And though I haven’t a CLUE what I’m doing just yet…
I feel like a kid at the playground. It’s fun!
But I’m lost. š
Come over and say hi if you have a chance. Better yet, give me a hefty push up this learning curve. It’s steep and I’m old but what the heck?
Welcome to WordPress! It is new and different … but really fun to play around and make it your own!
Woot! So proud of you! Things already look great ever here : )
My head spins at the thought of learning a new system! Bon chance!
You’ve got more guts than I do, girl! Go get ’em! And get an ice cream when you’re done sweating it out at the playground!
Hi Margaret! How do you like WordPress so far? My very lonely and old blog at Blogspot needs a makeover. I’ve not felt inspired to write or share in so long, but maybe a switch in scenery would help;)
How fun ! Welcome to your new space!
My dear Margaret, the blog looks great! You have this hurdle mastered. Hope your weekend was good.
So, people can only make money on a blog by joining WordPress? Is that why people switch?
I’m sure you will figure it all out….can’t wait to see more from you!
Margaret, am I missing something? You’ve moved your blog, but I’m not seeing any new posts?? I don’t want to miss out on a single post from you!! God bless!
Bloglovin’ doesn’t seem to know you exist here yet. I’ll tell them!
I’ve been reading your blog for the past couple of years. Thanks for continuing to blog, even if it’s only for the moment. Thanks for keeping it real.. May God reward you for your faith -filled outlook, despite the challenges you face.