(Note that the photographer was good enough to brush off all the scone crumbs.)
Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Minnesota Me, New Baby 21 Comments
(Note that the photographer was good enough to brush off all the scone crumbs.)
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
Oh my goodness, he’s so beautiful! Look at those plump lips! Gorgeous, Margaret. More, more!
Congratulations Margaret! I can not tell you how happy I am to see this baby finally here and healthy. Many months ago when you first announced you were pregnant, i wrote (in comments) that I would be praying for you and the baby and would soon offer up my own labor for you (oct 3, 2008). Well, it was a doosy of a labor, my toughest so far #4. Anyway, I really did offer if for you right in the absolute worst and most painful moments. I asked God that you would please carry this baby to term and you did! I am soooo happy. Every bit of my pain was worth it. And St. Therese helped too. My baby Therese was born on her Traditional feast day! You have a beautiful family and I will pray for your continued blessings.
Oh Margaret he’s precious. CONGRATULATIONS! And I love those lips. 🙂 He’ll be a heartbreaker in the kindergarten….
Cutie pie, indeed!! Thanks for sharing photos of your new little cutie. Handsome little guy.
Congratulations, Margaret and family! What a beautiful baby boy! I bet he doesn’t get put down much around your house!
Congratulations Margaret!! Anthony is beautiful! Hope I get to meet him this weekend!
God bless!
He is a beautiful baby (but you already knew that). He has nice big hands for fighting with those brothers and sisters. I think he looks like the Pink Tornado (what say you?)!
Beautiful. We’ve been waiting for you a long time, buddy!
He is so beautiful!!! Congratulations again!
He is sooooooooo adorable! I am very proud for you and the rest of the family!
Welcome to the world, Sweet Anthony!
so so so so happy for you. made my day. keep the pics coming!
you sure know how to grow a cute baby! 😉
Beautiful, beautiful baby!!!!
Thanks so much for sharing!!!
He’s adorable – which brings me to this question – didn’t you JUST have a baby?? Where are you finding all this energy! Oh wait – you’re high on baby endorphins! 🙂
Blessings and congratulations to the whole family on the wonderful new addition to the Gang in Minnesota!
What a cutie pie! Congratulations again, Margaret.
Oh. My. Gosh.
Honestly one of THE most beautiful babies I’ve ever seen. Just sooo cute. Love the lips!!! 🙂
What a handsome little man. Well done!
sniff sniff SNIFF…just trying to smell that new baby smell. He is so new and sweet and little. PRECIOUS!
He does have the most adorable mouth, Margaret. Well done.
He is precious! Look at all that hair! He is really an aware little guy. Congratulations again.
Oh Margie…I am so happy for you!!!! He is absolutely beautiful, in more ways than one!!! I am hoping I get to see him “in real life” soon!!! Love you bunches!!!!