I apologize for the delay in announcing the winner of my blog lottery. Perhaps, though, she knows who she is already? : )
Cheryl was the closest in her estimation, having guessed a baby boy born on May 24th at 9 p.m. Please email me your address, Cheryl, so I can send you your copy of The Rosary: Keeping Company with Jesus and Mary.
Because of the generous response to this lottery and because I have another copy of Karen’s book available, I did a random drawing from the rest of the entries. Number 27 was the comment chosen, and that winner is…
I would like to thank everyone who participated, especially those who willed an early delivery (hee) but most of all, those of you who offered prayers. The fruit of your prayer is a healthy baby—and a child who came despite the odds.
With love and incredible gratitude,
I’ve been waiting for you to change your side bar to add your newest little miracle. 🙂 No pressure. LOL
Congratulations!!!!! He’s beautiful.
Done! Thanks for the reminder, Jen.
He is beautiful! Congrats once again!
Oh my goodness! I won, I won! I never win anything! I’d like to thank the Academy, my faithful, loving husband, my incredible children, and of course, much thanks to little Baby Anthony for joining us and making this all happen. Autographs to be signed at a later date.
p.s. He’s a keeper for sure, but if you get too tired he can come here for a while!
I have that same sling … I can tell by the fabric. How is the sling wearing?? You’ve mastered getting him to sleep in the sling, it looks like.
The sling is on loan from my friend Erin and I LOVE it. Anthony gets tucked inside as-snug-as-a-bug and sleeps & sleeps while I go about my business.
Now I need to look into purchasing a sling (or two…or three…) of my own. 🙂
I have been following along here. Did I miss where you might have mention if you used an epidural or not???? Congrats again!
Congratulations, Margaret and et al.
Your new little one is beautiful. Many blessings on your baby and the rest of your family.
I haven’t yet said anything about my decision in labor and delivery, Christine, though that story is on deck.
what a precious little man all happy in the maya
ever try a moby wrap? they are da bomb for newborns
they lok intimidating but are easy if you can hae show you how to use thm
Is that what a sleeping baby looks like – mine didn’t sleep at all as a newborn.
He’s beautiful. All the best to all of you. God bless.
I just have to say congratulations, again. He is so darling. They get big so fast…
What a sweet picture!! He’s just lovely. I want to snuggle him up. 🙂
G O R G E O U S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful baby!
Congrats!! He’s beautiful! 🙂
Wow, He is perfectly perfect! Hearty congrats! Enjoy that babymoon