I apologize for the blurry image. The good camera is on the fritz again, which is another story for a different day.
Anyway, this is the first seder we have had. It was a wonderful but condensed celebration; we started at 6:00 and needed to leave at 6:30 for the Holy Thursday Mass. Talk about girding one’s loins and eating like those who are in flight!
The imagery of the Mass was all the richer, though, for having shared in this paschal meal. We had lamb and unleavened bread, of course, along with haroseth, celery and wine.
We also had a very special guest of honor (pictured above): our much-loved Auntie Colleen, formerly “of Minnesota” like us but currently living as an ex-pat in London.
Blessings to you throughout the rest of this sacred Triduum!
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