So what does a Catholic homeschool conference and Alaska have in common?
Momma bears, first off, and lots of them!
You really must not mess with a Catholic homeschooling momma. I know this because I am a Momma Bear Maximus and have ties to both the MCHEC conference and the Catholic homeschooling community in Alaska.
And that is why this year, I had to choose between attending THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CONFERENCE! (Sorry, I’m very excited about this fact) and visiting my bosom chum bestie Sarah Jane.
You can see that we go way way back.
My husband and I even met at her wedding! For this, she has earned a higher rank in heaven because there are eleven new souls that came into the world as a result.
{cue celestial choir}
I am forever indebted to Sarah Jane.
All that said, and since you probably won’t be joining me in Anchorage this weekend, will you please go to the conference and take lots of notes?! Because Dr. Ray Guarendi! And Jennifer Mackintosh! And Sterling Jaquith!
And more, much more.
It’s a homeschooling momma bear (and dad) paradise and one of the largest Catholic homeschooling conferences in the country.
Unlike Alaska, which is one of the largest countries at the Catholic homeschool conference.
Wait, what?
Don’t tell your homeschooler I called Alaska a country. It will really really bug them.
What else can you expect to find at the homeschool conference? Well, you could attend the talk on Beginning Homeschooling given by my friend and mentor Cathie Baier and that alone would be worth the fee.
Seriously. Cathie Baier is the wind beneath my homeschooling wings.
You will also find a dazzling array of curricula, books and classroom goodies—perhaps a bit too dazzling, my husband might argue, because I have come home broke and beholden far too many times. “It’s for the greater good!” I tell him, and when it comes to the vendors at this conference…
Yeah, well, they’re pretty much all good and that’s the problem.
I tell you what. YOU go to the conference and I’LL go to Anchorage, and when I get back we’ll all compare notes. Because I will tell you right now—and I speak from 18 years’ worth of experience—homeschooling moms need to stick together.
It’s a dog-eat-dog—I mean, bear-eat-bear world out there.
Lions and tigers and, well, you get the idea.
This is why I am so thankful for conferences like these in our midst! We need this time for inspiration. We need hope…and encouragement…and humor…
…and love.
Get yours at the door! Last minute registrations welcome. ❤️
You know, they can come to Alaska, too. No passport necessary.