I have mentioned once or twice before that I am (originally) from the great state of North Dakota. Have you been? Why not? You should. It’s great.
Trust me. I make the trip as often as I can…
…and still it’s not enough.
You know.
That is why when my husband made plans to take the kids camping this past weekend—giving me a “get out of this camping trip free” card well in advance of the planning—I asked if I could go see my family instead. None of them had seen the baby yet and it was time, I tell you!
Plus my sisters are the “right hand men” at their parish and had organized a HUGE celebration in honor of its 125th anniversary.
St. Anthony’s Parish.
Having a party on St. Anthony’s feast day.
I simply had to bring my Anthony.
John said yes because he’s just awesome that way, and I drove up without telling my family.
(That was fun, I have to admit.)
(What can I say? I’m the youngest child, and am extremely fond of attention.)
As the hostess of this blog, I reserve that right.
We arrived just in time for the start of the Mass and found my mother in the front row pew. She’s always in the front row pew because that way she can keep an eye on her husband, who—as often as not—is deaconing the Mass.
I’m very proud of my papa.
Do I really need to say that?
Imagine my surprised delight, then, when at the beginning of the Mass he came down off the altar and approached our pew. He’s coming over to hug me! I thought, feeling conspicuous but pleased. (Remember: it’s a youngest child thing.)
This is what he had to say to me: “The bishop needs a program.”
And then he snatched one—all business—and turned abruptly.
“Well, what did you expect?” my husband asked. “The guy’s the second in command and needs to keep things running smoothly!”
Here he is on the altar during Mass. (He’s on the bishop’s right.)
I would have taken more photos but my mother kept raising her eyebrow at me.
She’s my mother. I put the camera down.
And then I whipped out the camera and starting taking pictures again.
I am so totally the mother of James and John.
It’s not even funny.
It is fun when you get good photos, though.
The reception after Mass was held under a beautiful blue sky, despite the clouds and rain earlier that day. (“I prayed the novena to the Holy Spirit!” my sister Yvonne gushed happily, and it’s true that she totally earned the sunny weather on this feast day.)
My sister Yvonne is a church lady, you see, but not just any church lady.
She is… how I should I put this…practically perfect in every way. That’s why they picked her to run this.
Not surprisingly, she immediately got my other sister on board. Renee agreed, but only reluctantly, because she knew she’d have to do whatever Yvonne told her.
Yvonne’s the oldest sister and is by nature slightly bossy. We put up with her because we love her.
Here is my beautiful sister, Renee.
Would you believe it was her birthday? This was another reason why I had to make the trip to North Dakota. I had forgotten to get her card in the mail.
Here’s Renee with her daughter, Tracee, who is an up-and-coming church lady and seems cheerfully resigned to that fact. She’s as good a cook as my two sisters, so I’d say that she qualifies.
You will be quizzed on it later.
Once Anthony fell asleep in his sling, I was free to move around the parish hall and take photos. I love taking photos at events like this—I love the local color; I love the stories; I love getting extra cake at every table.
This little petunia, for example, is Tracee’s daughter Sienna.
Don’t you just love the name Sienna? We were going to name one of our girls that but changed our mind at the last minute.
We didn’t want her called “Burnt Sienna.”
(It’s a last name thing.)
She was the self-appointed flower girl at this event, and if you’ll look closely at some of the other photos, you’ll see that she took her job very seriously.
This is Tracee’s son Kadin.
Pretty impressive shiner, no? He took a baseball to the face while playing first base.
And then, being every bit the professional athlete, he went up to bat and got a homer.
One of the biggest highlights of my day was getting a copy of the parish cookbook that my sister (naturally) put together for the anniversary. This cookbook is a veritable gem, I tell you—it is a goldmine of great recipes and I would know, as I’ve sampled most of them.
Here are Yvonne’s daughters—my beautiful, blond nieces, Aimee and Alexis—who have been called into action by their mom to hawk cookbooks.
I don’t think they’re selling as fast as they’d like. Alexis is on the phone with Guido, our second cousin twice removed, who may need to come in and rough things up a bit.
