I’m sorry. It’s Monday and I’m talking about my exhausting weekend.
That’s not right! You probably need as much pep in your step as I do. Here’s Maggie’s Helpful Hint #1:
Coffee. Lots of it.
(I’m on my 2nd 3rd cup.)
Alas, there’s no Helpful Hint #2. Are you kidding? You leave me one in the com-box because, HELLO, it’s been an exhausting few days.
Stopping with the dramarama now and shifting to straight reporting. My Cate turned 13 on Thursday, the day after I stressed/but/survived the KARE 11 news thing. Felicity, then, turned 11 on Friday.
You’re getting my drift, right? Back-to-back birthdays; two themes; two cakes.
I took a ton of photos (okay, quite a few), but double-alas, my camera’s card is being wonky. As in: I lost half my photos from TV studio because the card decided to “re-format” itself. I can’t access the photos from Cate’s birthday for this same reason; they’re there on the card but are in some secret code that I’ve yet to crack.
Sob. I want a new photo card and–why not?–a camera to go with it.
I’ll tell you the themes, though, and post photos when/if I’m able. Cate’s was Wicked (naturally) and Felicity’s was “Chinese”. (I was inspired by the thought that the number 11 looks a bit like chopsticks.) Lame? Not at all! It turned out to be fun! Though I needed to call my friend for help with the shopping list.
“Hello?” I said, from the party aisle at WalMart. “Is this Parties by Charlotte?”
She was like, “Excuse me?”
And then, once my friend Cathie directed me to an Asian market by her house, we were set. There were cute little bowls and a set of chopsticks for everyone. There were painted Geisha girls and a kabuki face cake…
…but again, I can’t get to my photos so for now, just imagine.
That’s what I’m doing, anyway.
I’m imagining…and remembering…and drinking my coffee in great slurpy gulps.
(I know, I know.)
(That is so not a Geisha thing to do.)
I think it just ate my comment which was…
You tease! Who is the patron saint of camera cards? I seriously need to see some pictures now!!!
This is a test to see if Blogger eats my comment too.
Sounds like lots of fun…the birthdays, not the card issues.
Thank you for the funny post on this cold, dreary Monday. It made me giggle.
Wow! Way to go, Super Mama!
Nice to be tired from good things. 🙂
I once had my camera card re-format itself and lost the hosptial pictures of the brand new first grand-child — sob, sob. Anyway, after the fact (too late for me) I found that there is a site where you can retrieve the pictures depending on whether or not you took more pictures and the time lapse between the re-formating and when you try to retrieve the pictures. Alas, since it has been 6 1/2 years since this happened, I don't know the details — they may have been in the camera instructions or on the packaging for the camera card.
I am really not trying to be nit-picky or snarky here, but as a matter of loyalty – being married to a Japanese man, the mother of half Japanese kids, and a long-time resident of said country – I must point out that geisha girls are, in fact, Japanese. 😉 The one in your photo is very cute!
Happy Birthday to your girls – and way to go, Mom!!
That's not nit-picky or snarky at ALL, Sue! It's informative and I thank you. Hug your husband and apologize for me. : )
I should have said it was an "Asian" theme. : )
I feel nakid without my camera and pictures!! Can't wait to see!
Happy Birthday to your girls, toasting them with my cup of coffee eh 😉
We had back to back birthdays the 16th (#4 turned 2) and the 17th (#2 turned 24) and then our 1st grandbaby(#2's son) decided he wanted a birthday that week too and came about 3 weeks early on the 20th. Thankfully my camera card is working well. I have a memory card with the photos from our 25th anniversary Mass that did the wonky thing. If time matters then I doubt if I can recover it because it's been over 2 yrs.
Happy much belated birthday to your girls. It sounds like a wonderful couple of days.