So you can blame all that Buffalo Chicken Mac & Cheese, but I’m starting another Whole30 tomorrow. Do you want to join me?
You can read about the “rules” of the program here, or you can review the recap of my first Whole30 here.
It’s hard but it’s worth it! It’s so, so worth it.
I'm in! My many pregnancy aversions have derailed my eating and I'm feeling it now. I need to dial it in. ALL FOR!
Lena, that's great!! And I know you know this, but make sure to talk to your doctor about it.
My midwife already knows of my normal "paleo diet." I need to get back on track and fuel my body with nutrient dense foods. I got another mama on board but I'll let her chime in on her own.
Today's breakfast is a chicken salad. I hope to better plan out my menus by mid week.
Health and soundness are better than all gold, and a robust body than countless riches. ~Sirach 30:15
I would love to know everything you discovered last time – willpower for sure, but did you discover any particular food groups that bothered you when those foods were reintroduced?
I might be up for this after birthday week.
You were great on that cooking clip!!! I repeat what other people said – you were so calm and relaxed! I would also love a recap of what happened last Whole30, in particular, what happened when you went off of it (did it take long to go back to old habits? how did those old habits make you feel? what would you do different coming off this 2nd Whole30? did you gain back what you had lost and, if so, how quickly? I am sooo curious!!). Thanks, Margaret!!! Laura
Still working on my last one … turned it into a whole60 and well apparenlty since it has been another few days I am doing a whole90? Ha. I just feel too good to stop at this point and I still afraid that I will dive right into a bag of cheetos. I am better with rules. So technically count me in. 🙂