Phew! Auntie Margaret came by and bought two copies!
All is well with the girls again.
Now listen. Here is where you come in. I purchased two copies of this cookbook so that one of you would get one. Aren’t I thoughtful? All you need to do is leave a comment saying whether you have ever visited North Dakota or not…
…and if you haven’t, well, why not?
Because there’s no place like my home, I tell you.
If you’d visit, you’d agree.
All for the greater glory of God,
Love North Dakota..because it is currently where my sister and her family are stationed…Grand Forks here we come in a couple of weeks!
I have not ever been to North Dakota, but something tells me that it is filled with wide-opened spaces (kind of like where I live in South Dakota)… beautiful…God' country! – I'm glad you had a great trip, Margaret!
Never visited North Dakota, never visited the USA – due to break that in 94 days when I am going to stay with a friend in Seattle – just had to go check the map and its only next door, so I may even get to visit North Dakota
Nope, haven't had the chance yet!
I've never been to North Dakota….probably because I live in Rhode Island and that would be a LONG LONG LONG trip!! (And I have no family or friends there….if I did then I'd make the long trip!)
Looks like you had a wonderful visit. I have never visited your great state b/c it is quite far from FL! One year we hope to get there.
I'm sorry to say that I've never visited North Dakota. To be honest, it's not a state I ever thought about prior to reading your blog. The farthest I've been in the northern midwest is to the east side of Minnesota, just over the border from Balsam Lake, WI.
What a wonderful trip. Having never been to North Dakota (nor to Minnesota either – sorry), I must admit that I am hoping to do so one day – and visit the rest of the contiguous 48 that I haven't seen.
Your parents are just the cutest couple! They remind me of mine who have been married for almost 59 years. And that baby of yours – sooo cute.
Never been… but may be heading that way in a few years when we drive to Canada. Yes. I said drive. Can we stay with you?
Anyway. I want that cookbook!
I went to college at UND and met my husband there… Grand Forks holds fond memories for us. 🙂
I haven't been to North Dakota since I was in high school. That was a loonnngggg time ago. I was looking fondly at the cookbook though. Church cookbooks are the best.
I've never been to North Dakota, it is very far from NJ! I'd love to the cross country road trip with the kids someday. Your family is beautiful!
I have never been to North Dakota, but oh I LOVE Church cookbooks!!! Especially when they contain secret family recipes from the extended family of our dear Margaret from Minnesota! What a wonderful trip it must have been for you and for your family. Your hubby is a sweetie. How come no pics of you, though?!
Looks like a ton of fun sweet Margaret! I'm pretty sure Anthony had them all smitten too :)))
What a fun trip!! That is great that you were able to go and surprise your family! =)
I have never been to North Dakota… We did swing up to South Dakota to see Mt Rushmore a few years back (on our way home from a trip to Nebraska), but that was as far North as we made it. However, I am almost positive that my dad was born in North Dakota (way back in '55) before his family moved to CA.
Love North Dakota! 🙂
I played a lot of soccer games there back in college. UND, NDSU, and Jamestown. (Wasn't too fond of Jamestown if I remember correctly. We were at a steakhouse after a game and a few men wearing swastikas and carrying guns in their pockets were trying to get friendly with our team. We were a bit freaked…)
But, I'm a fan of farms and wide open spaces which is why I also love my Iowa!! 🙂
Great set of photos and stories. You have all sorts of beautiful people in that family.
You mean not everyone has been to ND??!! Of course not everyone lives within an hour or two of the MN-ND border all their lives either. Yes, I've been to ND!
Looks like your trip was well worth it…how fun for you and Anthony!
Of course, I have been to North Dakota. Last month, even. Who wouldn't go? It's worth the trip to West Acres alone.
I've never visited North Dakota. I think it is one of the 4 remaining states that I have not been too. I'd love to go sometime, and in fact I might drive through this summer on my cross country trip!
Never been, but would love to some day! You see, I'm an East Coast girl–spent the first 25 years of my life in Ohio only to move to Maryland 7 years ago. But I'm a "big open spaces" kind of gal and aim to get there someday…soon I hope!
