Here’s something so funny you’ll forget to laugh:
I failed to take my own advice on Valentine’s Day and ended up having a truly rotten day. (Read: NO quality time between husband & wife. Tears. Self pity. Lots of comparing my life to the people on Facebook.)
Note to self? Stop writing notes if you’re going to ignore them!
Well, in any case I hope YOU had a happy Valentine’s Day, and who really needs an excuse to be happy, anyway? That’s what my husband wondered. Doesn’t she already know he loves her?
(Apparently I didn’t. Who knew?)
Much much good came out of a temporary bad, in that I asked for prayers in my moment of darkness and my friend is sending me a copy of this book: Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. He’s the author of Wild at Heart, which I’ve seen around but haven’t read because in my heart, I am not wild at heart.
Rather, I am captivating!
(That is to say, I want to be.)
(It’s a Mars/Venus thing and I’ll keep you posted, I always do.)
Meanwhile, have you heard of this book? Do you like it? I can’t wait to dip into it as part of my Lenten routine for spiritual growth!
Goodness knows, I need it. 😉
Our priest recommended Wild at Heart to my DH a few weeks ago and even lent the book to him. Greg reads it before bed and asked me if I would read it too when he was done as he said it has a lot of great insight into the male brain/heart. I have heard of the other one geated more towards woman as well and though it has been awhile, I believe my friends liked it.
I am sorry you had a bad day, hopefully you get some good quality time soon!
It really is a Mars/Venus thing, Marie, along with my own mismanaged expectations and insecurities! My friend that’s sending me Captivating said that her husband read Wild at Heart and really liked it.
Love to you, my dear!
What happened to John’s hand?
Ha! You’re sweet for asking, Jennie!
It’s an old photo from last year. He had broken his pinkie.
Your note to self woke me up to the many times after reading blogs and books, I then tended to ignore what would help me assist others in need of my helping them with their crosses. To often my concerns was with my cross instead those whose crosses were far more difficult than mine.
Oh, dear Margaret, I appreciate your honesty and humility in admitting that you didn’t follow your own advice (which I did find myself needing, thank you). It’s comforting we’re all so human. But we keep at it, finding new grace with each day. Hugs & prayers!
Read this by Susan! As always, thanks for keeping it real! Fr. Philip N. Powell OP. 1st Sunday of Lent and Ash Wednensday. Don’t play the devil’s game. Humility and Mercy. Be careful with the first homily, it should be completely read before your opinion of it.