Don’t you just love the third week of Advent? Don’t you just love the color pink?
(Ordinarily, no.)
(When it’s purple, pink and greenery, though, I absolutely LOVE it.)
It’s a pity about the color pink—a pity that it’s been hijacked, anyway, by certain causes that support the Demon Empire. (I’m not going to link but I’m talking Planned P.) Here’s what’s got me thinking about things.
Stuck as I was in the van yesterday—for a good 40 minutes at least I sat there, trying valiantly to steer as my husband pushed and pulled—I made the best of a bad situation by listening to Relevant Radio.
I love me my Relevant Radio.
The guest on the show was Abby Johnson. Do you know her story? Abby was involved in the abortion industry and worked/volunteered for PP for eight years. She began to doubt the intentions of her employer, however, when they spoke of “doubling the number of abortions performed so that they would make more money.”
And then, one day, Abby’s eyes (and heart) were really opened.
From her website:
“Abby was asked to assist in an ultrasound guided abortion procedure. On the ultrasound screen she saw a 13 week baby in the womb fight for its life…only to lose the battle in the end.”
She resigned from Planned Parenthood the following month.
Certainly it’s a powerful story and one that people need to know about. Here’s something to consider: Abby said that initially she’d been drawn to Planned Parenthood by their hot pink booth at a college fair—that they seemed hip & cool & relevant—and like that she was seduced by them.
I’m thinking today on this Gaudete Sunday that we Pro-Life Catholics need to be more relevant.
I’m thinking today we need to be hot pink.
nascetur pro te Israel
Great post Margaret. I wish more people were aware of certain ties and that some charities wouldn't get a free pass. I also wish I could support them. Can't write more without sticking my foot in my mouth.
I remember talking about this when we had coffee … Great connection to today. To be "hot pink" for life, for truth, for the Lord! Yes, that is what we need to be.
I went to Texas A&M and was involved with the Brazos Valley Coalition for Life and Aggies For Life during my school years. I didn't know Abby, but she worked at the PP that I often stood and prayed outside of. Thanks for your post.