You look like your sister Yvonne. 🙂 Reading the account of your visit makes me ache for my sisters who are 10 hours away in Michigan.
No North Dakota, but it looks an awful lot like Ohio. Does that count?
You have a beautiful family. All those purty women! Your dad and baby Anthony were lucky guys.
Really? You're from NoDak?
Well, of course you are. 🙂
Bully for you!
And for me, cuz I hail from ND too!
Now, pass me by and give that cookbook to someone who has never been there! After all, there is NOTHING like a North Dakota church cookbook~especially if it is full of recipes from "real church-ladies"!
What's in there besides hotdish and rhubarb? Krumcaca? Butterhorns?
Love your blog. I lurk around on it all the time!
I have not been there, but it is on my list of going to places one day! Glad it was a great trip!
I have never been to North Dakota — never been west of the Mississippi, actually — but the pictures you have posted are beautiful!
Yes, yes, yes! We actually live in South Dakota–it's nice here too! Congrats on your beautiful baby, he's wonderful!
Never visited North Dakota, but I've heard a lot about it!!! Sounds liek you had a great trip Margaret!
I've been there and if I don't win that cookbook, I have connections, I checked!
So glad you surprised your family, which is beautiful by the way!!
What a fun day!
North Dakota? No, but I've had a love affair with Montana since my teen years. I even had enough money saved once to take a very budget trip out there, but then I got married and spent all my money on a very budget wedding. Right after that, I flew to Colorado. Beautiful land, Colorado. Then it was off to Germany. Germany is incredible. You'd probably like it, being an extreme northerner. 🙂 Then we lived in Illinois, just north of Chicago. Did you know, Chicagoans are the only people I've ever met who have no particular local culture? There's nothing really special about them. They think there is, though, which makes it all the more sad. 🙂 We followed that up with four years in Georgia. The south is chock full of local culture. I fear my traveling days are through now, though. We've come to Kentucky, the best place of all, not because it's Kentucky, but because we're finally home. North Dakota will just have to live without us.
I have never been, but you just may have convinced me to give it a try! Thank you for sharing!
I have been to North Dakota despite my canuck status. I went with my Mom and Dad on a family holiday and we toured a few states, North Dakota being one of them. I enjoyed it very much and it's our intent to visit it again (and see friends in Minnesota) once I finally obtain passports for all of the kiddos. BONUS: My local parish is St. Anthony's although we've only just celebrated our 50th Anniversary.
I have actually never been to North Dakota. I have never been father west than Minneapolis, as a matter of fact. LOL I'm so well traveled. 😉
I would love to travel more though, so maybe we'll make it to North Dakota some day!
Well … I live in ND and I agree with you, Margaret! Pass me by on the cookbook, too. I happen to know the sis of the priest to the right of the Bishop!!
Thanks for all the pics, though. So fun to see more of your family & the parish celebration.
So sorry that I have never been to ND…of course, until my sister moved to Illinois, I'd never been west of Ohio! I'd love to get a chance to visit more of the west, south and north of this fair land of ours!
I grew up in New Jersey…which has a lousy reputation because of the northern industrial areas…but central & south Jersy and of course the BEACH is beautiful…also there are as many horses raised in NJ as there are in Kentucky!
Glad you got to see your family & the Bishop photos are priceless!
I love cook books… 🙂
Pax Christi!
Oh, that beautiful country road takes me back!! The Red River Valley has some of the most fertile crop growing land around!! I HAVE ABSOLUTELY BEEN TO NORTH DAKOTA!! The best memories I have ever are of staying in Great Bend!! My grandparents were born and raised there!! My cousins and I used to love going to visit and all the fun that a great, small, tiny town could bring. We still go back to visit as my grandma now lives in Wahpeton and I have 2 brothers that are teachers in Jamestown. Do I love North Dakota? I'm sure as much as you do……the land of my birth. (I was born in Fargo.) Glad you could get back to enjoy time with your family!!
Well Golly gee don't you know, I have been to North Dakota yeah! I flew into that booming metropolis Fargo, navigated my way through their huge airport, and was part of my dear friends' wedding! It's beautiful country!
