…in the combox below:
ok, I wasn’t going to comment, but seriously, how can you all be so opposed to this man? Set apart whatever comment he made – just think about the amazing strides your country has made, by way of his election. He is not only a symbol of racial equality, but the denounciation of an unjust war and a corrupt administration. I watched with prode [sic] and reverence as your country swore into office this symbol, feelings that as a Canadian I haven’t felt toward the US for a long time (over the last four years, the main feelings I’ve had were fear and revultion [sic]).
As for his comments on pregnancy – whether you can admit it or not, pregnancy is NOT a joy to every person. Some of us have our own needs and ways of dealing with issues that may not co-incide with your beliefs. Is it really up to you to make those decisions for us? Is it really up to you to force us to believe as you do? I’m sorry if I’ve offended some of you, but I worry about the future of the planet when reading some of the other comments on here.
Well, Shawn, I worry about the future of the planet, too. My question for you is: Will there be a future if we continue to murder our own?
For every baby that’s unwanted, there is a loving couple who is willing to adopt. That is a much less violent option, and I should think that would appeal to a person who’s opposed to war.
*Note to anyone who wants to join this discussion: Shawn is an old friend of mine. Let’s keep our comments civil.
HERE HERE! Everyone wants to be free to make their own decisions about their bodies, but they don’t consider where that starts to lead…scary, scary
I have many family members that think the same way this guy does.
It is such a battle. How do we convince them that murder is murder?
Christine: It is such a battle. How do we convince them that murder is murder?
I don’t know if we can. I’ve had discussions all day with posters from a board dedicated to an old tv show (of all things!!)
I said, “substitute the words killing children (or human life) for the word abortion.” Everything they say then sounds strikingly different then what they wanted to say.
How much better a world would we be if we truly accepted life?
We can overcome all those problems that we hear about. We can. Really.
With all do respect for your friend Shawn, he has been mislead. The media has made America an enemy, yet it has been America assisting Africa with resorces, it has been America leading the way for new developments in getting poor AIDS victims access to affordable medication, it has been America who has lent out it’s citizens, $, and support to countries in need. We must be doing something good…just look at our immigration numbers (sorry couldn’t resist).
Also, this administration may have made some mistakes but to state it was currupt is one sided and unfair. No my friend…politics is currupted!
And also, pregnancy is a gift…God’s total trust in us as He intended. It is us that make it hard.
Lastly, I am no conspiracy theorists but in the last few decades we (all people but, specifically the U.S) have been fed crisis theories: Global Warming, over population, fear in all areas of faith, etc etc.
Just in the last few months new statistics are coming from agencies both in the private and government sectors (ie NASA) proving that the earth is in fact cooling down rather than warming up. A more frightening statistic are the ones showing that in parts of the world the population is falling at rates that will bring devasting consequences to the people. China and France are loosing whole generations. We are living in an age that rationlizes death to excuse the killing of millions of babies.
I have no desire to force my believes on anyone. We were all given “free will” in choosing our way. I’d must rather have those around me fall, willing, in love with God. I pray for Shawn and all like him…who put too much hope in a single man. It is very telling of the times we are in…for that I am afraid.
Margaret, have him read Humanae Vitae…
In His Grace,
Elizabeth's statement "I pray for Shawn and all like him…who put too much hope in a single man" is exactly what I thought when I read the post. I cannot consider our new President a symbol, either. Honestly, if that is why so many chose to vote for him, then the U.S. is in deep trouble. Time will tell.
I do find it interesting that Shawn 'fears' the U.S. Canada and the U.S. have been friends for many years and the Peace Gardens in ND stand in honor of this reality. I don't think of Canada as less than the U.S. (different, yes), but maybe that's because I grew up so close & visited often.
As a woman with two adopted brothers, two adopted cousins and numerous adopted friends, I thank God everyday that their mothers chose life. My one brother’s birth mom was a 15 year old who was brave enough to give birth to my brother. The other brother’s birth mom and dad were college students who were also brave enough to make a compassionate decision. While I absolutely understand that pregnancy does not always “bring joy” to the woman who is pregnant, why not choose to “bring joy” to the life of couple who cannot have children.
In the grand plan, what is 40 weeks? How inconvenient can that possibly be? Inconvenient enough to end a life? I just don’t understand. It is less than a year of one’s life to commit to a child, why is that so difficult for some?
In a way, yes I am very glad that our country was able to set aside racial inequality to elect Obama. However, I would never vote for anyone – no matter what religion, color, anything – that supported abortion. In my opinion, abortion is murder, and I can not support any person on any level that on this basic moral issue feels that murdering a person is ok. If they think murder is ok, how can I trust their judgement with other matters that are even less distinct? There are some religions or cultures that believe it is ok to kill someone in the family who has done something to wrong or shame the family. Would we let them kill their family member just because their religious or cultural belief says it is ok? No we most certainly would not. It is not ok to kill anyone – murder is murder. And since I believe abortion to be that, whether your faith is in agreement with mine or not – murder is what I consider it and that is why it makes me so sad and why I believe so much in the prolife movement.
