Please say a prayer for Baby Anthony. We have to take him into Children’s for a blood draw because there’s a weird, circular little mark on his wrist that gives me pause. Our pediatrician didn’t think it was a deer tick bite but said that if he were her baby, she’d rather be certain than not.
(In other words, he needs to be tested for Lyme Disease.)
So off we go, with a fair amount of fear and trembling (on Mom’s part) and very big eyes on Baby’s.
An Update: You can still pray for Anthony [grin] but I’m feeling very conflicted. The mark is barely visible now and I don’t know what to do. My husband jokes that the experience will only make him stronger (argh) but I don’t want to put him through the stress of a blood draw if it’s unnecessary.
Even if the doctor recommended it.
Final Update: What would you have done if you were me? That is to say, if you brought your baby into the pediatrician with a weird, circular mark on his chubby little wrist and she said, “Well, it doesn’t really look like a deer tick bite but I still think you should bring him into the out-patient unit at the hospital and have a gigantic needle stuck into his tender little vein (I’m paraphrasing) just to be sure” and then the very next day (the day you were planning to take him in) the mark had faded?
I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t do it. We stayed home and I made chocolate pudding instead.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
*Photo by Jem Photography
This just brought the biggest smile to my day! Thank you!
How'd he do? More importantly, how did YOU do?
Knowing his nurturing mama, I'm sure that he didn't notice a thing!
Keeping you both in prayer.
Praying for all of you!
Praying for your family.
Oh Margaret, Praying for you and the second cutest baby boy I know (sorry he's just a hair less adorable than Ben.)
Just when I thought this guy couldn't be any cuter, I see those HUGE eyes! Awwwww.
Prayers for you!
"You're going to let them do what to me with that needle!"
Hoping all is well with your baby.
LOL!! Oh, I'm sorry, I know it isn't funny to have to take the little guy in for such a test, but that photo cracked me up!!!What a cutie!
I'd have taken him. Better safe than sorry.
Praying for you! That guy is absolutely adorable.
I'd take him in. Be sure because the consequences can be severe.
Holding you in prayer…and to answer the question…since, you asked…I'd take him in and have the blood drawn. 1- The needle really is pretty itty bitty 2- It's what we don't know that can harm us 3- While it is true, that when you hear hoofs you should think horses not zebras…zebras show up often enough, that I'd rather rest soundly knowing for certain.
Many prayers for Anthony and his worried momma too. LOVE that picture of him!
FIRST– Love the pic. Great job JEM!!
Second– I'da taken him in. Our second eldest had lyme, but at the time the docs thought it was something else until the blood work came back.
So, yeah, in this case I vote 'better safe than sorry'.
I feel for you tho… no fun watching your babe get poked..
I most likely wouldn't have gone into the clinic. I say 'most likely' because I don't know much about deer tick bites and I would have done a bit of research into the sypmtoms, etc. before making up my mind completely. I've had an adult friend who went through Lyme's & know of two children in our homeschool group (I'd have probably called the mom for more info, too!).
I'd say take him in too. A friend of mine's son had a weird small area read rash like thing that disappeared and then showed up somewhere else. Turns out he had a staff infection and ened up in the hospital. I'm not trying to scare you, but better safe than sorry.
Also, Children's is the best for drawing blood. I've had to bring a couple kids there and not one cried! The needle really is very very tiny, and they know how to work with kids and mamma's.
I'd have taken him. My daughter had lyme disease, a bad case that has repercussions still today, three years later. The rash does fade/change over time, too, so there's that.
I just stopped over and noticed the picture and had to read. Its too cute and I feel like Anthony. I had a giant needle stuck in my arm on Monday… and boy what a day at the clinic I experienced. I wrote about it on my blog. I am dealing with low progesterone and have draws every two weeks during my pregnancy. You think in todays world we would have better ways to get blood out. 🙂 Hope everything goes well.
Hi Margaret,
My 2 1/2 yr. old son ended up being tested for lyme's last December. We thought they were crazy. We never saw "the" rash and the only indication that something was wrong was that his knee swelled up and was warm to the touch. I thought he broke something, and took him in for x-rays. It was November in Minnesota, who is thinking lyme's? They sent us the next day to the orthopedic surgeon, who asked if a lyme's panel had been done. By then, he wasn't limping as much and we thought they were crazy (again, it was November). Next day his knee was normal (they wanted to wait a week or two for the panel), but then 3 to 4 days later he had the same symptoms. Thry took a sample, he was diagnosed with lyme's diease and Mayo clinic confirmed it.
So I'd let them take a blood sample. My little guy did pretty well. But then, he's a trooper.
Have I told you lately just how sweet as sugar that baby is????? Truly, Margaret….he is so darn cute! And just for the record…I would have done the exact same thing you did!
My daughter had Lyme last fall – we NEVER saw a rash on her. She's 11, so it could have come without any witnesses. She is still having problmes with her knees. They become swollen and sore. He'll survive the needle – better safe than sorry.