Love chooses to believe the best about people. It gives them the benefit of the doubt. It refuses to fill in the unknowns with negative assumptions. And when our worst fears are proven to be true, love makes every effort to deal with them and move forward. As much as possible, love focuses on the positive.
From The Love Dare by Stephen and Alex Kendrick
How is your first week of Advent going?☺
Great movie! What a wonderful reminder to all of us. Praying for continued blessings on you marriage.
Wow, that is a heavy meal as food for thought! But I am glad to have been served and will hopefully be able to digest this and use it wisely. Thanks Margaret.
I should print that out and tape it to our refrigerator.
Thanks for sharing that! I still need to see that movie.
As far as my Advent-been very overwhelmed around here. I need to let it go, and let God take care of things!
Thanks for sharing the quote. That was beautiful, such a great reminder.
Thanks! I needed to hear that today. I'm printing this and posting it on my wall.
Well, I've been very busy being an obedient and helpful wife, which means my first week has not been too Adventy. Oh, well. 🙂
I need more love and less anxiety.
How appropriate to just come here. I was just reading an online article about a certain famous golfer and all the media (which I try not to get all wrapped up in). This quote is good … really good!
Well I don't get the movie reference but I really reacted poorly when I saw this. I felt I had a legitimate greviance and just couldn't handle the idea I might owe anyone patience or the benefit of the doubt.
Anyway all is better now. Thanks, I needed that.
I love that love focus on the positive. It's so true- I certainly hope God focuses on my positive!