Did you know that as a new mother, if I have Post-Partum Psychosis or am just unable to handle the pressure of motherhood and I kill my children minutes, days or years after the child is born – it is punishable by law? If I spank my children too harshly in the public eye, they can be taken away from me. But if I am depressed or overwhelmed through the hard times that occur with EVERY pregnancy, planned or unplanned, I can legally kill my child then. And that FOCA will make it even easier, and taxpayers will pay for it.
Do you see the ridiculousness in this? If not – I can only guess that you still think that pregnancy is a condition, like having the flu – not a child, not a gift.
So when I got pregnant with my first child when I was unwed and it was frightening, or when I got pregnant when I was mentally unstable – I could have aborted my children then. But on days like today when it is difficult to step up to the plate and be a mom and I can’t handle all the pressure, I cannot kill them now without facing punishment by law. (Not that I ever would – because I love my gifts and they are non-returnable.)
When I was that unwed pregnant woman due to my own mistakes, it was my CHOICE to acknowledge that it was a gift from God regardless of how it came into being. It was stressful at first, but now my daughter brings me more joy than I can ask for. It was my CHOICE to decide should I keep her or give her up for adoption. It was the CHOICE of my adopted sister’s birth mother to give her up for adoption – and I can’t imagine my life without her. It was my CHOICE to keep my child and trust that God’s gift would be protected.
The father and I had been quietly engaged for 7 months, my parents were stern Catholics who had no idea what was coming and I was afraid of their reaction to saying – hey we’re getting married in 3 months because baby is coming in 9. My parents CHOSE to love me unconditionally and help me, even though it was hard for them too. My husband CHOSE to stand by me and continue with a lovely marriage, even though it was scarry for him too.
Abortion was NEVER a “choice.” And it shouldn’t be for anyone else.
You people need to find a new soap box. I know of only one being that has the right to judge – not Christine, Pidge, Corinne, etc. etc. Please already do not judge least you be judged. Read the bible people and practice your faith. Jeez!!
Shawn…I mean no disrespect to you at all….I really mean that…but….I’m not sure that your opinion of the US is all that important to me! I don’t think our president should make decisions based on what other countries think of us. The bottom line is….the US comes to EVERYBODY’S AID, but somehow the US is always viewed as the evil empire. I don’t get this. Somehow, we’re the bad guy but let that same country get into trouble and who do they run to???
I agree with Corinne…everyone wants to be free to make their own decisions about their bodies…but have forgotten that there are consequences for every action. I don’t think it’s ok to live selfishly and then murder the result of those selfish and reckless actions. How about doing the responsible thing and live chastefully until it is right. Pope Benedict is correct, it’s called moral realitivism….I should be able to do anything I want at anytime I want and not have to deal with the consequences of living recklessly. If I’m “inconvenienced” or “punished” (Obama’s words), then I should be able to make my problem just “go away”. To me, it is very selfish as God has allowed us to participate in creation with HIM and we treat that creation like they are nothing.
To allow an unborn baby to be ripped limb from limb from the womb of the mother…is to have no conscience. It is evil.
Thanks for letting me voice my opinion here Margaret. I apologize if I am over zealous…I just feel very passionately about this subject.
Thank you!!
Oh my, oh my…this isn’t about judgement and it certainly isn’t a soapbox. Most women here that visit Margaret are, mothers, of faith…specifically Catholic mothers.
We struggle with our vocation as mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, friends, etc. We try to do the best we can each day living and breathing this wonderful gift God has graced us with.
I’m sorry you mistook anyone’s comments here as negavtive complaints or judgement.
But we all need prayer and we need Him…whether you want to admit that or not…I am sure one day you will though…one day…my friend, I hope you’ll understand.
Has anyone ever noticed that to speak the words “judge not” to a fellow human being is itself a judgment?
If I am engaged in defending human life, am I a defender, or am I a judge?
Judge not, or you will be judged… that is Matthew 7:1.
Do you know Matthew 7:2?
If I “judge” that the unborn deserve mercy and protection, then… “in the same way that I judge” those others, will I be judged? With that measure will I be measured?
Oh goodness. What if we will be judged according to the measure by which we judge… the unborn?
If I ever get married, adoption would be the only way I could have children. I can’t have them on my own (too difficult, medically, for the child and myself). I would be so blessed to have this child in my life. It would create such joy.
The Bible also says that we our bodies are not our own…we were bought with a price. We have free will, but what we do with it is so important. Mother Teresa used to say something to the effect of, we will never have peace in the world if we allow violence to occur in the womb. I firmly believe this.
The only man we can really place our total hope in is Jesus.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” I praise God we live our Catholic faith in a country where our Declaration of Independence so beautifully expresses these values (from our very creation we are equal etc). I pray that the hearts of those who are hardened against the rights of the most vulnerable children will soften as mine has over the years. Our children are such precious blessings. Sometimes, as with mine they are not born in the ideal situation, but God does give us the grace to choose joy and to grow emotionally, spiritually, and in respect for others’ whether we decide for adoption or raising them ourselves.
Being scared, desperate, despairing or even angry about being pregnant is a tough place. I hope we can reach out and show these women God’s love that we pray they are willing to show their unborn children.
