Subtitled: Stop blogging and go to bed, already.
Here’s what you do.
Grab the nearest book and…
1. Open it to page 161.
2. Find the fifth full sentence.
3. Post the text of the sentence along with these instructions.
4. Don’t search around looking for the coolest book you can find. Do what’s actually next to you.
I love it when the results of a meme are super-appropriate to where you’re at. It’s fun! It’s surprising! It’s…a meme!
The fam & I went camping tonight–it’s the big, end-of-the-year Cubscout jamboree. The reserve was right in town, and how cool that you can be in the midst of the big city, take a turn down a dirt road, and find yourself surrounded by NATURE.
And not noise.
It was lovely. We were even hissed at by a mother goose when we approached, reason being all the fuzzy yellow goslings at her feet.
This mom, however, was just enough of a wimp to want to spend her Mother’s Day vigil in her warm & cozy bed. The two little girls and I bid the others goodnight and now I’m home again, sitting at my warm & cozy computer with a warm & cozy cup of tea.
(And I’m smiling in relief because it has just started storming.)
Anyway, the meme! The meme!
The book sitting on the counter next to the computer is this month’s Magnificat. I opened it to page 161 and what do you know? It’s the Prayer for the Morning for tomorrow, which, as I look at clock and see that it’s past midnight, is today.
Amen to that.
“The purpose of value analysis/value engineering (VA/VE) is to simplify products and processes.”
From “Operations Managment for Competitive Advantage”–and no, this is not my book.
Oh, that was a good one.