My friend is born and bred ND and her husband is pure Boston. The accents were nearly unbearable, if they weren't so darn funny! Speaking of which, I talked aloud while I typed and my infant is looking at me so funny, oh gollygeedonchaknow!
I've never been to North Dakota because I live in TX and that's the other side of the world! And, I hear it's cold there which is just no good for me. : )
I've driven through on my way to Minnesota. Hardly does it justice, I know.
1. I was just in ND a week and a half ago for the baptism of our newest God Child and first niece, Naomi.
2. Anyone out there who wants to faaaall in love with ND and can't visit in person can read the Dakota series by Debbie Macomber. If I could move to her fictitious Buffalo Gap I would.
3. I'd love another cookbook filled with the best church lady recipes. Thanks for the chance to get one.
I've never been to North Dakota. Lots of road trips across I-40, 70 and 80 to CO and UT… but next time! It is all so beautiful "out there," North Carolina is rather cramped by comparison! I will say a word for NC church lady cooking… hmmm, coconut cake!
Congratulations on the beautiful baby boy!
Never been, but would love to some day. Farthest west I have been is WI.
Love the photosof the baby and the bishop!
What a gorgeous family you have!!! So lucky!
I have never been to ND but I would like to go. The farthest west I've ever been is St. Louis, and Syracuse/Rochester is the farthest north.
Adorable adorable baby. 🙂 I just want to snuggle him up.
Margaret, you are so funny! I bet your family just loved meet your little Anthony.
I have been to Minnesota and South Dakota and Montana, but not the one in the middle of those three. Why? Don't know. Sounds like a nice place to go.
Church cookbooks are great! When I first was getting to know my husband, he discovered that I had a copy of HIS family's church cookbook. What a coincidence!
Never been to ND. I'd love to go (in the summer), but the prospect of loading my 6 small children in the van and driving there from Maryland is…daunting.
No, I have never been because I have never had the opportunity to do so. I love the last picture you took, so if the rest of the state looks like it, I am sure it is beautiful.
So, your niece Tracee's children are older than some of your children? There must be a big age difference between you and your sisters. I love how you write about your familiy. It is so loving and bubbly. 🙂
I'll have to say that I don't believe I've ever been to North Dakota. South Dakota yes, as me and my boyfriend were just there about a month ago. But North Dakota isn't too far off from the Twin Cities, so I know we'll go eventually! Especially since my boyfriend coaches hockey and I know they've had tournaments up in that area 🙂
I haven't visited YET. My father was born in Moorhead, Minnesota – just across the river, you know. Our entire family on his side lived in Fargo. They are all gone now, including my daddy. I must visit some day…..
A cookbook would make a mighty fine birthday present (hint, hint)! Just kidding!
What a great trip you must have had…I'm not quite ready for "that", but next weekend we're hosting an anniversary party for my dad and step mom (25 yrs of wedded bliss) at my sisters…Yup, she's like Yvonne, practically perfect in every way (and skinny, to boot!)
God bless little Anthony! I bet he is a great traveler and God bless John even more for giving you such a special gift as a sneak away weekend…I was wondering where you went!
I missed you at the picnic on Friday, but I hadn't RSVP'd and I thought you were a "no", but then I saw the large white barge, got all excited and then, boom, found out you stayed home. Hrumpf!
We've got to get together soon!
I have never been, but my parents met and were married in Grand Forks (Air Force). My brother also went to school in Grand Forks. I would love to win this cookbook!
No, but I'd like to. I have a first cousin who has lived there for like twenty something years. If I go, I'm going in the summer!
I love your pictures of the babe with the Bishop – I am biased, though, because I have an Anthony Joseph too – he just turned four, three days before St. Anthony's feast day. 🙂
I'm a native North Dakotan too! (Born in Grand Forks, raised in Lakota and Hillsboro, and lived in Fargo for five years – our kids were born there). One of our favorite Fargo parishes was St. Anthony of Padua, coincedentally. 🙂
Isn't Bishop Aquila a gem?? I just love him. He is such a great guy!
