Ever one to enjoy a good list, (and humbly considering myself tagged by Karen and Alicia), here are my ten random facts:
1. I sang in a band during my freshman year of college. It was a short-lived venture, to the relief of my parents and the amelioration of my GPA. This in turn led to my learning fancy words like amelioration.
2. I once swam with a dolpin off the coast of Ireland. His name was Fungi. It was fun.
3. Growing up, I was a huge huge fan of this band. My friend and I knew every word to every song and would murmur together into the wee hours of the summer nights about how very cute the lead singer was. Years later, when I was writing for a local newspaper, I had a backstage pass at one of their concerts and had a chance to talk with said lead singer. He was a nice guy. (He’s originally from Illinois—how could he not be?)
4. I used to live in a castle in France. The owners of the castle were a marquis & a marquesse, otherwise known as my friend’s father and mother. Believe it or not, they led a pretty simple life. Myself, I was in heaven. I have never eaten so well nor read so many good novels.
5. This is not a “random” fact for those of you who received last year’s Christmas newsletter, but here it is anyway: my husband & I & Baby Camille attended the 55th Presidential Inauguration in 2005. Can I be honest here? It was really fun. Are you kidding? A stay-at-home mother-of-five getting wined & dined & going to dances in D.C.? You bet I had fun!
6. I have tremendous respect for my friends who can sew. I myself cannot sew to save my life. My mother was an amazing seamstress who once ordered me an extra-large bedspread from Sears and used it to make matching curtains, shams and pillow covers. I am convinced that were she to have had the patience to teach her annoying, chatterbox little girl how to sew, it would be cause for her canonization.
7. I have photographed some interesting people in my day. Here they are. (Only the middle photo is the photo that I actually took—I couldn’t find the other two for all my searching.) Can you identify them? You will either be proud of your success or embarassed by it.
8. My sister was a Carmelite nun for several years. Her time in the monastery was my introduction to the “silent retreat.” I would spend a couple of nights there on my own, assisting at Mass & listening to the sisters sing the Liturgy of the Hours. It was lovely. My sister would later discern that she did not have a vocation to the religious life. She is now happily married and is teaching art in several elementary schools.
9. When I asked a dear friend what he considered to be my particular fault he replied, “Your kitchen floor.” It’s true. On any given day my kitchen floor is in need of a very good sweeping and scrubbing. I tell myself that this will all change when I get the new linoleum, not that I’m delusional or anything.
My posting this friend’s picture is payback for his remark.
10. My reversion to the Catholic Church was triggered by the sound of trumpets. I was at the ordination of several priests with the aforementioned sister. When the trumpets sounded during the procession I thought, “It’s…heaven!” and then the tears began to flow. I sobbed throughout the entire Mass. “Well,” my sister remarked after the liturgy. “You certainly seemed moved.”
I have no picture to convey the stirrings of grace in my heart that took place at that time, but I can tell you: I remain every bit as sentimental to this day.
PS. Woops! Forgot to tag someone. How about anyone in my blogroll that hasn’t done this yet? Or anyone reading this that just plain wants to share? Like Karen E. said, let me know if you write one. These really are quite fun.
Margaret, You are something else my dear!!
Margaret, I just knew your list would be fantastic and interesting!
And that photo of you and your husband and sweet little baby at the inauguration is glorious!
P.S. Is is wrong of me to say that the three celebrity photos, viewed from top to bottom, make me want to sing, “Ch-ch-ch-chia!”
I would love the story behind each and every one.
I love it! By the way, I share your problems with kitchen floors and sewing – but not that “living in a castle” thing. (grin)
Alice, you’re horrible! 😉
I saw this being tagged and was excited to see you tagged Margaret, I also knew it would be interesting and fun to read!! You are such a fun person to get to know! I also loved the picture, how beautiful! You 3 are glowing! I think we ALL can relate to the floor thing, leave it to a man to say that!!
I swear! You’d think I didn’t know you at all with the things I learn about you on your blog. Your depth and life experiences continue to astound me!!
A home should be clean enough to be healthy but dirty enough to be happy!
This is great MinM.
C.M.W, I’ll have to remember that saying.
What an interesting list! This line is just enviable: ”I used to live in a castle in France”
I think you are inspiring me to write mine.
Margaret, what a fabulous list! How fun to read such fascinating details. The castle and the books … I’m drooling. 🙂 And, yes, I can name all three of those men. You’ve got to tell me more about Vonnegut.
And, now I know the tidbit you thought we’d find in common. It’s those floors! 😀
I hope I don’t embarrass you if I say I am impressed. What a life!
God Bless.
Margaret, always keep those floors clean, my abuela used to always say “siempre limpia ese piso porque tu nunca sabes quien viene a visitar”, translation, “always keep those floors clean because you never know who is coming to visit”. That man is wise indeed! I can tell by his profile that he has impeccable taste, good show!