Yes, we were at the Itasca State Park.
Journey of Truth, you are the winner! (You weren’t the only one to guess correctly but you were the first.) Email me to claim your prize, which is a half-used can of mosquito spray and a tattered map of the campground.
The headwaters of the mighty Mississippi are a mere five hours’ north of us. Believe it or not, we’d never been there! (And what kind of Minnesota Mom does that make me, I ask you?)
Consequently we decided to make a long weekend of it by meeting some friends at a group camp site in the park. We are nothing if not tent-camping enthusiasts, you know.
It was fun. It was buggy. It was very beautiful.
Being the homeschooling geeks that we are, my friends and I were lamenting the fact that we hadn’t studied up on the history of Itasca beforehand. “What are you worried about?” another mother retorted. [We were complaining at a get-together a couple of days before our trip.] “They’ve got all that stuff up there! You can learn about it then.”
And so we did.
We learned, for example, that Lake Itasca is named after the Latin words Veritas Caput. That would be “True Head” for the unlearned (and aren’t I just the snob now?), named thusly by the explorer who discovered the headwaters.
I don’t remember the explorer’s name, which shows how much I really know.
We saw the headwaters and we crossed them, dog and all. (I don’t have a photo of that. I was too busy trying to get my 3-year-old to keep her clothes on.)
We climbed a 100-foot fire tower, which looked like this from below:
And this from inside the tower:
You wouldn’t know it from looking at us, but my friend Tina and I were pretty much freaking out the entire time. “This is a controlled situation,” she said to me. “We can do this.”
I’m thinking, “Panic attack. Panic attack. Panic attack.”
The church that we attended on Sunday morning was much more peaceful. Are there any priests who read this blog? Here’s a good deal for you, my friend: the parish will put you up for the week–all amenities included–provided you say Mass for them on Sunday.
What a deal, eh? Our priest was a nice young man from the great state of Ohio, and this was his ninth year visiting. [He said something about really loving the even greater state of Minnesota, but who am I to mention tha–oops!]
After Mass, we asked the kids if they wanted to run next door to the general store to get a treat for good behavior.
It turns out they did want to run next door.
They settled down soon enough, though, under the refining influence of Mrs. R. (You gotta wonder what the shopkeeper thought when she walked in with all those children.)
Between our four families, we had 18 children total. On our bike outing, we got some looks.
Here’s a shot that is familiar to all who have been tent camping. I call it “The Morning Conclave.”
Jen asked if I got my coffee when I went camping. Are you kidding? That’s the first thing I pack! I bring my French Press and some pre-ground Caribou Blend…heat up some water on the camp stove…add some half & half from the cooler…and I’m good to go!
I very much believe in roughing it, you see.
Here is Ellie the Dawg. She is sad that The Conclave has commenced without her. She wants Pop-Tarts. She smells deer.

“Actually, I smell raccoon.”
And those are the highlights of our trip!
All in all, it was a very peaceful vacation. One of the reasons that I love to camp is that life is simple when you’re out-of-doors. You don’t have to sweep; you don’t have to mop. You have time to just be and you’ve got room to breathe.
For a mom like me, that’s vital.
I miss tent camping. I used to do it all the time as a kid and lived for waking up at the crack of dawn to restart the campfire for everyone.
And when did Ellie get so big? Where did that adorable puppy go? And what is it like tent camping with a dog because the reason I don’t go now is because I don’t want to go tent camping with my 2 irish setters? Any tips would be appreciated.
Aha! I knew you couldn’t go wordless all day! 🙂
We’ve been tent camping all of twice. The first time was an unseasonably cool May in 2006. It was so wonderful that we seriously considered joining the camper-living retirees. And then we went back again in July of that same year and it was so brutally HOT that all we did was seek out small patches of shade and try not to move. At one point, we gave up and drove into town to the Dairy Queen. We’re Fair Weather Campers, yes we are. 🙂
Great camping wrap up (and don’t you secretly feel superior for tent camping?). It looks like you all had a great time!