Just call me a lurker driven to comment by the thought of a new church cookbook! Yes, I've made many trips to visit family in North Dakota. It's a beautiful state, but not nearly as gorgeous as that new son of yours. Congrats!
Yep – sand bagging duty during flood season. Oh, and many drives on to Montana…
I've been to South Dakota on my Little House on the Prairie pilgrimmage. Is that close enough? The sky is just about as big.
I have never been to North Dakota because I've never been invited! I don't think I've ever met anyone from that state during my grad school days in Wisconsin.
Never been to North Dakota, but it sounds like my kind of place. I've been to Minnesota, does that count? Actually I group up an hour south of the Minnesota border. But still, it's not North Dakota.
i have not. but clearly i need to.
awesome LONG post–loved it!! have not been up to ND yet, but will if I get the chance. You never know where the military will send us next…
kerry.haslam at gmail.com
I have never visited North Dakota, but I sure wish I could! It's really, really far from New Jersey, where I live. Closest I've ever gotten was Idaho (and that was a fluke in itself, and an interesting story that I should really tell sometime!)
Never been to North Dakota, but lived in Minnesota for about 9 months. And I love the open sky, so I think I'd like it in summer. (Not such a fan of snow.) Love all the pics!
Haven't been but plan to one day. I promise..
Haven't been to ND, but I love love love cookbooks…I would certainly do it justice. It might even get me to visit!
Well, I didn't get to visit it so much as drive through it on the way from Minnesota to Oregon… 🙂 Long story…
What a wonderful surprise Margaret! I'm sure your family was thrilled to see you and to meet Anthony.
Funny, I have a beautiful niece with long blond hair too!
I LOVE church cookbooks, so count me in!
I did visit North Dakota when I was a kid — we did a cross-country drive (with a station wagon, of course). I remember we went to a great rodeo while we were there.
I agree with the other Elizabeth that NJ gets a bum rap! (Jersey girl all my life, except for college and grad school.)
Never been to ND…isn't it kind of …cold? Probably very nice right now though! Thanks Margaret!
You are a hoot lady! I have never been to North Dakota because my Texas passport won't let me travel north of the Red River without a special visa. Sorry! 😉
Never been! The closest I've been is the Twin Cities. Dh was born in SD. Guess we need a road trip one of these days…
I love church cookbooks too and would REALLY love to get my hands on one from the north. Maybe you could tell us how to get one if we don't win? Or trade me for one from the south 😉 It's actually a lady's group cookbook, not so much a church one, sigh.
Your extended family is lovely, thanks for sharing them! Belated congrats on your beautiful boy with one of my favorite names. He's perfect!
never been,but I do love church cookbooks!
Never been there, but not because I don't think it would be wonderful. My good friend was just there in the NW corner on vacation last week.
One of our favorite priests was ordained in the Diocese of Fargo and was a pastor there for several years before he came back to Indiana to be incardinated into his home diocese. He still has friends in North Dakota and visits them, but I have never been there… maybe someday!
I most certainly HAVE been to North Dakota! My step-father grew up in Fargo and his family has a cabin on Lake Metigoshe in Bottineau (a town so small in 1984, they couldn't set my sister's broken arm and had to send us to Minot)!
And of course we couldn't drive through Rugby, ND without stopping for the "Middle of North America" marker picture and t-shirt…seriously, how many of those shirts did one kid need?!
Never been but would love to!!!
Hi Margaret
What a lovely trip you had and what a beautiful family. My children went to our local St.Anthony's Catholic Primary School. Every St. Anthony's day, the kids would have a day off lessons and do fun activities instead. Happy memories.
Cheers – Joolz
PS My Word Verification word is 'holiessn' – someone at blogger can't spell holiness!
Nope, never been to North Dakota…maybe someday.
But…you do have a beautiful family there and St. Anthony is one of my favorite saints….so, maybe if I get a good cookbook of favorite North Dakota recipes, I'd be all the more inclined to want to go there 🙂
I have been through North Dakota several times, but never realized the beauty of it until I drove a group of teens from our parish to their mission destination in Mandaree … what beautiful country!
