugs* to my sister in Christ.
A friend of mine went through date rape and became pregnant. One of the memories that is seared in my mind is the image I have of her mother holding the baby… it was absolutely beautiful and made a very deep impression on me as a young college student. The baby was and is loved by my friend and her family. That day, the baby was given to a loving adoptive family and is probably a sophomore in college this year. I get a little emotional just writing about it (and that’s unusual for me, but good).
Abortion is here because people are selfish. They don’t want to feel or care about more than themselves. That’s why it’s hard to reconcile those who talk about being compassionate, but support abortion at the same time. The two are incompatible.
You said it beautifully. God bless you. God bless all those women (and men) facing this issue in a very personal and scary way.
(((hugs))) to Janet. I feel for you.
Well written Margaret.
I am a little sad and torn and confused as to why the Bush administration was not able to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Praying for conversion of hearts today.
Well, I’m humbled a little by all the voices of support for those who have lost children – that truly a terrible thing to have to go through, I imagine. I’ve never been there myself and hope I never have to be.
That said, I hope you all who believe so fervently in “murder is murder” are also actively petitioning to have the death penalty overturned in those states where it exists and soldiers brought home from wars, since they are murdering other young men from other countries. After all, murder is murder, if it’s the taking of a human life.
For my part, I don’t see abortion as murder – since during the first trimester, I wouldn’t consider the fetus separate from the mother. I don’t believe in a “soul” and medically speaking, the fetus isn’t viable at that point, so to me, it’s not murder. Further, I don’t see “murder” so black and white. I support euthanasia in a case by case situation (I’d want it for myself if I was unable to function on any kind of cognitive level) and again, depending on the scenario, I feel that killing in self defense can be justified (mostly in accidental cases though). Again, I try to see the world in shades of grey, rather than black and white.
I’m somewhat fascinated by the furor my comments here had generated – the abortion issue is so polarizing. The interesting thing to me is the perception that I want all children to be aborted rather than adopted or that I feel that abortion should be used as some kind of birth control. That’s simply absurd. But, because of our own beliefs, to deny a woman who is in a life-threatening situation from carrying a baby to term, another option – to make it illegal – to me sounds extreme. It would be similar for Jehovah’s witnesses to say that because they don’t believe in blood transfusions, it should be illegal for anyone to get a blood transfusion, even if it is a life saving procedure.
Please remember, I’m not anti-Life or Pro-abortion, I’m pro-choice.
Then, Shawn, can we agree to start somewhere? Can we agree that abortion should not be an option after 3 months? Or 6 months? How about absolutely no late-term abortions? Right now, I’ll take what I can. At least some lives would be saved if we had that, right?
I agree with Shawn. I am also opposed to the death penalty and war. Peace is what I strive for. We do also have the right to protect ourselves. If someone was breaking into my house right now and they were going to threaten my life…I can defend myself. Unborn children cannot.
Women who are in a life threatening situation should not be forced to carry their children to term, of course. That is not a debate among pro-life people. The pro-life movement does not ever say that a woman should die so a child can live. At the appropriate time, the woman is induced and a child is born. All life saving measures need to be taken to ensure the life of the mother and the new born baby. This argument of a woman in a life threatening situation choosing abortion makes no sense to me and carries no weight. When we, in the late stages of pregnancy induce the woman, and, as the head of the baby comes into the birth canal, we stab the child in the back of the head and suck the brains out then continue to deliver a dead baby, this is murder. This is savage and completely inhumane. Yet this is what our president has decided is a fundamental right in our country to be able to do, and also, our tax dollars should be used to support this. Disgusting. I stand by my previous comment in an earlier post. This is a human rights issue. Plain and simple. I am not upset nor do I have any furor. I just don’t understand how you can not see this as a fundamental human rights issue, that’s all. Persons are persons and they have the right to life.
A 1st trimester baby is a baby human with it’s OWN beating heart. Shawn did you really read/understand Hanna Rae’s SLED post which include undeniable truths on the arguments of a humans size, location and development/dependency?
A 1st trimester baby, is like a newBORN baby in that it needs it’s mother to feed it and can NOT exist on it’s own…can’t pick up a spoon and feed itself. By that logic and reasoning we should murder all those who can not feed themselves, newborns and disabled/deformed. Be careful.
And yes, you are right that life is precious (extend that a little) as Catholics are not to support the death penalty or unjust war.
Black and white exists, so do absolute truth and evil, right and wrong. There is only one truth. Pray for it. Shades of grey are moral relativism. There is much to be googled on that topic.
Shawn – I neglected to tell you that I think you are brave for entering into a place where so many are not of your opinion. I admire that.
There was a time that I felt much like you, but like you I kept asking and reading. With your courage and this issue on your heart I pray that God’s will be done.
