Alternately Titled: What to do when you’re overbooked & overbusy and just need a minute for yourself?
You put a movie on for the kids, of course! And then you watch one for yourself!
(Note: This is a Netflix-sponsored post, but all the opinions are very much mine.)
(Especially the ones about–ahem–my past life.)
What do you do when you’re overbooked? I’ll tell you what I do—I don’t blog, is what I do, even when it means breaking a 20-day blogging streak in order to stay sane.
Clockwise, starting at top left: a slumber party on Friday night; an extremely inauspicious visit from a fan of G.K. Chesterton; cutting a very crumbly cake; happy soon-to-be-camping-over gals; freshly risen rolls for a breakfast of fried bread dough; thirteen.
(I can’t believe she’s thirteen.)
All that to say type, you’ll forgive me for taking a mid-month break? Thank you. Now how about some fun recommendations? Because you, too, need a break from time to time, and I think I have just the movies.
First, for the kids, there’s Dinotrux Five Minute Favorites.
The idea behind these “Five Minute Favorites” is this: sometimes you just need your kids to go the heck to bed, (ahem), but all they want is five more minutes, please?!
And because you’ve been shopping/cooking/cleaning all day and are, quite frankly, incredibly exhausted, you say (sweetly and oh-so-patiently), “You know what, my little love bug? Tonight I’m gonna let you watch a movie in bed!”
It’s win/win, really.
(They don’t need to know that it’s only five minutes long.)
There are three of these Dinotrux Shorts: Big Build; Tarpit Rescue, and Tortool’s Surprise. Make sure you space them out, now! Only one/night!)
Actually, you can do what you want, but if you run out of cinematic ideas to keep the kids out of the kitchen while you get the stuffing made, here are three more that are new on Netflix this month:
Now, I can’t vouch for either SpongeBob or the Care Bears, having not yet previewed either, but Home we loved. It is very sweet, and will be available for streaming on November 25th.
(That’s tomorrow! Just in time to get your pies in the oven!)
And now for you, my dear sweet friends, I am going to try something a little different. You know, perhaps, that I belong to a book club called the Well Read Mom. I love this club and I love the books, but sometimes I haven’t the bandwidth for reading.
Some days I got nothin’ left, and I need a good movie to just…take me away. Here are two movies that did just that: Cake and Almost Famous.
A good movie can take you away, certainly.
These movies are great. I could watch them again and again.
For that reason, I am suggesting a movie club. I am proposing that if, indeed, you watch one or both of these movies, you pop back over and let me know what you think.
We can have a conversation on Facebook or in the com-box of this post. We can talk about these characters that are so very rich, or about the lives that (some of us) knew very well. Sex…drugs…broken souls…
These movies are both sad and hopeful.
They make me thankful for the life I have now, a life so much better than the abuses of my past.
And that’s all I have to say about that!
(For now, anyway. Let me know what you think! )
You’ve more than enough blogging this month. Love this post. Time for you to get ready for Thanksgiving and Advent. Take a needed rest from your blog.
The mother in Almost Famous is one of the best I’ve ever witnessed. Love that movie. Such a sad description of life on the road. The sex, drugs and rock and roll life depicted is so empty and sad. I really felt for the Kate Hudson character.
Tom liked both those movies….you do have the same tastes in movies. I, however, did not.
Well, he told me I would not like Almost Famous, so I did not watch it. There needs to be redemptive quality in it for me to like it….was there?
I did see Cake though. I remember I did not like it at all. Then, after a little bit of thinking, I did like Jennifer Anniston in it. I thought she did a wonderful job of acting. I did like the dark character she played….I did not like the sex thing they showed. I suppose they had to show the dark state of her soul….
How that for discussion? 🙂