I'd been to ND years and years ago –and had a pocket full of bison fur to prove it……
And have been now three times in the last two years:
Aug 07, Cavalier,ND for #1 son's wedding; (Note: Now son #2 moved to Cavalier.)
Oct 08, GF, for the birth of our first grandchild (Mara Therese);
May 09, GF, for the said #1 son's graduation from ND School of Law. (Yes, he was home schooled throughout high school!)
Everyone we meet is so friendly and helpful. We just love ND!!
I have never been to ND – just its sister to the south and that was great fun – went to the Black Hills for our honeymoon! So maybe ND would be just as much fun as well! I love all things cooking – so a church cookbook would be great. Thanks for letting us enter. God Bless you and your precious family! -Marie
Yep…. have been to Fargo for the last 3 Marian Eucharistic Congresses. Great place!
Ack – I didn't include that fact that I have INDEED been to North Dakota! In fact, I took the Am-trak through in both directions, too!
Hi Margaret,
I haven't been to North Dakota but if I ever go to the States I will put it on my list of must see places since you say it is so good.
I have been to South Dakota when I was a wee little thing for a family reunion… I guess that doesn't count. But we are planing on a trip soon! We are hoping next year to drive to Nebraska to visit my family and plan on driving a bit of a circle to see some cool and nifty new things…. like North Dakota!
I also have to point how totally cool it is that my word verification for this comment is… are you ready… CHICK.
Come on, that has got to be lucky. Plus I LOVE cookbooks!
OK, you know I visited. You drove! Seriously, what a fun post to read. WIsh I were there to say, "Hi!" to all. I thought of your little 'Tony all that day.
What fun! I mean for me, reading this post. When I got to the photo of Renee and Tracee, at first I thought they were sisters – so pretty wild to learn they were mother and daughter – and then I discovered Renee was the grandmother of Sienna, which had my mouth open, and THEN I saw she was grandmother to Kadin – and that apparently teenaged Tracee was his mother! – I was so amazed I had to keep going back and double checking that I'd read right. Mind you, it's a family that includes a certain MM who looks like she's fresh out of uni, despite all her kids, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised!
Once. South of Fargo going into MN . . . . the year my BIL married and we went to Salt Lake to see my oldest best friend. It was FLAT. But, I like the Dakotas. I like that folks were friendly. We had to make pit stops!
Don't know if I am too late for the cookbook, but I HAVE been to North Dakota….Fargo to be exact….well, actually we (a friend and I) drove through, but stopped in Fargo because Grandma Margaret was from there. And we found the house that she lived in, and we knocked on the door, and these two California girls were SHOCKED not only to be greeted by a friendly face, but invited to come in AND take video and photos to show family. So, North Dakota was a great memory. Unfortunately, coming to North Dakota now is a little out of the question….I live in Aberdeen Scotland!
Never ever been to North Dakota. I'm sure it's a great place. I love church cookbooks. I'm sure your's would be a change from the Ohio ones I have.
I've never been to North Dakota, but I have been to South Dakota! Does that count? Beautiful family and wonderful pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful weekend!
just as an after thought Margaret,
I thought you were going to ask a question about your nieces flower.
Haven't been to North Dakota—because I haven't made it to the US:-) I anticipate that should we ever make the trip, we'll visit a good range of it, to make the flight worthwhile…
Great photos, great stories… and I can't believe you took a little road-trip already. I barely made it just visiting a friend's house 10 minutes away yesterday. LOL
I have not been to North Dakota, but I have been to South Dakota. Does that count or am I disqualified? 😉 My grandfather lives in Fargo though, and a good friend of mine here in Arizona is from North Dakota as well. She's actually there right now. Am I back in?
What great pictures — what fun to share the trip with you!
Ah, what a lovely trip that was! Thanks for sharing it!
I was in North — or was it South, ack, it might have been South — Dakota in college, when we went with the dairy club to tour dairy farms. (Yes, I was in the dairy club, though I did not grow up nor ever have dairy cows. I just liked them. And they let me in.)
We have friends living in ND now! Looks like fun 🙂