Sadly, one of our local newspapers has refused to endorse a presidential candidate. Since they have publicized their silence, so to speak, I am stepping in to fill the vacuum.
I have not said too much about the election on my blog. However, I’ve always been clear on where I stand. There is one issue in this election that trumps them all, and that issue is the defense of Life.
Therefore I will be voting for John McCain. This is why.
A vote for Barack Obama is a vote for death. Some politicians are guilty of a soft pro-abortion stance, i.e. they speak of favoring life and wanting abortion to be safe, legal, and rare. Senator Obama is not one of these. He is unambiguously pro-abortion, pro-death.
It isn’t just that he favors abortion from conception to birth. It isn’t just that he is so 100% pro-abortion that NARAL endorsed him over Hillary Clinton. It’s that this man favors finishing the job if the baby is “accidentally” born.
You see, in Illinois they had a problem. A child was scheduled to die on the abortion table, but “unfortunately” it didn’t. It was born and it was left…cold and alone…until eventually it died.
Some people were upset by this. Once the baby was outside the mother, they posited, she had to relinquish any tenuous claim she had to being “inconvenienced” by her child. She–and by proxy her “doctor” – no longer had legal room to kill it. A group of legislators proposed a new law, the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act. It was simple: once the baby is outside the mother–in other words, born–reasonable efforts must be made to let it live.
Why did Senator Obama oppose it? Senator Obama said it would create “one more burden on women, and I can’t support that.” Senator Obama voted against this bill twice, and then killed it in committee.
As Alan Keyes said:
Christ would not stand idly by while an infant child in that situation died…. Christ would not vote for Barack Obama, because Barack Obama has voted to behave in a way that it is inconceivable for Christ to have behaved.
Plainly put, not only is Senator Obama pro-abortion, he is more pro-abortion than NARAL, which did NOT oppose the bill.
This is where his heart is, it is so fully pro-abortion (and anti-child) that he famously called pregnancy a “mistake” and said he wouldn’t want his daughters “punished with a baby.” Those are his words, his heart speaking to you.
He has made himself so clear on so many occasions that there is no way to excuse his stance. There is no way to pretend he really agrees with you and wants less abortion. He has revealed his heart to us, and as voters we have to judge it.
Yet people seem to think that “change” is good and that Obama’s “good” outweighs his bad. People read the lofty rhetoric and posit their own dreams on his words. They hope his “idealism” will lead to a heaven on earth. They hope that he will address the societal ills that lead to abortion, thereby reducing it. They hope that he and his social programs will reduce the need for abortion.
He will not. Welfare does not reduce abortion. (And note, a tax cut that sends checks to those who do not pay taxes is not a tax cut–it is welfare, plain and simple.)
Poverty is not the cause of abortion.
Sin is.
We know by Christ’s words and His Church’s consistent teaching that we cannot create a Utopian society so long as sin prevails, and make no mistake about it, an Obama administration will strengthen sin. It will increase abortion, and make us pay for it. It will encourage gay marriage (or “union”) and call it good. It will encourage dependence on government, and tax those who aren’t.
These things just aren’t Catholic.
Now, truth be told, McCain is far from the ideal Catholic politician. Of that there is likewise no doubt. The fact remains, though, that his administration will not bring the same ills that Obama’s will. A blind faith in “hope” cannot provide the justification for ignoring the harsh realities of Obama’s politics.
And so I will cast my single vote for John McCain come Super Tuesday. I am grabbing my beads, and I’m going to pray.
Blessings to you and may God bless us all,
That was so beautifully put! I wish our local papers would run that!
That WAS beautiful, Margaret, great job standing up for what is right!
HI! AMEN! I agree wholeheartily and have already cast my vote for McCain/Palin. I would have liked there to have been better choices to the Republican ticket, but it is definitely the lesser evil. WHO, if not us adults with voting power, will stand for those dear precious babies left to die alone (something our society would not even legally let an animal do!)
God Bless and may God forgive us!
eko (
Outstanding, Margaret! I vote out of state so my vote’s already in WA. I’ve been praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary daily for this election. I hope and pray McCain/Palin take the office . . . but I still pray for Obama’s camp, because they need conversion of hearts.
God bless you!
Praying with you.
Elogquently put Margaret!! I will be linking back here a lot over the next 10 days or so!!!
I’m praying with you!!!
I’m right there with you, Margaret. This election has me so uneasy and really, really frightened.
Incredibly powerful words Margaret, thank you for sharing them.
So well written. I have been hammering this issue on my blog because it is too important. We will pray! God bless!
Very well stated.
God bless you for your witness Margaret. Our Lord, the giver of Life IS PRO LIFE.
Well said, Margaret. I’m with KC, this election has me unsettled. And amazed by how many people *really* want to vote for Obama, even if they disagree with him on abortion. I don’t get it. I’ll be praying right along with you.