I notice that many who are concerned with the future of the planet will cite scientific facts. They assert that it has been scientifically proven that global warming is being caused by humans. Therefore, they conclude that we need to get rid of the humans in order to save the planet. It is ironic that they will not accept the scientific fact that human life begins at conception and understand that life is worthy of the same rights that they enjoy. Instead, they say we are forcing our beliefs on them. It is not a matter of belief. It is scientific fact. We can not save the baby whales by killing the baby humans.
The chain of life is only as strong as it’s weakest link. And our weakest link is our unborn, along with our old and infirm people that cannot speak for themselves.EXample Terry Shrivo. When we as a society protect and love these weakest links the evironment, whales, third world people will “suddenly” have improvements in their situations.
Thankyou Minnesota Mom for being such a good example.
Theresa in Alberta
Abortion attacks the very dignity of women! As the late JPII writes in Mulieris Dignitatem, often a woman in this situation is “left alone, exposed to public opinion with ‘her sin’, while behind ‘her’ sin there lurks a man, a sinner, guilty ‘of the other’s sin’, indeed equally responsible for it. And yet his sin escapes notice …” He continues, “a woman’s conscience does not let herforget that she has taken the life of her own child, for she cannot destroy that readiness to accept life which markes her ‘ethos’ from the beginning.” We are entrusted to eachother as persons, he states, and must become a sinere gift to one another in order to fulfill ourselves. Christ’s teaching is “a consistent protest against whatever offends the dignity of women”. The pro-life position recognizes that abortion hurts women; this sad fact is not a part of the abortion debate. An abortion seems at first blush like it helps women, it helps them get out of a troubled situation, it helps the man avoid his responsibility, his sin, in the matter — but the reality is that the vast majority of women who get abortions aren’t told the truth about what they are doing, and suffer severe post-abortion depression and trauma. That’s why amazing ministies like Rachel’s Vineyard were created. Similarly, contraception attacks the dignity of man and women — it allows them to behave in ways contrary to how they were made in the image and likeness of God. It does allow for temoprary expressions of pleasure, but it only leads to sadness and despair, not to happiness.
Shawn, I do encourage you to read Mul. Dig. and perhaps some Christopher West books — I pray that you will be open to learning about the pro-life position instead of condemning it without knowing the truth behind the position (other than the obvious, that’s it’s murder because life begins as conception). That said, I think a lot of pro-lifers were sad to not be able to vote for Obama — so many good men and women in the Catholic Church, lay and consecrated, were part of the civil rights movement, and I personally am thrilled that we have our first African American President. It shows what a long way we’ve come in such a short time! I was also not a Bush supporter because a lot of his positions were contrary to my Catholic faith — like the war in Iraq. So I understand the excitement that comes with Obama; not to mention that he’s smart, articulate, and inspires hope. I am just sad that he’s sooo very pro-abortion (e.g., partial birth abortion …), and I pray that he will experience a conversion on this issue and defend the dignity of ALL life, including the unborn.
This is long enough … may God richly bless you and may you open your heart to this truth.
I find it interesting that we have an African American president who can look back at our American history and see clearly how harshly we (America) treated black people. They were the white man’s slaves to do with what he wanted. Not fully human. Simply because of the color of there skin. How shocking it is to think about this today. Yet, in today’s world we continue to have a population of people who have no rights. The unborn. Not fully human, not because of the color of their skin, but simply because they’re not born yet. They have no voice whatsoever. Only ours to speak for them. Today, it’s not the white man who decides, but the woman. Any woman. We’re told it’s the woman’s choice and we must respect that and not stand in the way. What woman? The pregnant woman, or the blooming woman in the womb? What would her opinion be about her rights? And now a black president is going to make it so that life at any stage can be destroyed. How is our obviously intelligent president missing this? How is it that he can’t make this connection between the rights of black people and the unborn? A person is a person, no matter what color their skin or stage of development. I look at him with complete and total disappointment. I must finish this as I have to get my son to school and I think he will now be late! Thank you for allowing me to air my opinion! I wish I could think about this longer and continue my thoughts!
Ralph, who are we judging? (looks around at the other posters) I don’t see anyone judging people here. We are judging policies, laws, beliefs, etc. Who, in their right mind, can stand there and notice children being killed and not speak out?
Wow. And we’re judging? Are you kidding me? That’s what people say when they want us to shut up and allow it to continue. Don’t rock the boat. Don’t judge others.
The biggest discrimination anywhere in the world today is against the unborn. Brace yourself now. What you said could have been said to the abolitionists. Don’t judge those people who own slaves.
Sounds horrible, doesn’t it? Am I comparing you to slave owners? No way. But maybe comparing your words to those spoken by people on the sidelines.
It’s something to think about.
WOW! Great comments. I love all you guys! Keep fighting, keep praying, I always say that I’m scared for us too. I feel like I don’t do enough to fight, to stand up, and I’m like the big sister who let her younger siblings have the house party, now Mom and Dad are home. Everyone will be punished the same. For shame. Pray, pray, pray.
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