The beautiful thing about a really hard day is that you see the need for a Redeemer.
(We didn’t crush them under our heel, however.)
It’s not that yesterday was horrid, mind you. It’s just that there are often times, especially during the holy season of Advent, where my hopes and dreams get way out of control.
“Hello, my name is Margaret in Minnesota, and I’m a mom who has really high expectations.”
“Let’s hope that you can meet them.”
The beautiful thing about our faith and these feast days is…it doesn’t matter how we feel! It’s like the theme from the old X-Files series: The truth is out there, no matter what.
And it will set us free.
- It doesn’t matter that I didn’t have the ingredients on hand to whip up a batch of divinity.
- It doesn’t matter that the weather prevented us from attending the Mass that we wanted to attend. The low Mass—sans music—is still the Mass. The Eucharist is still the Eucharist.
- It doesn’t matter that our feast day meal—accompanied as it was with all my mental trappings—was cut short by sibling squabbling. Daddy did the right thing in sending them away before dessert and the read-aloud. It was a hard lesson (and Mommy cried) but the kids understood the importance of peace.
And that, my friend, is the reason behind the season.
Where would we be without the peace that He brings? It far surpasses anything that we could ever hope to achieve on our own.
“The good news of [Christ’s] coming gives heart to those who have grown weary under life’s burdens and reinvigorates those who have lost a sense of Gospel joy. Let us welcome him with renewed enthusiasm for his presence in our midst and run with delight in his footsteps.”
(From today’s morning meditation in Magnificat)
Happy 2nd week of Advent! Guess what? We’ve got a snow day!
Thank you Margaret for reminding us that human perfection is not the goal during Advent. I wonder sometimes if we faithful Catholics try to be too holy on the outside (ie "we only celebrate St. Nicholas Day") and miss the reason for the season.
Great post, Margaret! I totally relate to this.
Thank you Margaret for the quote. I needed that today!
I forgot to light our Advent wreath candles and say the prayers with the kids last night. Eric & Dash were gone and I just forgot – there are so many more things on my mind when hubby is gone!
So, when you have a snow day … do the kids get out of school? Or do you still school to keep sane??!!??
I get excited when I see the snow, Suzie, and happily announce a snow day. And then by 10:00 a.m. I'm regretting the disorder!
Many's the snow day that has been canceled. 😉
What is it about this season of joyful hope and expectation that intensifies the squabbling amongst siblings?! My children have been almost non-stop. Well, probably not non-stop, but it seems that way at times.
God bless you.
Thank you for the quote from the magnificat! Boy, did I need that reminder.
It was so nice to meet you, too, yesterday. I still can't believe we recognized one another from those tiny blog photos! God is so good; I'm sure He made it happen 😉 I have one very crabby boy today. I'm sure it's because of his shot(s). But what a fun snow day we're having! Movies, PJs and cookie baking (although I was abandoned for the last activity)!
May the Lord continue to bless you this Advent season, in ways beyond your own expectations!
Thank you so very, very much for this. When you share your life as it really is it lets me know I'm not alone! It's not perfect and we can't be, but we (I at least) can't get lost in the worry and regret over it.
I cannot tell you how much I needed that quote. Life's burdens are very heavy right now and I needed this reminder.
God bless!
(Word verification: fretle
The lack of sleep a stressed mom gets in the predawn hours fretting!