On any other day, an outing to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum with four other families would be awesome. On a morning when the temps are in the 90’s, though, (a morning, mind you) and the heat-humidity index, drippingly high, such a trip is awesome and…uncomfortable.
Mostly awesome.
But also sticky, sweaty, and red-faced.
Even a big 4-and-a-half-year-old girl like Felicity couldn’t hack it, and asked to be carried along much of the trail. Once we made it back to the shelter, though, and had had our picnic lunches & cool drinks, all the kids perked right back up. A lovely breeze came up out of nowhere, and when the grounds people turned on a set of sprinkles just below the hill where we were dining, the children ran off and came back dripping (in a good way).
Later, after piling everyone into the van—and yes, cranking up the air—I glanced over my shoulder and called out, “So did you guys have fun?”
My Felicity’s a thorough girl. She is not one to forget any discomfort.
Her response was the first and (as is often the case, these days) the most memorable:
I liked the fun of eating and drinking and playing with my friends.
But I didn’t like the fun of the hot.
Preschoolers have a wisdom unrivaled by any other age group, I think.
Very precise, that girl.
I like that!
Avila is great!
Wierd though, we were not that hot just an hour north of you!! Wow, we were at a park with friends and it was not that hot at all, it was perfect. We did get the storms tonite though!!
Honesty from a child is priceless!
These are certainly the “DOG DAYS OF SUMMER”. I prefer to call them spicy. Today’s high was a refreshing 106.