Because it only took me, like, nine years to create one.
Thank you! I love you! You can do so HERE.
Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Blogging, Minnesota Me 5 Comments
Because it only took me, like, nine years to create one.
Thank you! I love you! You can do so HERE.
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
So, I "liked" your page yesterday…but what is the push to "like" it? Do you get something from Facebook or something? Just curious.
Nope, nothing from Facebook other than name recognition, I guess.
I'm just trying to up the ante a bit on my "serious" blogging (and maybe make some pin money because, as you know, we po'.) Who knows what will come of it? Only God!
In reply to Jamie–for my Roses for Mary page, I also have to push the Like thing. I don't really like to do it because it feels like it's self-promotion (actually, that's exactly what it is), but for whatever reason, there is a phycology behind the number of "likes". The more people like it, the more others will too. It's very weird and I'll never get used to it, but I've noticed that my business has grown, mostly according to popularity.
I would if I could, but I can't (no FB for me) so I'll just tell you here — I like you! How's that? Yeah, I know. Not the same, but at least I made an effort. Pray for me would you? Grad party this weekend and my body is wrecked — knee, hip, back. And the wedding is just over two weeks away! I think I need to go sleep and stay at Adoration until then. Like a two-week retreat in the Adoration chapel.
I like you too, Barbara–bunches & bunches and heaps n' stacks, and all the way to the moon and back!
That's how much I like you.