To spend a little–heck, how about a lot of extra time with your children.
Tonight’s the Night
To call up your parents and ask, “How are you?”
Tonight’s the Night
To read a stirring, intellligent commentary on this latest tragedy; and maybe one more for good measure to bring you peace.
Tonight’s the Night
To not think about the bad stuff, so much….but if you want to think, make it a prayer.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
And let the perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.
Thank you. I only wish my husband would feel some peace….Big Brother is at school until 10:00 every night working the lights for the school play, and TheDad is so agitated until he gets the “come pick me up” phone call.
I loved the Anchoress’ piece. She is an amazing writer!