So I don’t know what the weather’s been like where you’re at, but around here we’ve had nothing but rain, rain, rain.
- Rain when we’re standing outside at 6:00 a.m. (bleary-eyed and in need of a cup of coffee) so that the puppy can go potty;
- Rain when we’re taking the puppy out for her mid-morning promenade (because, you know, some dogs need a bit of exercise to encourage other functions);
- And rain when we head out for a late afternoon lap around the block so that the puppy can have fun. (Girls just want to have fun, certainly. It’s even worse when they’re a girl puppy.)
My children have been cheerful little troopers throughout it all and have even clamored to be the ones to accompany Elody. Big brothers help little sisters into hoodies and shoes, little sisters get the puppy treat (awarded for good behavior during the trek around the neighborhood), and off they go.
I stand in the doorway—completely dry, with a cup of coffee—and I smile to think of all the good experience the kids are getting.
And then my heart melts—right then and there in a pool on the stoop—to have them return home from their outing and say, “Mommy! We prayed four decades of the Rosary on our walk!”
Something good is going on here, of that I’m certain.
In keeping with the theme of good humor despite the extremely bad weather, here is a corny little riddle that the kids & I crafted yesterday as we were toweling off our puppy yet again:
(Answer in the comments box.)
Have a blessed weekend, everyone!
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
A soggy doggy!
You get extra credit for coming up with the alternative answer also, which is: a wet pet.
I am hysterically laughing right now. Currently I have 6 soggy doggies…and it hasn’t stopped raining!
Okay not as good — but here’s another in honor of the cartoon dog: “A damp Tramp?”
And it’s funny that you wrote of your plethora of rain — I wrote of our lack! Can you send some of that rain to No.VA?? We’re expecting a storm today — but we haven’t had rain in 34 days!! We’re behind 13 inches or so. :s
Awwww … see how rewarding a puppy can be 😉
Girl’s just want to have fun in my house too!
You made me smile today! Thank you!
Cute joke!! God is so happy you got that soggy doggy, how wonderful that they prayed that much, on their own!!!!
I am pretty sick of this rain too, does this mean we will have lots of snow this winter? That would be fun!
Well, my answer was going to be stinky dog, but I’m certain that’s not the answer you were looking for! :o)
Have a great weekend darlin’.
Oh, and send some of that rain to OH — after my big party tomorrow, of course!
Around here he’d be called a reluctant houseguest ;-)…the rains from MN are just moving in to Chicagoland this morning. I feel your wet, pet-infused pain.
Here’s to a lovely (and dry!) weekend!
This warms my heart. Not only the joke but your children praying the rosary on their own!
I’m teaching 5th grade religious ed. at my church and one of the 2 chapters I have to cover tomorrow talks about the rosary. Most likely this will be the first time or maybe the 5th time, since they are 5th graders that they will have heard about the rosary in their lifetimes. Their lack of knowledge of their faith, children that have all received the Body and Blood of Christ is so saddening for me.
Please pray for me that I can somehow instill a love of the rosary in them tomorrow. Or if you have any tips/suggestions/resources that will help me prepare tonight send an email.
Hopefully you will see some sunshine, soon. We woke up to heavenly light pouring through the windows this morning after a week of gray, rainy skies.
Wow! I sure hope my kids say that to me someday! Good work.
Loving all the puppy puns. 🙂
You’re so funny, Margaret. Want to get out of the rain? I know a gracious hostess who lives in a wonderfully sunny place you can visit anytime. She has two little girls and loves visitors! 🙂
Oh, PLEASE send the rain down south. We are in a very serious level 4 drought in Atlanta and my poor pooch hasn’t been soggy for months and months. Praying for rain. . .
Love it! That doggy is doing what dogs do best, bringing another dimension to family life.
Looks like there was a lot of rain yesterday all over. While we are not in dire need of rain, it’s nice to add water to the pool without paying for it! The ocean was bit churned up and the lightning show rather close,so walking on the beach was out.
still have the shuttle launch set for the 23rd, but with this weather system???? It’s a spectacular event every time. Wish you all could see it!