I followed with interest the bag meme, as seen here and here and here and innumerable other places. Alas, because of my recent debacle with a smallish black electronic object (aka our Nikon), I was unable to participate. (I did, however, come away with the idea for a great new bag for Mother’s Day!)
Feeling somewhat lip-quiveringly left out of the loop, I wondered how I might share with you my own (ahem) unique personality, as determined by the contents of my purse. I know! I’ll share one item! (Because on any given day my purse has at least a half a dozen of these receipts.)
Here is where “I’m at” these days, at least, here’s where I was when I was at WalMart, which was last night:
- My favorite brand of lipstick (because without it I look like the walking dead)
- A 25-lb bag of birdseed; a 5-lb bag of thistle seed (for goldfinches) and a glass hummingbird feeder to replace the el cheapo plastic model I purchased a month ago and which did nothing but leave a big, red sticky gloop of nectar on the deck.)
- Hotdogs, buns, baked beans and Lays potato chips (hmm…must be a holiday coming up)
- All-purpose flour (for making cookies)
- A full quart of half and half (for the coffee that goes with the cookies, natch!)
- Vanicream & 2 ½ percent hydrocortisone for my itchy little girl
- Sidewalk chalk (‘cause ‘tis the season); and last but not least
- A Color Wonder coloring pad & markers. This stuff is way over-priced, but I totally caved when I saw they had a Backyardigans version. Plus I justified the expense in my mind (because I’m good at that) by assuring myself that this would keep my little Hurricane occupied today while we waited for her siblings at piano.
The highest priced item was the hummingbird feeder, which was $9.87 and which consequently gave me pause, but only for a moment, because there have been hummingbird sightings in our neighborhood and I am aching to have one of these little guys just a’flutterin’ outside my window.
The cheapest item was the all-purpose flour, which was a steal at only $1.00 for 10 pounds.
Total amount spent on yesterday’s outing: $71.39.
Which just goes to show you that those discount stores don’t always save a shopper like me money!
Feel free to join in on the meme, if you like—it’s a silly little meme, but I thought it might be fun to see what you ladies are up to with the holiday weekend upon us. And if you do participate, please leave a comment so that I know, okay?
Have a blessed weekend!
How fun, Margaret! Kind of like I was shopping right along with you! (Now wouldn’t that be fun?)
Hmmm, I happen to have a Target stop planned tomorrow … 🙂
Happy Weekend!
OK, we are sisters.
I have the hipster style Vera Bradley bag in citrus. Got it off ebay… very fun.
And the backyardigan thing? I would have caved too. Since, as you know, my kids are addicted.
I gave up on colorstay when Little Dear colored her face with it and it lived up to it’s name.
I have a slew of shopping to do today, so look for my post tomorrow!
One dollar for ten pounds of flour? Wow! The cheapest I can get it anymore is 89 cents for five pounds.
I confess – I do not carry a purse or a “bag”. I have a navy blue Jansport backpack. Sounds silly, but it works great for lots of stuff, it’s hands free and doesn’t throw me off balance or slide off my shoulder when I’m carrying & escorting my 4 little ones. 🙂
My last receipt was $35.50 for 10 gallons of gas at Casey’s (how unexciting) but my dh’s was $0.34 for a Hershey’s Special Dark candy bar at SunMart (for me – how thoughtful!)
And I buy my half-n-half at Sams….
This is too funny! I don’t have a bag–just a 3L bottle of Sam’s Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil and a bag of oranges. The olive oil is for Brian and the oranges were for my new fruit bowl.
I’m basically new here. I’ve checked out your blog a couple of times but have to limit my computer time. I’m sure you can relate. Just wanted to say, I’ve never met anyone who even knows what Vanicream is and when I ask at the stores they look at me oddly and tell me to try the female hygiene area. I just laugh as I walk away and usually find it on my own. Lately the only place I can get it is Walgreens. Thanks. It made me smile knowing someone else is teaming it with hydrocortisone, probably rubbing the wrists and shins of young ones as they topple into bed at night.