It was not the devils food cake that needed exorcising but my toddler.
Throughout the course of the event, my sweet little Camille:
Conked the other toddler in the head with a sippy cup;
Shimmied across the counter on her stomach and planted her hands in the dessert;
Pooped on the floor of the family room; and
Pulled the 7-week-old twins, Harry & Vincent, out of their infant seat feet first. And picked them up by the head. And tried to draw on their heads with an Aquadoodle marker.
It was awful. I wondered where the nearest priest was. I begged pardon of my hosts. Above all, I did not believe them when they graciously assured me it was okay. It wasn’t.
Dear reader, you must pray for us.
My daughter is not even two yet and already I’m thinking: reform school.
It probably isn’t very funny for you, but, well, kids will do that. At least Aquadoodle markers are only filled with water; no harm done. Toddlers seem to know when you’re vulnerable, like when you are trying to make someone else think well of you, and they ALWAYS choose those moments to act up!
Maggie, Maggie, Maggie…Please know that we love your daughter more than anything and there is nothing that could change our opinion of her or any of your precious family. My children were not harmed in any way, our house has survived and our warranties are still active, and my children had the time of their lives (not to mention the enjoyment Brian and I had of spending time with you!). We welcome you and ALL of your children back at anytime (an invitation that I hope you’ll accept).
Much love,
I am blessed in both of you, Jennie C. and Jenn up North! Thank you for helping me to love & accept my little sweetie, while all the while guiding her down a gentler, more socially acceptable path!
Yes, our chilren are adept at increasing our humility–and what a great gift that is. I think that the reason I get so embarassed by her antics is that it reflects poorly on her mama, who herself would never behave so badly.
Or would she?