Trying something new & improved: planning out a weekly menu! Fingers crossed; it’s Monday and I’m feeling optimistic.
I was inspired by the ever-awesome Mary Ellen, to whose blog I’m linking and to whom I owe whatever accountability I do or do not have.
Horse Shoe Cookies (haven’t decided/gonna ask the kids)

.: Horse Shoe Cookies :.
The first (and only) time we made these, I remarked,
“I’ve never heard of adding oats to short bread before. ”
“Well,” Cate replied, “They’re for his horse!”
What do you think? Can I do it?!
You can do it!! Oh, and let us know how that poor mans goose goes over. I love liver but the kids, hmm, no so much. That recipe, with the bacon added, sounds good.
I agree that it sounds good! But…LIVER…so we'll see. I can count the number of times that I've cooked it for my family on no hands.
Yes, you can! And once you start doing it, you will wonder how you ever got a meal on the table without a meal plan! It's always a little effort at the beginning of the week but the rest of the week will run much more smoothly with a meal plan – at least it does for me!
That's what I'm hoping, Beth! I've tried {unsuccessfully} over the years to make menu-planning a habit. The 86th time's the charm? ; )
I do this….only instead of assigning days….i just list seven days of gives me a flexibility and has made it easier yo dtsu on track when I haven't committed to a menu that isn't appealing to me on any given day.
I can already see the need for flexibility. Like right now: Who ate the corn that I was gonna make for supper? Cue desperate text to the husband who's running errands.
Husband brought home extra corn! Dinner was saved!
Thank you so much for posting your menu. It's nice to see that I'm not the only one that makes simple meals and not elaborate gourmet creations. (That's what I picture others doing by the way
I'm saving those elaborate gourmet creations for when my husband and I are retired and traveling the States in a RV.
Because I'm sure it will come with a double oven.
For a new taste for the perogy's I cook them the night before then refrigerate until the next day and fry them in butter and onions. I have tried cooking them then frying them right away but they do not work out. They need to be refrigerated over night.
That sounds really good. If I'm organized enough, I'm gonna try it!
I just have to say you are so good with your breakfasts!!! Every day it seems is free for all, whatever you can find that is breakfasty, eat it. Seriously….I can't do it all. One year, last year or the year before, I did the Muffin Mondays, Toast Tuesdays, Waffle Wednesdays, Eggs on Thursday, (nothing fits with that one) French toast Friday, Smoothie Saturday and Sunday was whatever is quick…because of Mass. But, you know, the kids got tired of it. Homemade waffles? "I'm tired of those" SO I quit it. Maybe I should do it like once a month or something.
Anyway, as I was saying, I'm pretty dang impressed with your breakfasts. Heck I'm impressed with the whole thing. When making my bi-weekly list, I just write down 14 evening meals, 4 weekend lunches, and get a ton of breakfasty items…you know, yogurt, cereal, Kefir, granola bars…yes, even pop tarts (only my oldst likes those).
Way to go Maggie!!