“Men will take no count of your sufferings, nor of the drops of blood running from your heart and falling on the pavement of your hidden life; but God counts them every one, and angels will gather them up. Each unseen tear thus falling from your heart is changed into a pearl of great price; and what a happiness for you to find hereafter an incalculable multitude of such pearls in heaven forming themselves into a thousand rays of glory and bliss wherewith to adorn your brows!” (From The Valiant Woman)
I’m signing off for now until after the elections. It’s a small something but it’s from me, and hopefully I will be more focused.
May God bless you and may God bless this great country.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Hear is your servant, O my God, ready to undertake all, to give all, to sacrifice all, as long as Your will may be accomplished in me and on all the earth. St Bernadette
Noooo! Sorry, I mean, that’s admirable Margaret. I salute you.
What a beautiful quote! May you be blessed during your respite…praying with you and the rest of America…
Beautiful. Thank you for the inspiration.
In the meantime, I’ll be praying for you and your precious little one.
We will be praying for the outcome!! One thing I was thinking – people on “our side” are probably praying and storming the heavens a lot more than people on the “other side.” We hope.
Lord hear our prayer!
Lovely quote Margaret.
See you after the election….
We are praying, too!
Dear Margaret: I chose to have my four wisdom teeth taken out on election day — I figure I can offer up the suffering, and sleep through most of the election drama. But I will be sure to offer up one of my “hidden blood drops” for you and your little one as well …
As an adoptive mother, I never had to contend with the most difficult aspects of pregnancy — my challenges were very different. And yet, my inability to carry a child has magnified my horror over what has been going on in our country these last forty years (and, barring a miracle, what is going to escalate in the next 4-8).
Our God is merciful … and yet, His hand of judgment will surely fall. Mother Mary, pray for us to remain faithful through it all.
Beautiful, very inspiring!
Amen! Thanks for all of the fabulous posts! I’m giving you an award.