From the heart: Thank you, thank you and thank you again to everyone who left a comment on my shameless self-promotion of a post last Friday. Will you kill me if I tell you something? I was teasing when I said it was National No Lurk Day. If perchance you thought I was serious, tell me and I’ll never, ever lurk at your blog again.
Unless I’m super pressed for time.
Or if the noodles are burning.
Or the kids are screaming.
Or I’m feeling shy.
Or stupid.
Or tongue-tied.
Or something.
In all sincerity, thank you for your encouragement. It helps me tremendously to hear that you stop by, and to think that perhaps you in turn are encouraged.
From yesterday’s meditation: one of the goals of Lectio Divina (or “Sacred Reading”) is to have the words of the text leap out at you, as it were, so that you have something to chew on for the remainder of the day. I was struck yesterday by these words from the book of Joshua: There is a living God in your midst.
First of all, wow. God is here. Am I aware of Him? Second, how often do I go zipping past our church on errands without stopping in with the kids for just a minute? Too often.
There is a living God in your midst.
From the feast of the Assumption: I woke up excited on Wednesday. I just love these big feast days, don’t you? Consequently I was acting a little giddy as I buzzed about kitchen getting breakfast.
My girls just sat at the counter, wordlessly listening to their highly caffeinated mom and waiting hopefully to be fed.
“Just think about it, girls!” I chattered. “Mary hears our prayers and intercedes for us! She is such an awesome saint! She’s the queen of saints! You know that, right? And the best part is, we can talk to her at any time,” and here I leaned over the counter and peered at them for emphasis, “because Mary is here…with…us!”
Camille thought quietly about that for a moment, and then responded:
“Oh. Is she lost?”
And finally, just for the record: The title of my post “Unsubscribed” was a reference to Bloglines, in case you were confused by that. Bloglines is a free Internet service that keeps track of all your favorite blogs and lets you know when they’ve published a new post. To “unsubscribe” is remove a blog from your list.
That is all for now. Have a blessed day and a beautiful weekend!
I wasn’t lurking. Honest. Just stopped by a few times in the distant past and once again the other day ;} My fairly new blog has more lurkers than commenters, so can relate. We plan to homeschool our kids, too. Nice blog!
Great post Margaret!! And just what I needed to hear about Lectio Divina!!!
I missed the opportunity to wish you a Happy Anniversary, but now I say, keep it up, sister!
I suspected something, as I have participated in January’s De-Lurking day/week (it’s in my blog pic) for the past couple of years. (I left a comment at Nutmeg’s gently expressing my confusion.) But I will gladly take any invitation to say hello to a new person who seems cool, and a blogiversary is a worthy occasion. And though I hardly know you, you seem just charming enough to pull off such a trick. 🙂
God bless!
Mrs. Bear
Okay, now I’m really embarassed, as I’d had no idea there was such a thing as an official de-lurking day in January.
Not that it surprises me or anything, but I’m feeling so SHEEPISH!
Hopefully you guys trust me enough to know that I’m usually pretty out of the loop when it comes to all things au courant.
Nutmeg, if you’re reading this, forgive me! 🙂
Yes–but the Assumption really is national relaxation day!(heard it on the radio)
I spent all day saying “Just RELAX!” It affected me so much I’m thinking of making every day something.
Tomorrow is national Serenity day, followed by national joy day. Don’t forget national day of laughter! 🙂
Don’t feel sheepish, please! Your post encouraged me to finally take the leap and start my own blog.
Glad that you had such a lovely feast day.
Hmm, my first thought was “Delurking day already?” Don’t worry, though. I love delurking. I’m shy, you see, and I have a hard time commening unless I’m invited.
Your penance for making up “No Lurk Day”: You will not be able to get me to shut up now. 🙂
Oh, and the Assumption ROCKS! I was dying for want of Holy Days of Obligation. Don’t know what it is, but I just love having a big ole mass in the middle of the week.