In the desert the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his child, all along your journey until you arrived at this place (Deut. 1:31).
For Kevin, a simply wonderful husband and father. His wife Cathie is one of my dearest friends. Kevin has been out of work for too long now and has an important meeting today with an executive consulting firm.
For Chris, another amazing husband & father who is also seeking employment. He & his wife Ale (pronounced “Allie”) are the kind of neighbors and friends who might, say, call you up on your name day and offer to watch your little girls so that you and your boys can get to Mass. Right, Ale?
And finally, for Bill, husband of Dawn and father of three handsome little men, who has been diagnosed with Lyme Disease.
May their time in the desert be short-lived. Until they delivered, though, may our prayers join theirs.
Dear Margaret ~ you are such a loving and generous friend. Thank you for this. You can be sure I will be praying for all these good men. 🙂
I am praying for these good men.
Dearest Margaret and all the others who have offered up prayers,
Thank you!!! Kevin got a great offer and while he is planning on taking it, another consulting firm wants him to wait to accept while they talk more with him. He has until next Tuesday to accept the other position. God is so good! If he takes the position he has been offered, he will not get paid until he is placed at a client site, so pray that things work out quickly!
I can’t thank you enough for your prayers.
God bless you all,