C’mon, you had to know I would suggest it.
For one thing, I’m on the Netflix #StreamTeam and am getting “reimbursed” for this endorsement. At this point, Netflix is the only sponsor of this blog, (which isn’t bad, right?) and in exchange for my monthly reviews, my family was given a free year of Netflix streaming, (which we use ALL the time), and a Roku TV, which we do not use (at the current time) because we installed it above our basement treadmill and then the treadmill went kerplooey.
It’s a sad reversal of an age-old standard.
Not enough screen time is making us fat.
In any case, I just wanted to put this out there for the sake of full disclosure, in case you didn’t know the WHY behind my talking up Netflix. Note: like most activities involving screens and free time, you need to monitor both what you watch and how often. Do I even need to say this? Yes, I do, because for every show I love on Netflix, there are a dozen that I would never watch. To each his/her own, right? But honestly, do use the parental code on your devices.
Moving onto the cinematic heart of my post…
Merry {almost} Christmas, friends! Are you not quite finished with all your holiday shopping?
Here are 3 Key Reasons Why Giving a Subscription to Netflix is a Good Idea:
Smile, kids! You’re getting Netflix for Christmas!
(Photo Credit: Dominick Photography)
I. A gift card to Netflix is appreciated.
Do you see all those beautiful smiles in the photo above? That’s because they just found out they won a free six-month subscription to Netflix!
(Not really, but I can pretend that I’ve made them smile.)
What really happened was this: I hosted a give-away on my Facebook page and Colleen & family were the winners. I absolutely love hosting give-aways, and I love hearing comments like “We are so excited, Margaret! The kids have been asking and asking for Netflix. They are jumping up and down!!”
You are very welcome, Colleen. It was my (and my sponsor’s) pleasure. 🙂
II. A gift card to Netflix provides an excellent resource for in-home date nights and great family movies.
When it comes to taking the time to watch TV, I am all about hanging out with my husband and/or building up a cozy family culture and/or (ahem) having a really cheap babysitter for those meltdown moments.
See this kid? Yes, Virginia, he is a little stink and I do use the TV to get a break sometimes!
My children’s personal faves include:
(Everyone in my family loves Phineas and Ferb, incidentally.)
For the teens, I recommend:
For the grown-ups, and using a list that I gleaned from my Facebook giveaway, I recommend:
- Flashpoint
- Murdoch Mysteries
- House of Cards
- The Blacklist
- Breaking Bad
- Alias
- Blue Bloods
- Foyles’ War
- Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Again, and going back to my earlier warning, there are different strokes for different folks and these suggestions are only that!
III. Finally, a gift card to Netflix is easy.
And at this point, what we need is easy!
It seems like there’s someone on my list that always always gets coffee and chocolate. How about I shake it up this year and give them the movies that they get to pick?
(Coffee & chocolate being optional.)
(Or not.)
Here’s a quick FAQ for giving the gift cards:
- If you already have a Netflix account, just go to “My Account” and click on the “Where to Buy Gift Cards” at the bottom of the page.
- Conversely, you can buy the cards online at Amazon. (Updated to add: Just saw some at WalMart, too!) You can pick any dollar amount between $25 and $100, and then pick a gift card design from several options.
- The basic rate is $7.99/month, so a $25 gift card would give them three free months! They could try out the service and see what they think.
That’s, ahem, just one example.
You are certainly welcome to choose your own message.
And that’s that! My monthly recommendation for all things Netflix, along with my prayer that you have a beautiful Christmas. Happy holidays, my friends, in Him and for Him! ♥
Oh, and feel free to add your favorite shows in the combox, for I’m pretty sure I’ve forgotten some.
Right now we’re doing both streaming and DVD (did you hear that Netflix?) because I don’t watch the actual television, ever, and there are a lot of shows and movies that don’t go to streaming very quickly, and then some old stuff goes to DVD only..
My escape during football season is to go to my bedroom with a hot tea and knitting and turn on a DVD and try not to listen to the yelling in front of the family room TV with football on. Stay sane with Neflix. It could be a slogan, except, yes, you do have to be very careful in choosing what you watch.
You’ve got a good gig with your sponsorship. 🙂