Pidge – We already have 6 months (in fact most hospitals won’t perform them after 18 weeks), which is somewhere like 4.5 months, right. And I feel that once the fetus is viable, then we can start naming him or her a person. By that time, most women should have had time to make the decision, right?
I also don’t believe abortion should be used as birth control – I think hospitals track this information already. I work part-time as a ward clerk in a local hospital, and I know most of the doctors there really keep track of patients and their history and behaviour, in regard to narcotics and so forth. I’m sure they would do what they can to inhibit the abuse of the system in this regard, as well.
Maura – Well, if you look at my previous comment, you will note where I personally draw the line. Again, I’m not suggesting anyone ever get an abortion. I just think that it’s too big of a decision on a personal level to legislate.
I admit I have not been following this conversation in it’s entirety because, quite frankly, I don’t have the temperament for it.Sometimes I feel compelled to say my mind but I am usually misunderstood when I do. But I will screw up my courage and try once again, in hopes that I can convey my thoughts clearly.
First: Abortion is murder.I don’t see how anyone, especially anyone who has ever had a child, can see it any other way.I’ve hear all of the arguments and I just don’t buy any of it.If I had aborted one of my children it would have been that unique, beautiful, irreplaceable individual who was killed, not some amorphous blob of flesh. Even if I had a thousand more children, that child, with its own unique combination of DNA, would never be seen again this side of heaven.
Second: Even if we support our new president in everything else (as I pretty much do), we have to be able to admit that he is wrong on this matter. Dead wrong. I am in the minority here, but I think Obama will be a great president some day, for many reasons. If he clings to his pro-abortion stance however,he will have that one fatal flaw that will keep him from being truly transformative. We ALL deserve the promises he made in his innaugural speech—black, white, Jew, Muslim, Catholic, protestant, young, old, born and unborn. And until he sees that in trying to be all-inclusive he is actually excluding a precious silent minority his otherwise inspiring words will always ring a bit false to my ears. I voted for the man because of his message of hope. So, it is my fondest hope that some day he will have a change of heart and see that being pro-life is all about hope. And I pray for the day when Roe v wade is made not illegal, but irrelevant.
While the act that resulted in conception may not be “good,” the resulting child is ALWAYS good.
I have so much to say about the Pro-Life cause, but not the ability to adequately express it in this comment box. Just know that I am united with you in prayer, for the preborn children who die at the will of their own mothers and for the country that permits it.
I really like that quote from St. Josemaria Escriva. Can you tell me more of where it came from.
Although we disagree and I certainly never thought I would change your mind, and I know you won’t change mine, I did want to thank you for the manner in which you have handeled yourself. Very nice job to you and every other commenter. Debates on this topic can get quite heated to say the least! This has been one of the nicest debates I’ve seen on this issue. I usually keep my mouth shut in this type of forum for fear of getting into a situation I do not want to. I am so glad I spoke up here. So, thank you to Shawn and everyone else! Great job!
Hi Margaret!
I just wanted to let you know that Minnesota was represented at the March today, your congress woman was there! I bet you’re proud to live in a pro-life state!
To Shawn:
At the march today, the congressmen recommended that pro-choicers do these things: watch an abortion, speak to someone who’s had one, and speak to an adult who survived one. That might give you more insight into where we’re coming from.
God Bless!
“Isn’t it strange that all those in favor of abortion are born already?”
Shawn, there is so much to be said about when a child should be called a person. That is another topic which maybe I will address at another time.
However; if you truly believe that then will you at least join us against FOCA? FOCA would make abortion available on demand at any point in the pregnancy. That is what President Obama wishes to push through and that really scares me.
Would you at least join us against FOCA?
This topic is so on my mind and heart this week. I used to be “pro-choice” so I have a gut level response to all pro-choice comments this week because a) I so remember being in those shoes and b) I remember how miserable it was to live smack in the culture of death.
For all of you pro-life Catholics, please pray, pray, pray. Pray works! I know my husband’s grandmother prayers got him into a Sacramental Catholic marriage (and also happened to convert me into a Catholic!).
The question I have for you Margaret is that I just read that the woman in Roe lied on her affidavit. She said she was raped, when she wasn’t. She said her lawyer advised her as a legal strategy that being raped was more likely to have abortion foes feel sympathy and make an exception. Have you heard anything about this. I thought that made it even more important to be 100% Pro-life.
I also got pretty rattled with our legal system. Lying on an affidavit is a legal ethical violation and should end up with a disbarment. I don’t know why my former attorney brain is having such a clear problem with unethical behavior at the heart of the Supreme Court case, obviously this whole Roe v Wade thing is from the clever serpent’s tongue.