Bravo, Margaret! Well said and I’m praying right along with you. May God have mercy on us!
Wonderful post Margaret.
I’ve been praying extra rosaries for this election. It’s so nice to know there are others like me who are doing the same!
Praying here also!
That was so well written if I were you send that in to the editor. Send it in to the paper. You might touch a soul.
God Bless
So sad about Colin Powell.
This is also good info about his endorsement.
I am not going to be quoting this correctly, but in the Illinois legislature when he was opposing the Born Alive Act he said, “I cannot support this bill because it would label the child accidentally born during an abortion a ‘child,’ and then that would limit a woman’s options.” WHAT!?! This reasoning has now crossed the line into clearly defying logic. We cannot call the child a child? There is ignorance and then there is choosing not to see.
Praying with 40 Days for Life down here in Nashville. Voting for McCain on Nov 4th, and could Sarah Palin be a more attractive pro-life poster child? God bless you in your corner of the world.
Wow. I wish this post could reach more people. You are right on.
I am praying with you.
I’m carrying around my beads and praying with you – thought maybe others might want to try this “patriotic rosary” I found:
Kyrie Eleison
Fantastic post. Thank you! Whilst generally rightward leaning the appointment of Mrs. Palin has sent my non-Catholic husband straight to Obama’s doors and I have been trying to explain all this to him, but have not been able to sum it up so concisely or eloquently. I have bookmarked it for him. Not sure if it will make any difference, as we don’t know that his absentee ballot request got there on time, but either way, people should know!
Beautiful post, Margaret. For those who might be interested, here is a link to a website detailing Obama’s involvement with opposing the Illinois Born Alive Protection Act (including transcripts of Obama’s comments regarding the legislation):
This is fantastic, Margaret! I got my first nasty anonymous comment on my blog, when I published something my husband wrote to our Catholic friends who are voting for Obama. Please feel free to check it out 🙂
and the cutest little republican you’ve EVER seen:
Well said. I just read your post outloud to my husband and he said, “I wish more people could read her words.”
Praying for a victory!
Have you seen the youtube video “Just Tell Us the Truth”? It shows Obama speaking about the Born Alive issue, “punished by a baby”, “above my pay grade”, speaking to Planned Parenthood, etc. and shows McCain too. It’s a powerful few minutes. I posted it on my blog, but on yours some people would have a chance to view it. 😉
Amen! Well said, as always.
I’ve seen a few bumper stickers that say Catholics for Obama, and I’m always so shocked. I had one fellow Catholic tell me she’s compelled to vote for him because of the Church’s teachings on social justice. Now I would disagree that high taxation and a big government equates to a preferential treatment of the poor. But aside from that, are we forgetting that the foundation of social justice is upholding the dignity and sanctity of life? As you wrote, voting for Obama is voting for death and that’s when the political banter about who’s a better presidential candidate ends for me.
God bless.
Hear, hear! I totally agree with you, Margaret and am currently praying the rosary too.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This is EXACTLY how I feel. If only we could get more people to understand this!
I too am voting for McCain. If I am lucky enough, maybe I will be one of the many to lose my house this year; and after that, perhaps I can lose my job as well. So it won’t matter how many dependents I have, I won’t be able to support any of them. Go McCain/Palin!!!!!
Very well said, I feel the same way!!
[joseph]>>>>I too am voting for McCain. If I am lucky enough, maybe I will be one of the many to lose my house this year; and after that, perhaps I can lose my job as well.<<<<<
Joseph, you fail to realize the the housing crisis, mortgage crisis, etc. is a democratic creation. The fast money lent out through fannie and freddie (democratic creations, look it up, part of the new deal originally) was continually extended and pushed by the democrats. They pushed the banks to lend to more and more marginal borrowers as part of diversity, as part o f propping up their constituencies, etc. No doc loans. Liar loans, etc. all came from them. So if you lose your house in this mortgage mess, it is hardly McCains fault.
Of course, regardless, putting your wealth ahead of life is a bit like putting the cart before the horse.
BRAVO, Margaret. Way to tell it like it is. Now if everyone else, especially those who claim the Catholic faith, would just read this and vote accordingly!
Thank you Margaret!
Wonderful!! I am here from Beth’s blog- – such a beautifully written piece here 🙂 I’ll be praying with you.
Amen Margaret. My once anti Catholic, pro choice heart has changed over the past 4-5 years. I went with a friend from work today to cast a vote for life at one-stop voting. The election has brought up so many opportunities to answer my kid’s questions about why I chose certain candidates. God is great! Prayin for you and yours…
Hi Margaret! I found my way over here via Beautiful Day and this post is excellent! I hope you won’t mind if I link to it sometime this afternoon.