How are you?
I don’t have a lot of time of for blogging these days, because a). my mom and dad are here and I think it would be rude to clack away at the computer in front of them; and b). we are but a day away from my son Stephen’s First Communion! I love this sacrament in general, obviously, but also watching one’s child receive Our Lord for the first time is one of those unparalleled moments in a mother’s life.
Note to self: pack Kleenex.
Stephen and I will be going to First Saturday Mass together this morning—a little momma/son time, always nice—and then I drop him off for rehearsal and a 3-hour First Communion retreat. Have I mentioned I love our parish? This will give me a block of time to stop by that big old mall of ours and buy “a” dress for tomorrow (wink wink) and maybe some scrapbooking supplies at Archiver’s.
Then it’s off to Sam’s Club to pick up the cake & other meal items and home again to see what kind of damage has been wrought by my toddler during my absence.
It’s going to be a busy day.
Even so, I desperately want to write something for Jennifer’s Loveliness of Gardens fair on Monday (Could we have a more perfect hostess for this one? I don’t think so) and have been fertilizing the seed bed of this post for the past week in the hopes that it will bear much fruit! Send the rays of a prayer my way, okay? I am much distracted by tomorrow’s planning.
Have a beautiful, blessed weekend!
I can’t wait to see pictures of Stephen’s first communion. What an exciting time in his life and yours. Bless be to Stephen and he will be in my prayers!
Your weekend plans sound great. I hope you have a wonderful time.
Prayer sofr your First Holy Communicants.
Those Sacramental tears always catch me by surprise. Good planning on the tissues!