Our friends from Anchorage leave today. The house has been a flurry of sounds and shoes and over-stimulated puppy. Clothes, bedding, and bodies spill forth from every corner.
We have laughed uproariously and eaten very well, with evening meals that started at 7:00 and went on for hours. We have had as many heart-to-hearts as we could fit into the three days that we’ve had.
We will be sad, so sad, to see them go.
I am indebted to Sarah and Brian, for I met my husband at their wedding. I was the maid of honor and John, a lowly usher who almost didn’t make the cut.
“We need another usher,” Brian said during the planning stage.
“How about John?” Sarah responded playfully. She was kidding, because of all the boys from Brian’s fraternity, John was the one who teased her incessantly.
“Done,” said her would-be husband, and despite Sarah’s protests he was on the list.
And so you see that I am truly grateful to these two. John and I were married one year later to the day that we met…and the story’s just gone on from there.
How did you meet your beloved?
I have photos and anecdotes to share from our friends’ visit. First, though, I need to fill them with scones and help them find their shoes and finally, see them off with hugs & tears & fondness. Friends of the heart are no small gift. Friends of the heart are priceless.
All for the greater glory of God,
I met my husband for the first time at 4-H Ambassador selections (I was interviewing & he was already a member). During the get-to-know-you games, he licked my best friend's knee during the game 'Honey, if you Love me, won't you please, please smile?' We were friends all through college, but it took the coaxing of a very good mutual friend to convince me to go on a date (he LICKED my BEST friend's KNEE!). A little over two years later, we were married on New Years Eve in my hometown.
By the way, my friend did NOT smile!
Sounds like you had a great time!
I met my husband at a Wawa (NJ/PA convenience store). Love in the deli 😀
We were both working there. Me, on break from nursing school, he, just graduated from UofA and looking for a job in NYC.
We met in mid-December 1991, engaged March 1992 and married Aug 15, 1992.
It was a long distance relationship from January to the day we were married.
How are you feeling? I think/pray for you and your wombie daily.
Love your story!
I met my man at the El Camino bar in Bremerton, WA. He was “sailor sitting” some of his friends/sailors from his ship. I asked him why he needed to watch them as the gate to the base was two blocks away. He replied, “Drunk sailors get into trouble in half a block.” He did not drink then, he does not drink now. We exchanged numbers (May 16, 1992) and wed September 12, 1992. Sixteen years and three kids later, we are as happy as ever! I have him to thank for inviting me to be Catholic (converted in 1996) and for loving me right where I am at (that’s very healing, ladies).
Long time reader, infrequent commenter ;-). But had to say, I too met my husband at a wedding. I was maid of honor, he the best man. The wedding was actually in England, where my friend now lived. It was indeed ‘love at first sight’ and we had a whirlwind transatlantic romance and were able to marry 2 years later when he moved to the states :-).
I met my husband at an Episcopal revival (folks falling down backwards and everything). I knew a good thing when I saw it and dumped the Baptist I was dating at the time. We married a little more than 1 year later.
We both converted to the Catholic Church together right after our 1st child was born. Almost 12 years (next week) and 4 cradle-Catholics later we are still happy.
Our Lady & two New Years Eve resolutions had a hand in my match.
My husband and I lived two blocks apart for 2 1/2 years during my stint in grad school. That was a very sad & lonely time in my life. Even though my future husband and I hung out all all the same book stores, coffee shops and public parks, we never met. We joke now that the angels kept us apart until we were ready for marriage.
After an awful, messy breakup, I made my first trip to Paris to celebrate my 25th Birthday and New Years Eve 1999. Even though I was a Protestant, I found myself praying hard in Notre Dame for healing.
Then I found a beautiful ancient Roman sculpture of a loving couple at the Louvre. I stared at the loving way the husband had his arm around his wife. 'I wish I could I feel that!" I thought.
I made up my new years resolution on the spot to "be more open to being asked out on dates."
A few days later, my best friend (who was a Catholic) dragged me out on Saturday night to a bar we'd never went to before with five of her brothers. (I was such a geek I usually wrote my term papers on Saturday nights.) A bartender came up to me and said "there's a guy at the end of the table who'd like to buy you a drink." All five of those brothers tried to shove that bartender off with "this is not that type of girl." There was a little interior voice which reminded me of my resolution.
That was my first conversation with my husband. (Turns out, his New Years Eve resolution was to ask out a girl for the first time.) Nine months later we got engaged, had a sacramental marriage, and that's all she wrote! I converted to the Catholic church in 2002. We've got 3 gorgeous kids, go to Daily Mass together & are about to start our lay Carmelite formation together this Sunday.
My husband and I met working a summer job at Wall Drug in SD. He was from Michigan, going to college in Conneticut and I was from SD. A long distance relationship for two years before we got married. My best friend was from Wall and really wanted me to work there so I did. When we went back to college in the fall, she met a friend of mine from high school that was also going to college with us. They were married three years later. We take credit in finding each other a husband.
Your 3 days sounds like a lot of fun. When we get together with our friends we always miss them so much more right after we see them.
Hi Margaret! Such a sweet post! I too, met my husband at a wedding…he was the best man and has been ever since! :)) Have a wonderful weekend.
My husband has a story about meeting me, and how I blew him off. I don’t even remember. I think he made it up. He claims that he knew I was bad news because ALL women named Michelle are bad news.
This was one of my first days at college. We were dating one month later.
Glad you had a good weekend–I’m home right now for a birthday party, so much fun but not much writing of Honors papers.
The Boyfriend (whom I miss terribly after having not seen him for 36 hours) and I met at a scholarship competition in February 2007. We were both seniors in high school. We ended up going to that college, and a year later were best friends.
Then one day God started answering my prayers for vocation discernment by nudging me towards him, and my reaction was something along the lines of “Anybody but him! I can’t date my best friend!”
It turned out that I could after all. :^)
I love see how God uses such fun ways to bring people together!
DH and I met online…yes, we’re one of those couples:) He was given a 20 year subscription as a joke (his cousins run the website) and I joined as a joke for another friend. We met after a month of writing, courted for 5 months, engaged for 5 months, and married in August of 2006, 2 weeks shy of that first date. We now have our own Maggie, born August 2008. God is so good!
My sweetheart and I were married a year to the day we met too! 🙂 He was actually dropped off at my house — we were Baptist at the time and he was the preacher for a youth revival team. My family hosted him, we stayed in touch long distance – he lived in Tennesse and I lived in Oregon – and we were married a year later. 🙂 (Long story short.) Our adventure began then, and has continued through thick and thin for over 12 years now (a lot of thin actually). 🙂 We came home to the Catholic Church over four years ago as a family and we’re so thankful our journey has led us here…
My husband and I met at a prayer meeting. It was two years before he had the nerve to ask me out. We used to see each other every week. One of the prayer group members was getting married, and he asked me to be his date at the wedding. Well, we were engaged less than three months later and married about a year after that.
Funny thing was, I didn’t know he was 13 years older than me until we were dating for a month. He looked young for his age!!! So a 21 year old girl, married a 34 year old man, and the rest is history. 5 kids and 27 years later we are still in love, even though we both have many quirks LOL!!
I am embarrased in this group but here goes. We were 13. I was at a big park with my family for dad’s company picnic, one he went to every day. My sisters and I were all in the pool but I was trying out my first bikini. We had a year of mostly phone dates and broke up. At 15 we met again at Teen Encounter. He’s been my best friend for 30 years now.
Great story, beautiful photo.
Thanks for the smiles tonight!