Update: With only 19 entrants, (what’s up with that, you guys?), it was easy to do a hand-picked winner.
I employ cute little reapers, don’t you think?
And the winner is…
What do you know? It was the first brave soul that left a comment!
Congratulations, Sheila!! Please send me your addy ASAP and your awesome new book will be on its way. To the rest of you, get thee to Amazon and order your own copy! : )
Having been named after St. Margaret Mary, I have a special devotion to her and to the Sacred Heart. For that reason, because it’s First Friday and because I’ve been talking retreats and want you to make one…
I would like to give away one of my very favorite books.
It’s a retreat-in-a-book based on the Spiritual Exercises. A weekend retreat! That you could totally do!
I’ve talked about this book before. Consoling the Heart of Jesus was sent to me by a reader and friend, Natalie, and I owe the world to her (or at least, a part of it) for having blessed my life so abundantly. Its down-to-earth wisdom and you-can-do-this spirituality is Just. That. Good.
Plus, as a couple of readers mentioned in the com-box yesterday, not everyone has the means to go away on retreat. Father Gaitley gets that, and in fact, has this to say in his introduction:
“I wrote Consoling the Heart of Jesus to help those who are serious about growing in holiness but who have neither the time nor the resources for making the Spiritual Exercises. Unlike the Exercises, my retreat is easy to make: It doesn’t require a director, doesn’t cost much, and best of all, it only takes one weekend. Of course, such a short retreat can’t possibly give the full experience…but it’s a great alternative. Why? Because it communicates the most essential principles of the Spiritual Exercises, the very principles that have made Ignatius’s retreat such a powerful instrument of conversion for nearly 500 years.”
To enter the give-away, just leave a comment telling us your favorite saint and why you love him/her.
(I’ve already claimed Ss. Ignatius and Margaret Mary.)
(Only kidding. You may share them.)
The give-away will close on…hmm…how about 11:59 p.m on Sunday, and I’ll announce the winner within this post on Monday morning. Best of luck! And may we all try our hardest to console the Sacred Heart.
You have to share Margaret Mary. I named my daughter Maisie Marie, forms of the names Margaret and Mary, and I tease her by calling her Margaret Mary. However, I was not actually aware of the saint Margaret Mary when I named her. I wanted to name her something Scottish, and loved Maisie, and loved that it was a form of Margaret (St. Margaret of Scotland), and that Marie was a form of Mary. It wasn't until a while later that discovered Margaret Mary. (more than you ever wanted to know! Ha!)
I love St Francis Xavier Cabrini. Her feast day is my birthday. I have also had some very special graces because of her prayers. Although my grandmother was neither a nun, nor Italian, Mother Cabrini reminds me of my grandmother.
Hooray! I already have the book, but I want to encourage others to read it even if they don't win:) This has encouraged me to re-read it. (Along with the re-read I am also campaigning for Edel 2015 – Twin Cities:) – It would be straight up highway 35 – easy for all:))
St. Therese of Lisieux, because her little way is the path I know I should take, and because her joy and confidence encourage me when I fail to emulate her.
I love Saint Therese of Lisieux because I think her simple path to holiness is a lovely one and one we can all try to emulate. Also, I have a special fondness for Saint Gianna Beretta Molla. I think she underscores the sacrificial love mothers have for their children. She also served others, while raising her family.
St Monica- My husband converted 18 years into our marriage and I refound my faith a few years earlier. I just love her devotion to her family members holiness.
Pick a favorite saint? Oh, how you torture me!!
Sts. Felicity, Perpetua, Pope St. John Paul the Great, St.Therese. Why? They were our "A" team and saved Miss Felicity's life.
Did you know that our homeschool is Sacred Heart Homeschool? And our newest goddaughter is named Margaret? And..I got myself in a big ole painting mess and about called you and made you come save me from myself! But I digress…
Saint Benedict, founder of western monastacism.
St. Joseph, awesome intercessor for husband, interviews and houses. Also our families patrons. Sts. James Bridget Clare Catherine Felicity Charles (Charlotte) Mary and Blaise. š
St Faustian is maybe my current favourite . Her diary has been such a consolation to me this last year since my dad passed away. You know what, I need a retreat so very badly but there is no chance of my getting away. Goodness, I couldn't even make it to adoration tonight. š This may be just what I am in need of right now. Thanks so much for the recommendation.
St. Anne. I have a special devotion as a mother to the Mother of our Mother Mary. Thank you so very much!
As my five year old son would say, "Mom's a big fan of St. Francis Xavier" study companion to St. Ignatius and co-founder of the Society of Jesus, the wonderful Jesuits! (that part is from me not my 5yr old). My two sons share his name, Jack Francis and Nicholas Xavier. I think of him and pray for him everyday.
I've read a lot of bloggers saying how great this book is, but I still don't have it. Count me in!
Favorite saints….St. Gianna and St. Anne, if I REALLY HAVE to choose. St. Gianna, for obvious reasons within our infertility struggle and gift of our own Gianna and then surprise baby, M. St. Anne has been a favorite more and more as my mothering years go on. I ask for her help often and have confidence that she pleads to her daughter and grandson on my behalf.
Happy Weekend!
The Sons of Thunder, Sts. James and John. Since sons #4 & #6 are named after them, I guess that makes me the wife of Zebedee!! (Which could explain my annoying boldness all. the. time!)
Oh, so many! But I'd have to say St. Philomena, because while reading about her life my heart just leaped within me, and then two months later both myself and a friend were pregnant after a novena (her after having multiple losses and months of infertility). And St. Therese of Lisieux, because she keeps me on the straight and narrow in a way I can actually accomplish. I'm all for the Little Way!
St. Anne and St. Andrew
Thanks for the chance to win. Ann
St. Therese, for her example of daily offering ourselves to God through the little things. Perfect for a mother hidden at home. She is also very responsive to my novenas, and I'm so grateful for her prayers.
St Rita & St Anne because of our 5 year infertility struggle (now blessed with 3 beautiful girls!). Also St Lucy because of my moms recent diagnosis of macular degeneration.
St. Anne is my go to. She is my constant companion and who I talk to most often. I implore many saints, but have always felt connected to her and my two souls in heaven. Thank you for doing this and I appreciate your thoughtful and inspiring posts.