Tent camping with the dog isn’t too bad, though I suspect it depends on the dog. Ellie stays chained up most the time, make sure she has water, and all that. At night, she sleeps in the vestibule of our tent (outside the main tent we have what is essentially an enclosed rain fly). We put her kennel in there and she sleeps just fine, but she isn’t much of a barker to begin with.
(the MN hubband)
I’ve never gone camping. Never. I’m not sure I ever will.
It sure looks like you had a great time though!
I laughed so hard when I read your remark about looking like Angela without your coffee!!!
She will appreciate that one when she gets older!!
Love your recap, glad you had so much fun!! We have never been there either and we are at least an hour closer…we’ll need to go sometime!! It sure looks beautiful!
sigh. I wish I liked camping. I really do. But it’s just not my thing. I’ve tried many times, but I can’t get warm, comfortable, clean, or away from the bugs!
I’m such a baby about these things…
I don’t do the camping thing either. I love the beach, but the woods are too buggy for me. Also, had quite a traumatic experience at Girl Scout camp when I fell out of my cot, out of the platform tent and onto the ground. In my bra no less !!!!!!!!!!! Quite upsetting to a 13 year old!
Excuse me, um, are you showing some belly in that first shot??? Good for you! What a fun family foto. I love it!
I do find it impossible to believe that a priest actually said such a thing comparing our two states. Priests are not usually known to be liars, so I’m wondering if maybe someone else is.
We love tent camping but don’t do it often enough. Your recaps make it look very enticing. I think we’d be more motivated if we knew some other families who would join us. Which reminds me…surely there must be a picturesque campground somewhere between our two great states….Love you!
Great shots and trip! Just beautiful!
[I must to admit though, this post gave me a pang of envy when I realized someone else would be getting the half can of bug spray and tattered map. 🙁 Some girls have all the luck!]
That tower! Oy vey! I am proud of you for getting to the top. I made it to the treeline, look about, snapped a few pictures, felt the floor move and my knees buckled. I got back down in a very guarded manner – slow and painstakingly – my thighs were in knots so walking that 1.5 mile road back to the car was painful!! I also have a pic of my eldest carrying my girl (that was last summer – he was 13, she was 11). Those are great photos!
BTW, Alice can have the bug spray and tattered map is she’d like. I have family in Brainard, which is why we went there. Gorgeous place. The kids did plast paw prints witht the park ranger etc. So, we still have maps etc..
Thanks for the memories!!
oh, my husband said “it makes you Southern MN’s” since it’s your first rip there and you’re MN’s. You can beat him later, as he’s from Iowa and you know how prideful that bunch can be. He hehe.
What a great post! I especially love the morning gathering around the firepit. Memories are made of these to be sure. We’ve not been campers but your photos make me want to convince my hubby to get out into the woods…snicker.
Oh wow, I really love that last picture. And, I am happy to know that you had your coffee! LOL! I believe you still were roughing it. It would be just craziness to be living outdoors without it. That is when you would need it the most. I was CRACKING UP at the picture of the door…ah…you’ve made my day. Thanks for sharing the pictures, and the wonderful commentary. Glad you all had so much fun!
I meant to say “dog”, not “door”. Perhaps I should finish my coffee before posting comments. LOL!
“One of the reasons that I love to camp is that life is simple when you’re out-of-doors.”
I don’t believe you, but you almost convinced me for a moment there…
So glad you had a wonderful time with family and friends!
Absolutely wonderful pictures Margaret – thanks for sharing your camping adventure with us! It sure looks like it was a lot of fun!
I grew up in south central MN and now live in the southwest corner. As a 7-year-old, I went with my family to Itasca. It was memorable for me in that I fell in the headwaters and soaked a pair of jeans. How embarrassing – and uncomfortable!
I was just talking about your blog to my husband tonight as we discussed how much we’d love to be in the midst of a great homeschool community…wondering if you’re in the great spot we think you are.
What a glorious time you all had!! What a bunch of cuties 😉 I would NOT have gone up, there I said it!