…for every time I have to call out to my children, “Shut the door! The air is on!”
I’m thinking this could prove to be a lucrative summer job for the momma, provided I find an employer.
Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Hearth & Home, Minnesota Me, Motherhood 12 Comments
…for every time I have to call out to my children, “Shut the door! The air is on!”
I’m thinking this could prove to be a lucrative summer job for the momma, provided I find an employer.
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
I’ll give you a nickel for that if you give me one every time I shout, “Shut the door! You’re letting the flies in!” I’m betting it’s an even exchange!
No kidding!!! It feels like I say that hundreds of times a day. I think that means I’m an old person now. I snapped at my daughter for looking in the fridge too long today. And do you remember when gas was only $0.89? Those were the days.
If you replaced “The air is on!” with “The bugs! The bugs!” You would sound just like me.
Blessings to you and your dear ones!
Oooh…I think I wouild be better served saving those nickels to come and tell them in person!
is that air-conditioning? We don’t really have that here!
Jackie: Yes, I’m referring to the air conditioning. 🙂
After 2 weeks we move the couch in front of one of the doors, (old french door that doesn’t close easily) At least then the door they leave open is far from the AC.
Same thing in heating season.
I’ve often wished for a recording that would come on when the door opens. So the kid opens the door and the door says, “Shut Me, Shut me” over and over until the kid shuts it!
I love the recording idea! I also find myself repeating that simple phrase over and over and over!
You are definitely not alone!
Nope, not alone at all. Here, it’s: “You’re letting those moths in!”
“Letting flies in” is the saying around here.
Mom threatened to record that and several other statements so she wouldn’t have to say them so often. Like, “Hang up your coat?!” and “Wash your hands” I now, with utter humility, feel her pain.