This is my butter-eating toddler.
And this is the bowl of spaghetti that bought her momma enough time to make the rest of the meal!
Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Minnesota Me 1 Comment
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
Hey! I’ve got a butter eater, too! My first one, oddly, and she’ll go to great lengths to get to that butter dish.
Your butter eater is adorable, too, I might add, though she looks like the only way to clean her up is to take her out back and hose her down!